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Posts posted by Neonxkz

  1. Part 1: why don't all of you antisocoals group to kill him? Then done. For everyone. Its what harbinger players do.


    Was caught in the area with about 10 people there waiting for the spawn. Groups only do up to 4 people, and more often than you think, there are more than 4 people there.

  2. Heroic: Possessed Hunter

    We really need to address the convenience of heroics, and all heroics for that matter. In Dromund Kaas, one of the more highly populated planets at all times of the day. With a population of higher level players going to Dromund Kaas to complete heroics for alliance crates, and a population of lower level players just doing the heroic for experience, this essentially creates a clusterf*** of people just competing for the first hit on Valen Korik, and then having to wait for an unnecessary amount of time for him to respawn. The simple fix here is to just turn it into an instance, drastically decrease the respawn time, or do the same thing they did for Kregg in the Mandalorian Camp on DK where you signal for him to come.


    GSF Ships

    Specifically with cartel coin bought GSF ships, I didn't know this at first, but I was under the assumption that ships that are bought with cartel coins would be legacy wide, or would be able to be legacy wide. 1800 CC for a ship restricted to only one character is a bit high, and with an experience boost now in effect, and many people leveling their multiple characters, I find the absence of a legacy wide unlock for CC bought GSF ships to be a bit of a horrible investment in general, and should be addressed.


    Alliance Crates

    So Alliance Crates are RNG, as they should be, since essentially they're free. However the problem that I and many other have with Alliance Crates is that after collecting so many crates, and unlocking so many sets, it becomes pointless to keep doing them. What I mean is if you're looking for a specific set of armor, and you just keep getting duplicates, the duplicates should continue to be serviceable to your goal of getting whatever armor you want. Having a vendor where you can turn in your duplicate items (say you will donate these items back to the alliance), and receive tokens or something of the sort, that can be used towards desired armor pieces. Just a thought.

  3. If you haven't yet finished Chapter 3 of your Class Story then you can still get away from her. Just don't marry her etc.


    However even if you do end up married to her, just flirt with Lana in Shadows of Revan and/or in KotFE and lock Lana's romance in at the end of Chapter 9 of KotFE. That's all, just 'cheat' on Ashara, and don't take her back once she reappears..


    Thanks for the reply!


    So I actually do have a choice of taking her back or not? This was a feature that was given in Aric and Kaliyo too?

  4. So I have a quick question regarding the companion romance. I accidentally began a romance with Ashara and am really trapped in it, like hardcore trapped in it. Once you flirt with Ashara just that one time, its GG...

    Back to my main point,

    Is it possible to stop the romance with the companion in KOTFE? I don't know if anyone encountered this with Aric and Kaliyo, but is it possible to break up with them? I wasn't sure if it was possible to stop the romance between the companion and character in order to pursue a romance with Lana Beniko....

  5. So yes... I'm proposing a whole new class. I am aware that we haven't even gotten close to anything regarding a new class or story, and I believe Bioware has never stated if they want to do another or not. I believe that with enough support it can actually happen! When we look at the characters we have now, they have their counterparts. Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior etc. A lot of proposed Classes I've seen lacked a strong counterpart on both Republic and Empire sides.


    I think the perfect class to add would be a Jedi Temple Guardian and a Royal Guard. They are the exact same except on two different factions. This class proposition is COMPLETELY VIABLE. So Please bare with me as I break them both down...


    Royal Guard

    Story start: You are on Korriban receiving training until there is a threat found in the ruins. The threat endangers the Emperor's existence and you are tasked to deal with it as noone else is up to the task. Of course you defeat this threat, and the emperor comes to recognize you as a member of his Royal Guard.

    The Emperor also gives you a reward for your efforts. The reward is an Emperor's Blessing (2 types can be chosen... 1 acts like a shield generator with different stats, and the other acts as a focus) which is to be used as an off-hand weapon that is adaptive. However this Blessing is a mark places upon the non-dominant hand of the Royal Guard which is visible. The effect is a ghastly aura of force that comes off of the hand that empowers the Royal Guard. (Color of the aura changes with different color crystals).

    Upon reaching level 10, you can choose between:

    Royal Guard Executioner: This class is a mainly offensive class that does a medium-high level amount of damage, and does a medium-low amount of tanking. This class utilizes medium armor and the use of a Double Bladed lightsaber Pike. Off-hand item is the Emperor's Blessing.

    Royal Guard Protector: This class is a mainly defensive/support class that does a medium-low amount of damage, does a medium amount of healing, and a medium-high amount of tanking. This class also has the unique ability to buff other people (as well as himself) and companions (Increasing attack, defenses, etc.) while also healing them for a moderate amount. This class utilizes heavy armor and the use of a basic Lightsaber Pike. Off-hand item is the Emperor's Blessing.


