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Posts posted by hunterlue

  1. Why should people do it? They like to raid but it's not everything to them, why should they sacrifice other interest for it? If you do that to a guild, many of them will dislike you, it's hard to step on two ships at the same time, especially if there are schedule conflict.


    Why should raid require so much more than other content, when it's no longer the top fun? Especially very old raid should be opened to the majority, the elite raider had their fun for years.


    why should people who can do the content on their own search for a group where they have to teach? Why should those people sacrifice their times to run with someone that has no idea what he is doing.


    The fact that people still search for HM Groups with achievements proove that there are plenty of players out there to choose from, if you couldnt find people with achievements anymore, they would search for any player.


    Lets be honest with yourself. Would you rather:


    A: search for teammates who have done the bossfights in HM/NM before and have a high chance of succeeding.


    B: search for people who havent done so just to teach the boss mechanics for the 100th time to people you have never met and fail 90% of the time.


    Again, people want group members who have complete the OP because its faster, it isnt as nerve wracking and there are still enough people who meet those requirements to change things up.

  2. And the problem with the "join a guild"-solution is that people who might want to try out ops don't want to leave their otherwise perfectly fine guild for a guild that does ops/HM ops/NiM ops. If you're mainly a, let's say, pvp-player, and are in a pvp oriented guild that does the occasional SM ops, and would like to try out a HM ops, it would be insane to leave your guild for a guild that does HM ops when you still mainly just do pvp.


    thats when you form a raid group. ( 8 people from different guilds that come together to play ops together) no need to join guilds for that

  3. But it has HM and NIM, and shouldn't be wasted to the majority of the players.


    Yeah, people don't want to teach others for very old ops and they don't want to waste their own lock on newbies, so this further reduced the chance for new people to get in. The problem was not about learn to play or skills, it's about having a chance to keep trying on boss and learn. This is the biggest problem of the current raidbase.


    what is hindering new people to join up with other new people and attempt them together while reading guide or watching some of the awesome boss video guides someone posts here in the forums and complete them together? Oh right i forgot you dont want to invest time into "old content". If you cant clear 5-2 year old content in the harder difficulties then its not old for you.


    If i buy a new game and dont want to invest time into it and dont want to die a few times at each chapter i turn the settings to easy and not hard/very hard.

  4. Why make "teacher" necessary rather than either lower the difficulty or reduce the people it requires, let players be able to do it whenever they want rather than require a disciplined group?


    that already exists in the form of Storymode, no knowledge required, basicly press 123 on tank dps and heal and you are done.


    While i am partly with you that people with hm knowledge could teach pugs how the bosses are to be played, you also have to understand that people dont want to teach people all the time in their own free time, maybe they do it in their guild for 1 or 2 days a week and just want a smooth run for once and search for experienced mates.


    It's not a EVENT and if you believe that is is you either deluded or a Bioware spin doctor.


    In fact you sound like a very angry Bioware spin doctor because i had dare to challenged the official party line and bring up legitimate concerns held by many who sub to game.


    The Gree, Raghoul and Bounty Contracts are REAL events.


    This LS V DS is not a EVENT!!


    so being able to buy rewards from the same 10 quests every day for 1 weeks is somehow more of a event then beeing able to play the whole game again and also getting rewards? ok


    its kinda the same just you have more stuff to do with this event.


    Maybe you ran the game 10 Times already, but you also have ran the gree event countless times on many toons.


    So why i Gree an event in your eyes and DS/LS not? ah right they lock you out of gree after 1 week again :o

  6. Here is how you are able to play Those OPS:


    LFM (Looking for more) Dread Fortress SM Newbie run 2 Tanks 2 Heals 4 DPS (substract your role from these). Everyone welcome.


    I guarantee you in less than 20 minutes your group will be full and with at least someone who has done it before and can explain the fights for you.


    It is that easy. Just copy the text into the General Chat on the Fleet and maybe the LFG Channel if your server has one and repeat the same for Dread Palace.


    is it really that hard?

