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Posts posted by KopetanchegX

  1. I switched out my athlon x2 for a phenom x4 black edition and gave it a slight overclock. I noticed a huge difference in game playability.


    If your motherboard has the ACC option, then get this and unlock it to 4 cores from your motherboard bios.



    What graphics card do you have and what resolution use?

    I know about ACC, but not all processors of same model can be unlocked, it's like a lottery, so i would better buy ready 4-core one for some higher price, than try my luck with unlocking.

  2. I'm running SWTOR on Athlon x2 3.2GHz/4Gb Ram/Gt440 (i know, its bad for games, but that's all i have, "true" gaming pc costs too much) with 1280x1024 resolution. Current settings are all high except shadows, shaders and trees/grass and i don't really care about disabled features. When i set all to low, FPS remains the same. In hard scenes, when FPS drops to hardplayable (8-12 or even 5+) i noticed, that my graphics hard is loaded only for 50-60% and CPU runs 100%. In other games with all this facts i would make a conclusion that narrow place in my config is CPU and i can change it for 4-core one to palpably(might be wrong word, Google translate was here:D)increase framerate, but afaik this game is really badly optimized and i can spend my money for getting nothing instead. Maybe someone had same situation? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello. I'd like to know will be some day added possibility to record ingame replays? Some other MMOs already have such function but SWTOR lacks it. You never know when will happen something interesting during game process and running other software to record every wz or fp is problematic.
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