    Temple Guardian:

    Story Start:The Jedi Temple Guardian never existed before. Before the Sacking of Coruscant, the Jedi High Council never thought they would have need for a specialized defensive force. Now the Jedi High Council have re-prioritized and now seek the alpha of a new breed of Jedi... The Jedi Temple Guardian. The Jedi High Council wish for the Sacking of Coruscant to never happen again, so they set out to find a prospect worthy to be the first Temple Guardian. The character starts out training as a regular Jedi until a group of flesh raiders manage to infiltrate the Jedi Temple on Tython. The character defends other Padawans and a Jedi Knight from a horde of Flesh Raiders ith a brilliant display of bravery. The High Council takes notice of this and tasks the character to find an ancient holocron to see if he is worth of becoming the first Temple Guardian. The holocron tests the character to see if he is worth of becoming a protector, and the character successfully completes the test. The Holocron bestows an Invocation of the Force on the non-dominant hand of the character, and the Jedi Council promote the character as the first Temple Guardian.

    The Invocation of the Force (2 types can be chosen... 1 acts like a shield generator with different stats, and the other acts as a focus) is to be used as an off-hand weapon that is adaptive. However this Invocation is a mark placed upon the non-dominant hand of the Temple Guardian which is visible. The effect is a bright aura of force that comes off of the hand that empowers the Temple Guardian. (Color of the aura changes with different color crystals).

    Temple Guardian Enforcer: This class is a mainly offensive class that does a medium-high level amount of damage, and does a medium-low amount of tanking. This class utilizes medium armor and the use of a Double Bladed lightsaber Pike. Off-hand item is the Invocation of the Force.

    Temple Guardian Benefactor: This class is a mainly defensive/support class that does a medium-low amount of damage, does a medium amount of healing, and a medium-high amount of tanking. This class also has the unique ability to buff other people (as well as himself) and companions (Increasing attack, defenses, etc.) while also healing them for a moderate amount. This class utilizes heavy armor and the use of a basic Lightsaber Pike. Off-hand item is the Invocation of the Force.


    Please let me know what you guys think!!! If you think I should finish the stories for both classes please let me know and reply so I can get to it!

    It's very appreciated that you guys are taking the time to read this... So please give me some support if you like my idea!

  6. Replaying the class story from the beginning isn't free from potentially equally frustrating problems.


    Many of the choices you make as you progress through the story make a difference in the game's content throughout the story, such as whether a Sith Inquisitor has a different name and Jaesa can be made dark side or light side. Dialog options can change based upon previous choices.


    If all of this is reset, it could have many unintended side-effects. Such as preventing access to content that is dependent upon one of those choices so the game knows how to present the content to you.


    A lot of the content beyond level 50 needs to know what your responses to these choices were for mission dialog. There is a very good chance that resetting these values could cause that content to throw errors that would crash the game client. While I'm certain it's not impossible to over-come these issues somehow, the easiest solution I see is to just tell customers to start a new character.


    From what I understand, A lot of the main story content only includes companion conversation etc. When initiating a Class story restart, it could be best to just lock all of the companions that aren't introduced into the story yet, and make it possible to have jaesa go from dark side to light side if one chooses to do so and chose the counterpart to begin with. Other than the main story being tied with the companion conversations as well, I don't see what else the the story is tied to.

  7. I'm a Sith Assassin that's on the Dark Council. Surely I must be unmatched considering I'm one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful Sith in the story... Am I right?


    What I'm proposing is an Adventure Mode.


    What this mode entails is basically a solo friendly mode that can be applied to FPs. I'm a Sith Assassin that's on the Dark Council for god's sake! I don't think that I should always have to require the help of the Empire's best agent, the most deadly bounty hunter, or the strongest Sith Warrior that's alive to receive help in a Flashpoint... right?

    I feel that me being able to defeat Darth Malgus on my own would feel much more rewarding from a story aspect than defeating Malgus with 3 other people. Of course I can make an exception for my dear Khem Val though.


    The Adventure Mode should be able to turn off at will... When it is turned on, Flashpoints will automatically be solo friendly... however, when turned off, Flashpoints will be assumed to be done with a group rather than solo. Of course rewards will be sigificantly less in Adventure Mode to prevent items from being more common than rare.


    Please tell me what you think!

  8. I think you misunderstood me. I didn't mean create a new class. I meant create a new character. For example, if I wanted to replay the Sith Warrior story, I would create a new Sith Warrior.


    Creating a new character comes with all of the problems and implications of... creating a new character...

    This means that if we have no more character slots open in the server we wish to play in, we'd have to delete one. There's also the fact that most people want to play the story without having to do planet missions they've already played several times before.

  9. This would be cool, but I just don't understand why people are so against simply creating a new character instead. This really isn't a feature that any MMO has ever offered before. The only thing close to this that comes to mind is how some MMO's (like Final Fantasy ARR) provide a way to replay the cinematic cut-scenes.


    At this point it seems like we won't ever or aren't even near to getting to the point of creating a new class. I think it's in our best interest to start with little things such as this, before taking a big step and add a new class.

  10. Said it before in earlier threads, and I'll say it now... some sort of class story reset, awesome idea.


    The class stories are some of the game's best content. Why have it able to be done only once? The Heroic Missions are repeatable, flashpoints and ops are repeatable... I know those are to keep group content alive, but even so.