  7. People just don't want to spend so much time to wipe their *** off on 2-4 years old content anymore. The era of raid is gone as well. Even at its prime, there weren't that many people doing them. I'm just so surprised that some forum members don't get it.




    if people still wipe on that content than it may be 2-4 years old, but for the people wiping it is new content, because if you knew the content from 2-4 years ago, you wouldnt wipe your *** of them

  8. well see what from your perspective it wont really affect you so i can see why you dont really care, its simply not findign another game someone likes mate, if the player really enjoys Swtor, you can just tell them to quit because they a cant afford sub every month, it cost 50$ just for one month sub for me ^,^, ill give a game as an example, Age of Wushu, in age of wushu Free to play access allowed us to be able to access 80% of the games content for Free ( excluding Factions that needed specific item only Subs can get to join ) but what Subscription did was, grant more rewards from weekly missions , allow access to a certain faction ( There were classes for skills etc. which was all FREE , and Factions to but like 1-2 required u need Sub in the early to get into them ) but then they made it so you didnt need to sub , anyway even there Pvp warzones ( yes they had queue able Pvp Arenas ) Was comepletely Free Sub just got more Rewards than Non Subs,


    You say " SWTOR provides greater access to the game than most MMOs in their Free to Play model. You get the entire core game " out of all the games ive played Swtor Does not, Swtor is the only Mmo game ive played that made you pay for levels, but then again im speaking for the People who Cant afford sub im not speaking for people like you who don't care but just want to criticize people, You can afford sub which let me guess cost only 20$ for you a month then i dont see why your On a Post thats meant to help the Free to Play Players, and im sure this would bring more players into the game .


    Over on Age of Wushu, monthly subscriptions didnt cost nearly as much, and was worth the Payment, Many Players still payed for sub, and Sub didn't but was still able to enjoy the game , If I didn't Like this game then I wouldnt be here typing this now wouldn't I.


    You dont understand the System in this game.


    The Free to Play in this game refers to "Star Wars The Old Republic". At no Point anywhere in the F2P Page does it tell you that anything past this is part of the F2P model. We are now at an EXPANSION of the CORE game, which costs money, at this moment a monthly subscription. I dont know this Age of Wushu, but im sure, you dont get the latest expansions for free, only as a sub or as a one time payment (just like here Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan mind you)


    And please tell me in which country you live, 50$ sounds like ********, no offense

  9. Some people don'T want things to be "beginner friendly".

    They only want to remain within their own closed circles effec tively locking everyone out.

    "Beginners ? Who needs this plebs ?"


    well yes its a hardmode op, it makes absolutely no sense that its easier than every SM OP that exists.

  10. hmm, I played the so called "end game". 4, 3, 2 and 1 year ago. While it was actually possible to get some players and do it.

    I completed every existing Operation. Once, twice or even 5 times.

    Did it on couple of characters.


    But now I really do not see the point of doing the same stuff over and over, especially when people who want to do it call for "achievs" or other stuff (have TS, parse, whateverarse).

    I do not have parse, i do not use TS, i find it pointless.


    When I want to play specific part of the game, it is because either I particualrly like it or haven't done that before, thus in most cases i WILL not have the "achiev". if i do, it means I HAVE DONE THAT, End.


    At this point I do not even do the FPs, because, again, I have done them1000 times on all possible characters.


    the idea of running the Star Fortress for uncountableth time, is...no there is NO such idea.


    So what I do? I enjoy playing the vanila game over and over again, different chars, different approach.

    At least it had some meaning.



    I guess many more players would participate in End Game if the restictions placed by "the raiding guilds" were not that rigid.


    I have 4 tanks. geared on the level, with decent knowledge about class specifics. NONE of them I took into any operation, just because I am too afraid to try (and be blamed if I screw up with something).


    Besides, for an old ***** as me, the number of things you have to take into account is just...too much. Tank swaps, variuous buffs and debuffs happening due to something, target of target, all that nonsense...just too much.


    I wanna enjoy my game time, not WORK it.

    I already have a job.


    So, i am actually having fun in PVP, where the games last way shoreter than any operation.


    Nobody asks for achievements or starparse for SM operations, at least not the majority, few of them may want TS for some basic communication but even there are loads of SM groups that dont need that.


    no "raiding guild" is keeping you out of SM ops, there are literally hundreds forming every day, just join one, hell many of them are first time runs from what is see, just jump in there.


    And if you dont want to work to clear a specific content that is designed for groups that have to work together then maybe raids arent something for you in your specific situation.


    Im sure the majority of people playing this game have a job or something else to do outside of gaming so that is not an excuse. I havent seen many people under the year 16 or sth

  11. StarParse is a violation of the EULA/TOS. And I don't need it. I can play games without some not allowed Software telling me what to do. Might surprise you, but some players actually do have skill.


    implying starparse tells you what to do :rolleyes:


    if there was something wrong with useing starparse you can bet Bioware/EA or whoever would have done something about it

  12. Once again... only catering to their own little circle. If everyone did this then no one would get anywhere other than the prodigal sons. You admit to being carried at first, what if instead of carrying you, they just went "nope.. sorry, you aren't pulling your own weight and your screwed bud." It reminds me of the people who get bullied on the playground and once they get old enough they become the bullies themselves.



