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Posts posted by kojottt

  1. "To continue your subscription without interruption, please change the payment method used to pay for it before deleting this account."

    Because hk-55 is so wanted I just removed both payment methods from my account. Since there is no new content, an current one is bugged, I just wait with resubbing till August.


    Any suggestions on good mmo till then?

  2. I'm not asking for a free market or a charity. I simply want reasonable prices. 2 million instead of 20 million.


    Define reasonable price - for me it's the one that someone will pay for an item, it doesn't have to be you.

    Also if you think that 2M for rare set is enough - get one from packs and sell on GTN for that amount.

  3. I had to log in to answer to that.

    Well in 2.0 EC nim was still hard for pugs, even 1st boss, so it's understandable that 55lev ops @ hm/nim have some difficulty. And that difficulty lies only with mechanics - which aren't that hard. People seem to want EV-like content when most of the stuff is kill, kill, and kill.


    l2p, learn tactics and even nim content will be doable



    I remember being in a group that was struggling with SM DP, yet one of the guys-morons, wanted to do nim version, because it drops certain mount. He even said that cleared hm, but achievements told the truth.



    l2p, learn bloody tactics, learn your class

  4. Can you elaborate?


    You jump down from balloon on the jawa walker right? So get any class that has push (jugg/sorc/merc) and simply duel them. Your friend just need to push you at correct time, when you will be jumping. Instead of Xmin balloon ride you are spending 2min on jumping like a stupid man

  5. I've been wondering about this too. A year ago it seemed like a standard on Red Eclipse in PUGs that people weren't rolling on stuff they were already wearing. I saw multiple smaller and bigger arguments and resolutions in situations when someone Needed and won something they already had. Fast forward today, everyone and their mothers is Needing on Mainhands and set bonuses they already have, no one brings it up and I feel like a dummy for passing/greeding and thus losing everything :confused:


    Because year ago people that didn't roll ( i remember doing stuff liek that also ) had at least full UW or even oriconian/DF gear on them, and their alts - so to simply put it - it was useless to get those arkanian loots. Now people have trouble getting ful resurrected gear so all token are pretty much wanted.

  6. as a dps that shouldn't be hard to stand behind boss. Also recklessness and cloak are almost synced with 6 piece set bonus. Also if you think from time to time you wont force starve by simply using basic attack here and there
  7. That is the very definition of an exploit. So to say they should not have allowed it in is nonsensical. Sure, they should not have allowed it in, but they did. Now people (you?) are trying to rationalize it by saying "It's OK to have done it because it was able to be done."


    So everything now can be considered as potential exploit/bug.

    Since BW started to ban people for exploiting game, when will we see bans for:

    leaving monolith instance to ensure correct loot

    b-300 wrist BoE enhancements

    3-manning aurora cannon

    zorn and toth fight with no swap

    bypassing pvp queues by grouping with subs

    using pvp decor to transfer pvp comms

    these are just from top of my head

  8. This. Entitlement generation is so out of hand its ridiculous.


    If something looks fishy/wrong but you ignore it and continue, thats all on you.


    If you ignore a warning on the login screen, thats all on you.


    If you -knowingly- use an exploit thats all on you.


    This isnt fantasyland where if your naughty mommy and daddy will smile ruefullly and tell you its ok you were bad just dont do it again, there are repercussions for your actions. Ignorance isnt an excuse if there are signs something isnt right.

    Its not Biowares job to make sure you act like a decent human being, again, thats all on you.


    You find a wallet on the ground, you can turn it in to the owner via mailing it to the address on the ID inside, or you can be a douchebag and pocket whatever money is inside and toss the wallet in the trash.


    Are a good person or a douchebag?


    Now before the group of you that does like to go all off the handle at hypotheticals, the premise is the same regardless of virtual or real currency, your being dishonest either way.


    You are mixing stuff. Taking what isn't yours is stealing and it's illegal.

    Whereas buying stuff from npc isnt stealing. In fact buying is some sort of trade, where both parties agree on certain exchange rate.

