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Posts posted by Origin_One

  1. Then you should look into digital privacy laws in the EU. Just because YOU can't think of something doesn't mean that someone else is wrong.





    That literally took less than a minute to find.


    Come on, let's be serious. A transfer of a virtual game character has nothing to do with personal data. As long as you can create freely characters on both US and EU servers, this means that your account details are already available on both regions.


    Not to mention that there are already things available account wide - see all the Cartel Market items in your collection. You can access them on any server in any region.

  2. Since the players are allowed to play on both US and EU in the same way, it should be also logical to have the legacy achievements and unlocks available everywhere regardless of the region you are playing in.


    I am curious if Bioware (EA) do realize the impact of the lagging for the players that are playing from EU to an US server.

  3. /signed


    I would love to be able to get a decent discount for moving multiple characters. It shouldn't be cheaper than it would be to transfer let's say 4 characters, but I think that it would be great if they would just realize that $15-20 for a server transfer is a bit much for people that have 8-16 characters. and want to go to a different server that fits their time schedule better.


    I would love to see this too. However, any attempt to propose an idea that potentially could diminish an hypothetically revenue for EA it will be ignored, as always. It is not enough that the game is subscription base and that the Cartel market is using that terrible random generator to force people to pay an ridiculous amount of money for any item, but we have to pay also for game unlocks and server transfers.


    And to add insult to injury, we are not even entitled to have our own legacy achievements attached to the account.

  4. The legacy achievements are awarded to the player as he is progressing through the game. However, currently the legacy is bound at the server level. If for one reason or another you have to move to play on another server, the legacy is not automatically transferred during the character creation. One of the reasons for moving to a different server is to lower the game latency in the case you have to relocate to a different region, for ex. from US to EU.


    While the problem of transferring your legacy can be solved by moving a character to a different server in the same region, if you need to play in another region, you have to start from the very beginning since the character transfer is not allowed to a different region. Being forced to level up the legacy and to build the reputation with various vendors again it is really stupid and tedious process since you done it once already.


    Specific legacy unlocks are also purchased with Cartel Coins. And since the cartel market purchases are available account wide, it makes sense to have the legacy unlocks also available account wide.

  5. would be comfortable lol.

    actually, they should allow us to copy one toon from server to another for free the way we copy toons to the pts lol >.< and then charge the 1800 C.C. for any more transfers :D

    *hopeful panda*


    well, charging is fine for F2P. The subscribers are already paying for the game. ;)

  6. Agree. In fact, not having these tools in the game makes it very difficult to organize the guilds events. Using an external guild hosted web site is not really solving the problem because is not easy to make the people using an additional tool. Not to mention the time and the effort invested in creating and maintaining the web site.

    After all, we all just want to keep it simple and to use the time to play and have fun. :cool:

  7. In fact, not only that the inter-region server transfer should be available by default, but it should be free for the subscribers. And also the legacy should be available at the account level, not at the server level. All the legacy unlocks and achievements should be everywhere available without any additional operation or payment. And speaking off availability, the legacy global unlocks should be included by default for the subscribers too.
  8. This feature request is an opportunity for EA to improve the customer experience for the affected players, increasing their loyalty and satisfaction. This will also improve the perception in the market since this feature will be a hot news that could prove very important if comes at the right time.

    Considering the previous posts, all the customers that are requesting this feature are willing to pay for it, so this will also generate enough revenue to support the inter-region transfer and also to make some profit.


    It has to be clear for EA that the customers that need this transfer are valuable and loyal, playing this game for a long time, since it takes many months or even more than one year to build a legacy that is worth to be transferred. A new player will just start from scratch on a different server because there is no legacy to take care of.


    And by ignoring this request, the affected customers are forced to be subject to a degraded gaming experience due to increased lagging as result of playing on a server in a different region and having their legacy achievements and unlocks removed if they are moving on a server in a different region. From the game player / customer perception point of view, the legacy limitation at the server level is artificial and absurd and does not reflect the game reality. The access to reputation vendors, the buffs from the characters story lines and companions affection / dialog, the global legacy unlocks once achieved are expected to be available everywhere in the game.


    There is also the discrepancy between the legacy global unlocks and the cartel market collection. Both require cartel coins, but only the collection is available at the account level. We are talking here about the money used to purchase game extra features that in the case of the legacy global unlocks are lost by playing on a server in a different region.