    Sorry if my point isn't clear as I have my baby sister begging to go outside right now... so I just gotta rush this :D.


    it was not a hardcore raiding group, we went from all the SM ops as a team and then through HM SNV clear in march 2014 after 3 weeks of wiping, Asation clear somewhere in may 2014 after another weeks of wipes, then we wiped 3 months on the 4rd boss of DF and cleared DP fairly easily in late August 2014 as a guild.


    I may add that i joined this guild while beeing lvl 32 or sth and then stuck with them, but i refuse to believe there are no guilds available that do casual SM OPS for now and then, when enough people are willing to take the next step tackle HM Ops. I see at least 3 of them recruiting on my german server.


    But maybe slowpoke can tell us on which server he plays, im willing to transfer my legacy to that and even buy a lvl 60 to watch the situation on his server.

  13. So you have gone through similar process to get experienced. And you are denying others.


    Who wasn't total stranger, when you have met them, unless you are real life friends?


    i bet he did it with a guild in hard earned weekly sessions of wiping over weeks/month.


    ofcourse everyone is a stranger at some point, but after 1 or 2 weeks in a guild when you are somewhat integrating yourself you are part of it and the fun can begin.


    you cant expect something to come to you without giving at least a littlebit

  14. Well, in fairness... an achievement on a character could in fact be from being carried in a group. Which makes using it kind of questionable, but it does serve as a first pass filter. I would expect the second pass filter by a group leader to be a few questions designed to ferret out someone who was "carried". I don't agree with this approach in group leadership, but there is really nothing to stop them.


    There are guilds in this game that will carry anyone through content for a credit fee. And nothing other then intelligent Q&A by a group leader can ferret this out. And no, I am not claiming that PuG group leaders are any good at intelligent Q&A.... I leave that to each player to determine. :)


    sure, some are bought or carried, but not ALL of them, because thats what he is saying



    Seriously, the current status of raid community is bad enough, and you are saying it's not hard to get a group, when a big part of this niche community doesn't accept people?


    at the start i was beeing carried a bit for sure, but since roughly 2 years i have a pug completion rate of 80% if i have to guess because i know what the **** im doing, at least as a healer and dps.


    FYI we are 10 people in our guilding raid group, we have 2 raiddays, wednesday and sunday, everyone gives his notice 1 day before if he can attend or not. If someone cant attend then we search for 1-2 randoms to fill, WITHOUT achievements mind you because some guildies dont have it aswell, might as well can explain the randoms the fights aswell.


    but when i want a relaxing pug run to RELAX and chill out im going to join achievments only, sorry.


    we are also open to new people in our guild, so i dont even know what your problem is when some people just want to relax in a chillout raid sometime

  16. I always find myself wondering: How did those people get the achievement in the first place?


    Of course, the obvious answer is, they ran the content. It kinda sucks, for some people, that epeen comes before social aspects of the game, but I wonder: How many people posting in this thread that they "don't have the time to waste carrying noobs" are also on here complaining that the game is dead? Correlation, maybe?


    why do people want to get carried? you cannot carry someone trough SNV HC the last boss will wipe your *** of,


    you cant carry someone trough 3rd boss TFB,


    you cant carry someone trough 2nd boss in DF and so on.


    I explain those fights 2-3 times a week to friends, i dont want to explain them to random strangers on the other days of the week.

  17. Because raiders are already very small community, if a large part will not join, it's going to cause problem.


    So you started out as a experienced player rather than a newbie? You didn't learn the ops through wipes and repair costs? WHY DID YOU WANT TO TAKE AWAY OTHERS' CHANCE TO LEARN IT LIKE YOU DID???


    NO I SEARCHED FOR A FCKING GUILD TO GUIDE ME TROUGH IT(why did you start to type in allcaps btw ***?!?!?), i do not expect random people that dont know me to waste their time trying to teach me stuff.


    and dont come with your dumb excuse that guilds only take experienced players, that is so blatantly wrong i dont even know what to say anymore


    Just like in real life im not going to teach a random person asking me if i can show him how to play football to compete in my leauge, there a plenty of clubs (guilds here) that will teach you how to play football.


    however if that random reallife person is asking me to teach him how to play football for a amount of money worthy my time, i will gladly teach him, because i have something to gain from it.


    Its the same in this game.