    Call it 'Cinematic Mode' or something.


    I like the idea of naming it Cinematic Mode. It is an indisputable fact that SWTOR's best content is the story. Having the story be repeatable will definitely increase replay value and player retainment in the game. I don't see why this would have any negative impact on the game.

  11. I'm sorry I should've spent more time on this thread, constantly bumping it, and updating the sign list, but after rediscovering my thread, I'm happy I was able to bring an idea so many people agree with. With 12x experience in Class stories coming on May the 4th, some of our hunger is sated with being able to do class stories and nothing else. However the opportunity cost of partaking in 12x experience by rolling a new alt, is the fact that we may have to delete an alt or start from scratch on a new server.


    I want to bring this thread back to life and try to show Bioware that everyone would enjoy the addition of this simple feature... Thanks! :D

  12. First and foremost, I agree with the Slot Machine, people were making too much money off of it and it could've damaged the market. But, jesus the item is practically worthless now.


    Pre-Patch Chance

    Scraps: Purple 12.20% Blue 11.50% Green 10.88%

    Reputation: Purple 5.91% Blue 8.00% Green 12.98%

    Cartel Certificates: 2.02%


    After 3.0.2a Patch Chance

    Scraps: Purple <.01% Blue <.01% Green 1.01%

    Reputation: Purple 4.55% Blue 17.68% Green 18.69%

    Cartel Certificates: <.01%

    credit: Elgr


    The Slot machine has turned into a giant credit vacuum more than anything else. This is quite possibly the biggest item nerf in the entire game.

    But, let's state my main gripe with what happened.


    I already had max reputation with Contraband long before the Slot Machines even came out. Yes I did own a slot machine, yes I did make money off of the slot machine, and it was a large part of the reason why I actually spent my hard-earned money on the Packs to get the Slot Machine. Now after the patch, I have nothing to gain off of the slot machine. Since I already spent so much money on buying the Contraband packs getting max rep, I feel cheated out of my money after this nerf.


    So after trying out the new slot machine, I spent 75k on a 99 stack of coins. I only got reputation items. Out of those 99 times I hit the jackpot about 25-30 times, I received ONLY reputation items. I already have max reputation so I can't use them. I only got about 20k for the reputation items. So i lost 55k on on a slot machine EVEN after hitting the jackpot a third of the time?


    This may sound crazy, but isn't the point of a jackpot to make money off of it?


    Scaled Back and Balanced DOES NOT EQUAL what it got instead...


    This nerf is a slap in the face to players who already devoted their time way before the Slot Machines came out to getting max reputation with the Contraband in the first place. It's already crappy enough that Bioware is giving out reputation really cheap to people who already earned it through buying Cartel Coins and opening packs... but to make the Jawa materials and cartel certificate values nearly a thousandth of a chance is out of the question.


    Proposal to fix?

    The only way to fix this is to bump the values up to a 1-2% chance for Jawa Materials and Certificates.

    Also add in actual items from the Contraband Packs to the Slot Machines (rarer items = lower chance), so that we can actual bring items back into circulation into the GTN.

  13. In my experience, with sufficient support from other characters (credits, equipment, XP boosts, etc), a new character overlevels and overgears content so quickly that all one has to do is the class story on each planet.



    Heck I started leveling a SW at the tail end of 2x XP week, I got through Korriban never touching a single planet or side quest - just class story


    And the harm is taking man hours and other resources from other teams to develop this feature. EWware is already in enough trouble due to the lack of new content.


    But you say that like it will always be 2x exp. And what does it matter if it takes man hours from Bioware? If the audience want this addition then let it be. It may not be today or tomorrow, but there are a lot of people that wish for this feature to be added.

  14. I look at it completely differently


    Let's take a Force-user story...


    I wouldn't be able to have a better appreciation for the story if my character wasn't getting stronger with experience.


    I believe that leveling up and becoming stronger is all part of the story experience. It adds so much to the story.


    I could never simply start running the story at max level.


    There needs to be development...your character needs to grow as the story progresses...that's what makes a great story and a great character.


    That's my opinion of course...and it's why I always re-roll my character from scratch when I want to play through the story again.


    I still don't see the problem. We are not taking anything awaya with this addition. Me personally, I'd RP and when starting the class story over again, I would use a practice saber, until i've earned my lightsaber in the story. You can still make another alt if you want. It's just not fair for people who want to replay their class for story purposes to have to go through the same planet missions, ops, and flashpoints you go through with every other class.

  15. It's very easy to reset the story. Just start a new alt.


    Starting a new alt comes with all of the problems of having to level the alt too. Just for story purposes, I don't see why we wouldn't be able to restart it. There's really no harm in making it where we can restart our class story, and enjoy just the story and that's it. I don't want to deal with warzones, flashpoints, ops, and other missions.

  16. I posted this last week but my idea involved after you set the story it goes in too hard mode and balances with you lvl but thanks for ignoring my post I thought I had a good idea


    I didn't want to get too in depth with the whole thing. I just want this for pure story purposes, not a challenge. I was just thinking of just resetting the NPCs to level 50, would be easy enough.

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