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Posts posted by DocMustang

  1. Thank you all for the replies, I must admit I do not have a sythweaver (yet!) so I have no experience with it. I agree ditching the luxury fabric resource entirely would be a great solution.


    Perhaps then we could actually get the Metal missions we require to build things.

  2. Due to Underworld trading being a source for, Luxury Fabrics, Underworld Metals and companion gifts, it is extremely frustrating attempting to select missions to obtain the resource needed for crafting. I have several toons with a variety of crafting skils, gathering and mission skills and this one is by far the most frustrating. (I place Diplomacy a close second).


    Here is my frustration: Underworld Trading is used by Cybertechs, Armormechs and Synthweavers. Of these Cybertechs and Armormechs have NO interest in EVER doing a Luxury Fabric mission and Companion gift missions are likely not done with the same frequency as resource missions. I have spent Hours shifting between my ship and the fleet docking bay trying to get the missions needed for crafting. This is a rediculous waste of time.


    Diplomacy, and investigation, do not have this problem these skills only provide one resource for crafting not two. Treasure hunting does provide lockboxes as a third resource but I have not experienced this problem on my artificers.


    Obviously splitting Underworld trading into 2 skills will not work as Synthweavers require both resources. I believe that decreasing the frequency of companion gift missions for underworld trading and treasure hunting would be a good start.


    I think the best solution would be expanding the number of selections for these two mission skills. At max skills there is currently a maximum number of five missions per tier to select from. Adding an additional 2-3 selections should allow for sufficient variety to support an adaquate supply of Underworld Metals.

  3. Anyone else find that it is a pain to find what you are looking for when it comes to searching for schematics on the GTN? As far as I can tell you can only sort by Crafting skill. I have to mouse over each schematic to see what skill level it requires and what levels can wear the crafted item. It would also be nice to be able to sort schematics by slot.


    I suggest that Schematics be sortable by the level of the crafted item, slot of the crafted item, It would be nice if they could be sorted by skill level and user class/alignment/faction restrictions.

  4. I am frustrated. When I subscribed to this game in December, I read online about the queues to log on to the high population servers, so I selected a relatively low pop server. You can see where this is going. The population dropped and the server died. I re rolled on a server where my freinds were, It died but at least I was able to level to 50 before I quit in frustration.


    I did some more reading on the forums, there were many subscribers begging for mergers or transfers. The only answer from Bioware and the more cynical members of the community was: "Tough, re-roll on a higher population server." So I did that, leveled a character to 50 and began enjoying end game content with a great new guild.


    Then one day, I see on my logon screen: FREE SERVER TRANSFERS NOW AVAILABLE! Then I land in fleet and see hundreds of new transfers arriving on my new server, some looking for guilds others re forming their old guilds and looking for new members. HOORAY BIOWARE!


    I get an email from Bioware notifying me that several of my character are available for transfer! HOORAY BIOWARE! .....




    What? I can only transfer them to the server you selected? What about the server I am currently playing on, you know the one you are transferring hundreds of characters to right now? I can't go there? OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY?


    So I am stuck again. I understand the need to restrict transfers to allow servers to build to an appropriate population. I understand that this is merely a first step. However I, and hundreds if not thousands of other players who refused to give up on this game, who abandoned months of gaming in an effort to continue to enjoy this game, continue to be frustrated by this process.


    This seems to me to be a foolish business decision on Bioware's part. I want to be able to transfer my eligible characters to a server where I already have character that Bioware has ALSO selected to receive transfers. This does not seem to be an unreasonable request. And at the very least should be the next step in this process.

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