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Posts posted by lucariastokka

  1. The patch allowed me to finish the FP on my Sith Warrior but just barely. It still needs tuning, especially if there's a bug with the last boss respawning/restarting the fight. I didn't seem to encounter this bug luckily but I haven't yet run the FP on my other characters either so who knows, I might end up running into this bug which would be... very frustrating if so.


    Very unsurprising though that a bunch of simps with too much time on their hands and probably obsess an unhealthy amount of willpower into games got nothing better to do than tell people to play the game better like they're making a valid point. Got your joy pill for the day beating some folks down for not playing exactly to your standards? Good for you, give yourself a gold star champ. Anyway.


    Wasn't there always a extra companion that comes along in the story mode flashpoints? Like a droid that could be summoned? Or I might be thinking of the older FPs before Knights of the Fallen Empire and so on following. Either way, hope this FP's Story Mode gets tuned some more and that the other issue about this "Quick Play Mode" bug gets resolved soon.

  2. I'm honestly glad that it seems I'm not the only one having issues here because I was heavily questioning if it was my gear or if I somehow was not in story mode. If it is just poorly tuned/bugged then I'm going to wait until they fix it.


    The first boss I had a hell of a grind trying to kill and then the second boss I keep getting instant killed by an uppercut ability which I find very stupid. If I set my companion to tank then he ends up instant dying by the same skill.


    I couldn't even log back in later to try forming a group because there's this other bug that puts the game in Quick Play Mode so then can't even access any of my characters because nothing is actually downloading.

  3. Is this new flashpoint critical to the story? Because if it isn't then I much rather skip it. It's near impossible to do a solo run of and I can't even queue a party together because the group queue menu seems to be targeted for operations and other flashpoints only.


    Unless I'm missing something on the group queue menu, I don't see a means to make a custom queue so that I can get some help.

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