    Join a guild and they will teach you. dont want to? PAY players to take you into ops and teach you.


    it is that simple

  18. Plus people would not join your group if you or a few members haven't done it, which increase the difficulty to form a group?




    you say for urself that in your opinion its so unfair to players that people require achievements, so just FORM YOUR OWN with no requirement, by YOUR OWN LOGIC this group would be filled in no time because elitists who want achievements wont join, but the people without it will join in a second because there is finally someone who is willing to take them. you say yourself those people are the majority.


    you can now have fun wiping with 7 inexperienced players, have fun

  19. And how did they become experienced players? Not through miserable wipes?


    Sure you can have your fun, but when it's going to harm others(increase their difficulty to find groups), it's going to change. We are talking about GROUP CONTENT, which your decision matters to others, understand this before you reply.


    OK lets do this.


    the majority People learned them in a guild most likely.


    Most People that form the HM Pugs with Achievement requirements are people who are in a guild that runs those OP's within their guild 2 or maybe 3 times a week. Now while playing with their guildmembers together they take their time and explain those fights for their guildmembers when they have a hard time clearing it, because their guildmembers are their friends and you are a TEAM of 8 people comming together 2 or 3 times a week Rip those Bosses a new one.


    Now I have everything clear, but my guild for example has EV/KP and TFB/SNV HM clear, every boss beaten. However we are 3/4 in EC 4/5 in DF and DP, 3/5 in ToS and 3/5 in RaV as a group. While im not the Raidlead and my main task in our raidgroup isnt to explain those fights, i still help our Raidlead to explain the fights we struggle with our other Guildmates (2 times a week at least) and i absolutly enjoy explaining it, even if we still fail to beat them because those people are my Friends and we joke about so many random **** between the bosses or at bosses we can clear with our eyes closed, thats what i love about it and thats why im willing to teach them.


    Now i think that many people who form this HM Pugs do the same as me with their guilds.


    So when we start an HM Pug i want to actually clear that content as fast as possible, i dont know the majority of the players i pug with, i cant joke with you how i can with my guild, i maybe see your characters name for the first time, you are a completly random person to me.


    Can you please tell me why i should teach a random stranger i have never even heard or seen of the mechanics of those bosses? I explain the mechanics of the bosses 2-3 times a week to my guild/friends i care about, now i just want a smooth run of those operations and not people that need 10 minutes of explanation/boss. I have no Problems to wipe a few times with a pug group IF i see that everything is working and we just make silly mistakes.

    I however have Problems to wipe because someone has no idea what he is doing.


    I hope i could make my point. I explain this **** 2-3 times a week, excuse me if i dont want to teach random people on the other 2 days i have to raid.


    To the Achievements:

    Even if you make them invisible and unable to check by other people, i will still ask you if you have done the HM im about to spend 2-3 hours with you. If you tell me YES and then proceed to wipe the whole group multiple tunes because you have no clue what you are doing, then i am going to boot you, not only for beeing unable to clear that OP, but because you lied in my face.

  20. No, we had to cc/knock back around 2-3 times because it was not a guild run, people didn't have much experience of it. Have you done it with PUGS in 3.0?


    It's still harder fixed than location since those illusions are very deadly.


    No, the gear advantage was greatly nerfed due to the nerf on our DPS. It deals a lot of damage if you are not careful.


    Overall DPS? Probably, but 3.0 NIM requires you to have high DPS at each chain phase, along with cc in very short time period and you got to do it 6-7 times during the whole fight, failing it once=wipe. So it's still harder than 4.0 HM because all of the mechanics, nearly none of them could be ignored. The only "harder" part of 4.0 HM is the overall DPS check compare to NIM.


    i pugged it in 3.0 and we facerolled it, just like your group, while i was at 1/7 when beeing lvl 55. stop acting that it was hard in 3.0

  21. How? Chained Manifestations is much more difficult to dealt, there are knockback in the Kell Dragon phase, the little illusions spawn at random places


    oh please your dps was so high that you had to knockback each 1 time.


    a little bit more awareness is needed for the illusions but you just had to assign one side to each player, they just had to react a bit quicker to get to them in time now, really no big deal


    and what does the knockback matter at the kelldragon phase if anyone can facetank his spikes because they have like 15k more hp than intended and are 6 gear tiers higher.


    now the mechanics of the hm version today are obviously much easier, but the DPS required to down him is much more challengeing than doing it in 3.0 NM

  22. You are saying 3.0 NIM SnV pug run is easier than 4.0 HM SnV guild run?

    Oh really? Then why didn't most of the pugs run for non EV/KP HM unless there is priority?


    exactly, 3.0 NM SnV was easier than 4.0 HM now

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