  9. I'm sad about the badness of many (or not so many, that remains to be seen) players. Why do they have to exploit like this? Why does Eric even have to say: Please don't do this. The right thing to do (or not to do) should be clear without saying. I don't have a problem not doing it. Why can't others control themselves? Is money, whether real or imaginary, really so important to risk everything for it? I don't understand that mindset. Maybe I don't belong into this time. Maybe I'm too naive. Why can't people just play games properly and enjoy it.


    Maybe players are simply pissed off? Why introduce bugs in first place. This bug/exploit seems so trivial it shouldn't be there in the first place. And what about other bugs that stop people from playing game?

    Also why minor patch got 12hour downtime with extra 2h? Quality of service is declining yet players expected to be on their best behaviour.

    2 days passed, yet not hotfix on the horizon, but when CM items are bugged we will get patches until matter is fixed.

    Each patch minor/major introduces more bugs, with dash or content.


    ps. did use that exploit, and actually i dont feel bad. I would feel bad, if that was first time it happened. Not one of the many.

  10. And you should improve your reading skill and look through the thread first. Or if it's so hard for you, read the first post atleast.



    yeah if you need people in 192-198 (whatever that means) to pass lurker, then seriously you have some issues.

    FYI I cleared that boss shortly after it came, in 180 gear (squishy sorc), without reading tactics - guildies said what to do, and after 2-3 wipes it was done. And I dont think everyone was in full 198 gear at release.


    you simply want to bathe in mediocrity. Have everything on silver platter, and get medal for participation. I saw people like you on the fleet - reserving loot, requiring full 192 gear to clear content, and still reaching enrage timers.


    Tip for you, start checking your parses after bosses, and you will see, if you are bad or not

  11. These people are seriously brain damaged and it's literally pointless to explain them. I have already tried, you are trying, but it's pointless. Let's just hope developers aren't stupid and will make this easier for pugs in next patch and won't make such a terrible mistake in future expansion.


    Sacrifice 5min from your life, to read about your spec, and then boss guide. If you can't do that, maybe you are brain damaged.

  12. That just means it can be done with a few overgeard and organised players. Conclusions about PUG are unrelated.


    I am sorry, but you are expecting that endgame content should be passable no matter what. First of all Story mode doesnt equal to Easy mode. It has basic difficulty, and expects from you to perform at some level (which isn't high).


    Your theory leads to trophies for participation - no matter how one cannot play he/she has to be able to pass through the content and get all the rewards.


    Since operation is a group content - everyone has to give something from him/her. If I can read through tactics and perform them, also maintaining my rotation, so can other people, and I am not even a raider.

  13. A small group of selected few is performing better than a crowd of random? That's not actually a breaking news, you know? Not sure it's relevant in the current matters, however.


    IF current content can be heavily undermanned it means it's not hard.

    pre 3.0 DP was 3manned and DF was 2manned (minus gate stuff), and yet people failed to clear content at that time


    So which is true - people can't perform basic tactics or content is too hard?

  14. This is not the strategy, it defeats the purpouse of group finder and story modes (that is, the soft version for casual mass raiding compleatable by majority of the raiding population). Let's all remember that Bioware admit it THEMSELVES that only fraction played TOS. Rest was already heavily discouraged.


    This is not Palace situation with final boss (that didn't even count for weekly) being harder than rest. Bioware put in a HM-skill boss in a middle of SM op and what's worst, they refuse to nerf it significantly and act as if its not a problem. Even when their own data shows clearly how much TOS is wasting because of this terrible balancing. Every other pug-problematic boss has already been dealt with. Bulo, Torque (16), Walkers. Hell, walkers even got 2nd nerf that was hardly even needed. Yet Underlurker recieved a tiny nerf on adds and nothing else. There has to be some particular developer responsible for Underlurker design that simply refuses to change it despite the heavily negative effect it has on the large TOR population.


    I should remind you that lurker was 4manned before nerfs.

    In your mind what are the requirements for clearing SM bosses - shoot basic attack, standing in one place, taking 100dtps?

    Story mode or not, it's still endgame, which has to yield some sort of difficulty. You are trying to justify someones incompetence.

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