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Posts posted by JanusAcken

  1. I've thought this over for a while now, and I felt that there was a missed opportunity when Fallen Empire came out. In that, everything came together into one storyline and you could have all of every classes companions (mostly, with exceptions, which is also disappointing). The missed opportunity was having some of your alternate characters in your legacy also be companions. Not saying you could have all of them, cause someone with say 40 alternates would be a bit insane, but perhaps one from each of the main classes that offers to join your cause. Since companions don't get any benefits from gear they're equipped with, they could be brought in with whatever they were equipped with at the time they joined. Voice actor wise would also be covered since you have both female and male voices already for the player classes, so it wouldn't have been difficult to incorporate some story elements to 'explain' why these recruits become available and have some interactions with them.


    So, I think that'd be a nice way to truly bring your Legacy together.

  2. Per what he informs me:


    As far as I can tell, I have done this as part of the story beats as I'm supposed to, but don't currently have any objective after doing the FP since it was the 'end' of the story mission. My character was created on day one of early access, and I have subscribed at least recently enough to have access to everything currently available in-game story wise, but am currently preferred.


    I verified with him that it was all in-line with the story stuff as far as he was aware. AKA, he went into the room off the side, did the train, then did Copero.

  3. To set the stage for the question, I have a friend who has been getting back into SWTOR for the past few weeks now, and one of the things he really wanted was to get Raina Temple back as a companion. I told him that you do once you do the Traitor Among the Chiss flashpoint. He was happy to hear this, and looked forward to it. That was a few weeks ago.


    Fast forward to last night, and we're talking, and he tells me he is still annoyed that she's not available. Cue my puzzlement. Now, he's unable to post in the forums, because apparently you have to be subbed to post on a forum (whole different pain point there), so he posted the following on answers.ea.com, and I figured I'd just copy-paste his query here as well, and see if anyone has any suggestions.


    Note: he has abandoned the flashpoint more than once, and she never did appear for him when he restarted it. I have observed this via screen-share as well.


    Him: I've just done the Traitor Among the Chiss story flashpoint on my Imperial Agent, roughly level 70 when started. The only reason I even bothered with this was because I wanted Ensign Temple back. Who was literally nowhere to be found. Not in cutscenes, not giving random dialogue information for the mission/area, not so much as a random hint of her existence. Which is pretty irritating when she's the only reason I did the flashpoint, and I've had multiple people tell me this is how you get her.


    So, the question here is, is the issue as to why she does not appear for him is because he is a F2P player currently, and will have to subscribe in order for that content to become available? I have seen absolutely nothing suggesting this anywhere, and I spent easily an hour last night trying to find something just to see if that's the reason for the disparity, because I got her just fine on my Smuggler and Jedi Knight.


    Please advise and I will pass it along to him. Thank you for the assistance.

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