    On the other hand, the legacy limitation at the server level and the impossibility to transfer the characters / propagate the legacy to a server in a different region are not clear explained for a new player when he is starting to play SWTOR. For example, if the first character is created in a server located in a different region there is no warning that this could result is degraded gaming experience due to increased lagging so it is recommended to play in your own region. Also, when the legacy is the first time unlocked for the first character there is no notification that this is limited to one server and the player will not be able to transfer it to another region and there is no information why would this be needed (reputation vendors, buffs, unlocks). And finally, the description for the legacy global unlocks claims that are available for all characters (see ship unlocks).


    From the technical point of view there is no limitation for the inter-region server transfer. Is has been proven by the mass transfer when the APAC servers were shutdown and also confirmed on this forum by EA customer care.

    Practically, this is a transfer like any other regional server transfer and nothing more.


    The quality of the customer experience is a priority and the technical pre-requisite for this feature to be available are already available. What ever reason EA could have to dismiss their loyal and valuable customers, for sure it can be mitigated and turned around in a positive manner.


    For example, the service could be offered for the customers with a legacy level higher than 20 - 25 and would require to extend the subscription for another 3 - 4 months, regardless of the number of the characters transferred in one operation.

    This will increase the retention in a difficult period when more modern and flexible, open world MMO games are preparing to enter the market.


    And yes, I will be also in the line for this transfer. :)


    Best Regards

  9. We are a friendly mature adult 18+ SWTOR guild focused on creating and maintaining a relaxed, positive and respectful environment that allows every player to have fun and enjoy playing the game.


    The guild values are focused on the following core aspects:

    - Polite, respectful, friendly and fair behavior as a foundation of any and every interaction between the members and also between the members and other players in the game.

    - Team play and helping each other as the main way of improving the game experience and the fun factor.

    - Openness to explore and master a wide range of game styles and all the game aspects including PVE, PVP and Crafting, with the priority on PVE and end game content.

    - Understanding the fact that real life comes first and has priority over the entertainment.


    Visit now our Recruitment page to submit your application.

  10. The issue I have with this is that even if it's true, Its an undesirable way to attempt to balance stats in general.


    Let me first make clear that there's nothing wrong with various stats having breakpoints for an increase in usefulness inherently, whats important is how they're structured and when they occur.


    If we operate on the assumption that alacrity is as you say, really, really good beyond a certain amount of EXCLUSIVE stacking, but drastically less so before this point, then you end up with a situation in which alacrity is so much less useful before whatever the arbitrary point is, that nobody uses it prior to then and so much MORE useful afterwards, that nobody uses anything ELSE from that point on.


    This is completely binary in nature (it is either completely awesome or completely terrible) and has no middle ground. There's is no sliding balance scale here that allows alacrity to become viable as a CHOICE in any stat priority considerations. I'm not suggesting that stat stacking shouldn't be able to produce some effective results, but to require EXCLUSIVE stat stacking to very high levels before achieving *any* reliable amount of use from a stat, is poor design.


    Crit, surge and accuracy all have some pretty well defined breakpoints for various classes (although this differs, sometimes drastically, based on different synergies of these stats with specs/talents and whatnot), but none of these breakpoints are such that they require you to ignore all other stats in order to reach them. They're designed to be achievable (to various incremental levels) whilst investing in other stats at the same time.


    You encounter further complications with this particular design when considering the aforementioned synergies. There are cases in games I've seen where upon reaching a certain exclusive breakpoint for a stat that makes it the clear better choice than everything else, talents and abilities designed to synergise with those other now strictly inferior stats, fall into disuse because the player is no longer geared to support them. This is also not good stat design/balance.


    All told, I think alacrity is, relative to the power scale of the other secondary stats, insufficiently useful at present. I've never stacked it exclusively to ridiculously high levels to see what it can achieve, but nor do i feel i should have to. Alacrity should be comparable to other secondary stats in terms of being a gearing choice, Incrementally improved in much smaller subsects for a player to decide how much they want of. Not completely ignored or exclusively focused on.


    For as long as the game continues to impress the relevance of multiple stats on us through skills and talents, encouraging or requiring people to exclusively stack a single stat is never going to be anything but poor design.


    I think this points out the problem. I totally agree.

  11. Now that we have the cargo hold, the GTN and the guild bank terminals in the same room on the starship, it makes no sense to have the mailbox on the other side of the ship. I hate running back and forth between the GTN and the mailbox.

    There is enough space in the room to get everything together.

    And yes, moving the cargo hold, GTN and guild bank terminals in the same room was a great idea. Thank you for this Bioware.

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