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Posts posted by Morlom

    • Compared to an existing server, how is the performance?
      • Latency is fairly high in new server, but still it runs nicely and is very much playable. Joining to arena, flashpoint and GSF went nicely without any issue.
    • What region/country do you reside in?
      • Europe
    • Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla.
      • Shae Vizla has much higher for me than Darth Malgus, that might be just because my location
        • Darth Malgus: 60-80
        • Shae Vizla: 300-400
    • Is grouped content working properly?
      • How quickly can you get into a match or Flashpoint you’ve accepted?
        • Even with this amount of ping, I got into those content swiftly after accepting
    • Is travel to any location (planet, Stronghold, Fleet, etc…) hindered?
      • No problems with that
    • Are there any issues with the UI such as missing assets or loss of functionality?
      • Didnt see any with those I used
    • Are there any issues with visuals or sounds with the cinematics?
      • No problems
  1. We noticed same about battery duplications, but it was doable in normal way by ignoring additional battery from the droid. Was just very annoying to watch all the time that I don't touch second battery since it was very close to charging station. Also if using additional battery is used in start all batteries could disappear :D fortunately it's fixed todays patch.
  2. I use mainly Efficient Termination set for my tank assassin on bosses. It's not big but gives 10% dmg reduction from spike. Spike accualy does decent damage aswell but as said have to implement it in rotation and learn to use it in it. If there is mobs to die in boss, then Saber master might be better.

    For more dps I'd go with death knell in single and for aoe trishin + 3 amplifier pieces

  3. Same Lightsabers hilt with activated Blade




    And with deactivated blade



  4. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/356/0/4/my_first_lightsaber_by_madnare-d6yxlts.jpg


    My first Lightsaber


    What you think about it?


    All comments are welcome :)

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