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Posts posted by wolveen

  1. Most of the content does not require the trinity. Really it is only Hard Modes and Ops that require it (and you can get away with a companion on most Hard Modes).


    This is good to hear, paying $155 for a game that you would be locked out of and would not be able experience all the content would be a waste because of poor mechanics. I would just leave it F2P.


    I re-created my character over on the RP server hoping it is more 'mature' and helpful on that side. The good and bad is that I have to start all over again but so far it seems like a good decision. I may just have to purchase a month of sub to get a better feel of the game.


    I do like it so far but I am still low level :)

  2. I know you all talking about Stats here, But The main consideration I believe The OP is making, is The Utter Rudeness and contempt to new members of a group, who may be still finding there feet In group Play.



    The game told me to join a Flashpoint mission which I did, first time.

    It instructed that you click on the icon on near your map and queue up, that was it, that is what I did.

    First time group .. bam..vote kicked. Didn't even know what the heck was going on.


    I do now but yes it was very frustrating. I guess I have more manners/patience for other new players, new people, new employees, etc.

  3. Using CoH/V again as a example, everything I ever played could be done with any mix AT (class).

    Not every class could do everything so you had to change your tactics.

    If your group consisted of all "Ranged DPS" then you had to adapt but it was do able.

    If your group consisted of all "Healers" then you also had to change your tactics.


    Of course like in the example of Healers there were different types of healers : Bubblers provided shields, Empathy Healers provided more of the traditional healing Role, Dark Healers provided some controller like powers, etc.

    I guess it was more dimensional.


    Point is Holy Trinity wasn't needed, it was more efficient, but was not needed. Those who wanted the Trinity could make that group and complete the mission, those who RPed and who just wanted to group up together, a la the Avengers (No healer there!) you could and would still complete the missions. You had to only adapt your tactics.

  4. None of this justifies rudeness. If you don't like answering newbie questions in general chat, then don't: Just ignore them. Responding to every single idiotic thing that is said is not mandatory. If people asking dumb questions in the corner of your screen annoys you to the point that you have to stop what you are doing just to type insults at them, then I think you are the one with the problem.


    Also, I don't really understand the taboo about asking in the first place. Finding out info by googling is perfectly acceptable, but finding out info by asking people is not for some reason? It seems a pretty arbitrary distinction to me. Aren't MMOs supposed to be a social experience? Really don't see the harm, or why it ruffles so many feathers.


    In my experience it wasn't questions being asked that were the problem. However I did ask one question on how to re-spawn your companion as I got tired of Alt - tabbing out of game to find answers. I got a lot of smart *** answers (one or two were actually funny and in good humor). BUT someone did message me (whisper?) and very politely answered.


    Here a few of the 'graphic' things I mentioned:

    On Saturday late morning/noonish there were a few people that were talking about how someone would use his *tool* on someone's recently departed sister, how wonderful it is to slowly torture animals, Ra-ping (the other spelling gets Censored here) little girls when they are sleeping, how American soldiers over seas are just murderers, and a myriad of other wonderful things.


    Not at all family friendly and not at all something I like to see while I am trying to read general chat and get away from the real world. The veteran players kept saying they are reporting these people but like I said it went on and on until I left the game. So apparently reporting people on a week-end does no good. Very sad.

    I would definitely not recommend this game to anyone with children, even if the child doesn't play, I kept thinking what if I had a child who was watching/reading this filth from over my shoulder?

  5. I used to play CoH/V (City of Heroes/Villains) all the time loved that game! Even when it went to F2P it was nothing like the ugliness that is in this game. I don't know why this game would be this nasty, Star Wars = Good, BioWare = Good...perhaps Origin/EA haters?

    At first when CoH/V went F2P, I thought that spammers and trolls would rule the game but we had the most helpful and respectful community I have been in. It was a very positive game and community.


    In CoH/V If you kept your sub you had access to a server that only other Subs had access too, we really didn't need it but I am wondering if that is what is needed here? I would definitely pursue the subbing here if that was the case (and the game will still be playable in lieu of its Holy Trinity forced game play mechanic).


    So very sad this community/game is allowed to be so negative/trashy.

  6. Thank you for the insight and tips!

    I will play out the free month of sub and hopefully have a better gauge of the game by then.

    Seems there are quite a few trolls, griefers, etc on the Drummond planet but I heard it trickles away after that.


    I hope it does this game is really good.


    I am usually an alta-aholic but this game really engages me in the story to where I just want to see how it plays out for my character almost like watching a movie.

    It would be a shame that they would cling onto the old ways of group mechanics instead of embracing the modern mechanics.

  7. People in this game are incredibly vile and rude.

    I get violently pissed off because people are just snobby and wicked.

    Finding help is ridiculously difficult and when people actually choose to respond, they

    are complete douchebags about it. Their responses are insulting and just flat out evil.


    I have played many MMO games before, but so far, this community is by far the most



    I just started finally playing this game.

    Within the first few minutes the chat was very disturbing and graphic (very graphic) it really ended up being the real ugly side of such a wonderfully created game. What a shame. I would think they would moderate or listen to everyone who said they were reporting them. It went on and on until I logged off.

  8. Hi Guys,

    I just bought this game and so far I am having a blast!

    The story, the music, the graphics, the options, companions, and the Voice acting is just great!!!

    I really enjoy this game, I am glad I finally gave it go!


    However I noticed today that I was kicked out of a group because I was the wrong type of Bounty Hunter?

    Apparently they wanted a healer. It was done pretty rudely, iirc it went like this

    "Are you a healer?"

    I said "I can try"

    "OK so you are not specced as a healer"

    So and So has initiated to Vote Kick you from the group.

    Vote passed




    So now I am thinking this awesome game seems to have the old school mentality of the Holy Trinity needed in order to group and enjoy the content.


    It also has these "Heroic Areas" from Everquest 2 where you are locked out of some areas if you are not in a group.


    I am not trashing this game at all so don't go there, I really like it and I am (was) considering subbing up for a year.

    I am just concerned after today's revelation and seeing these 'heroic areas' how much of the game will I be locked out of or will have to pass over if I am not one of Holy Trinity that is needed, I kind of like rolling with my own RP character. I didn't think Modern MMOs (at least all the ones I am currently playing) still went the Holy Trinity formula.


    Is this Holy Trinity mechanic present throughout the game?


    Thanks in advance!

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