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Posts posted by RButchie

  1. Complaining cause you're lazy. I guess you want full 224 gear cause you feel like your boredom is cause to be a special snowflake .


    Did I say anything about raid gear.....TROLL.....shut yer face


    Aren't there comps involved in the story?? That you would miss out on??

  2. We need quality of life changes here BW....you keep adding packs/items and searching for them takes a lot of time...even for an expertt!!


    If i was a newb and tried to find something in the CF called collections....I probably wouldn't click the button again!!


    It's a win/win for e1....make things easier to find....things sell more on the CM....more packs move...more coins bought!!





    The Hoarder of Crap

  3. We might have what you are looking for on the Shadowlands.....Elite


    We do have a hardcore raid team but its def. not required....actually our GM is not a major fan of it either but will run when we need him!! He mostly runs the 16 man Sm stuff on any given day with 1 of his alts (His puter is currently down though)!!


    Pretty casual, helpful and a good mix of young and old(er) who like to have fun playing the game....We do a lot of our business and scheduling on a website which I run http://eliterep.enjin.com/home and have a imp side guild for alts (currently not very populated)


    There is always someone on and peak times we get 20-25!! So maybe check it out



  4. Two things that really baffle me about this game as a fairly new player:


    1. mission log---quite the clusterF at 55


    2. finding new areas with missions that never new about while leveling--that i wouldn't have needed anyhow because I was @55 60% through the game---to the devs---what a waste if nobody does these missions----you could have set the top level at 100 and still had stuff to do??


    Not very well thought out!!


    just my 2 cents

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