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Posts posted by Ensethius

  1. I am curious as to what others would want to see changed with patch 2.1 For me specifically, I can think of two things I would love: 1. Different quest markers for quest givers who give out heroics, that way I can avoid wasting time speaking to them, and 2: The ability to see stat changes on companions when you want to give them different gear.


    Any other things you think worthy of change?

  2. Ok so, have you ever gone through a world, and obtained junk items that you used in your guild or general chat just to get a laugh? So far my favorite example is, on Quesh, I destroyed a droid and got a junk item called [Apathy Unit]


    This is great, because I can say things like, "I love these [Apathy Units]! They are great for handing out when I just don't give a @$#@ !"


    So, do you use junk items as humor? If so, what is your favorite junk item that you have come across so far?

  3. Ok, so I am a level 37 bounty hunter (merc) on Quesh. My mission? Destroy air filters in a poisonous mine to drive out the Republic. Great idea, right?


    Here is where the problem is: The mine is filled with DROIDS!!! Not only that, but hey, if they can give me an injection that renders it safe to be on Quesh, why not do the same for the few humans in the mine?


    This is what I mean by story line that makes no sense, but I love it because it allows people who are adept at thinking to say to themselves, "This makes no sense, but its ok, I am having fun anyway!"


    So, my question to you is:

    What is your favorite example of a quest or story line that made absolutely no sense what-so-ever?



  4. Hi all.


    This is my first playthrough, and I am level 17 now, and I am still feeling that first playthrough/new game warmth that everyone feels when they first go through an MMORPG. I hear a lot of complaints on this forum, some about gameplay, some about how hard sections are, and hey, maybe not too far from now I will be one of those posting them. But, for the moment, I just have one thing to say: Remember where you came from.


    For me personally, I have tried many MMO's, reached 85 (then 90) on WoW, tried Tera, Everquest, etc.etc., and right now I am beta testing Final Fantasy 14. This game, in comparison to so many others, is above standard. I love the cut scenes, the story, the fact that I get to be evil when in real life I am too nice. All these things make the subscription price worth it to me. Not only that, but I feel that subscribing isn't a waste of money, because of the perks vs. playing for free.


    Now, I am not saying I won't find problems in the future, and to be honest, I will probably only roll two characters, a light side and a dark side. But remember where you came from. At least on here I can relate, which I could never do on WoW playing as a panda.


    Thanks for hearing me out!

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