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Posts posted by YamiDragon

  1. The Legacy of the Sith Expansion has much in Torian Cadera in the story, but not of Vette if Torian died in your play threw. There is potential for Vette In Legacy of the Sith (if she did not die) as far as the Ruins part. She is an expert Tomb Rader. At the moment those who saved Vette in the story are getting the short end of the stick for letting Torian die.

  2. I was doing the GSI Valued Partner for seasons when I realized that I was only doing them for Galactic Seasons. I had stopped doing the GSI missions as I have Legendary Reputation in GSI, and the missions only give reputation rewards. As the GSI missions are Daily missions, I think they should add the Daily Resource Matrixes to the missions Rewards. It would give an incentive to players that already have Legend Reputation in the GSI other than just doing Galactic Seasons.

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  3. I keep thinking about the movies and shows that have characters with Jetpacks on all the time. I also saw someone complain about the cape he had on in-game. So I was thinking with the overlay part of the characters maybe have a backpack part to be able to change the Cape/Backpack/Jetpacks at the chest armor spot (it would be Aesthetic). Starting off with the default for each armor, then being able to switch between the Capes/Backpacks/Jetpacks that have been unlocked in the Cartel Armor & Mounts collections. This would give more on the customization look.
  4. I am surprised that we don't have them yet. Blurrgs first appeared in the TV movie 'Ewoks the Battle for Endor'. They then made another appearance in 'The Clone Wars', used by the the Twi'lek Resistance on Ryloth. Most recently we seen them in 'The Mandalorian' owned by Kuiil.

    I am sure I am not the only one that had seen some of the content inspired from 'The Clone Wars' show. That is why I am surprised they are not in the game yet.

  5. I just saw the movie Solo and there was a holo transmission at the end with Darth Maul. I saw in the movie it showed that he had the same Lightsaber as he did in Rebels. After the movie was over, I got to think about the Impact of Maul in the movie Solo, and first thought that it made a major Plot hole. So I decided to revisit the episodes of Rebels that Darth Maul was in. In all there is 4 episodes Darth Maul was in for Rebels. Then I came onto a clue in season 3 episodes 3 ' The Holocrons of Fate', & 11 'Visions and Voices'. The big clue was his ship, a Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter. Despite Maul walking around in rags, his ship The Nightbrother was in pristine condition. Also in season 3 episode 3, he had a bunch of droids. So I got to thinking, How did Maul Get the Credits to maintain his ship, and get a few Droids. The answer is in the position in the Crime Syndicate he holds, shown in the Solo Movie. This also shows that Maul is more cunning then originally thought. Sense he came to Ezra Bridger in rags, he was hiding he true self to Ezra to gain his sympathy as a victim of the Empire. Also in the Movie & the show, it states he lives on Dathomir. So in conclusion the clues I seen in Rebels would dispel the thought of Plot hole I first saw in the movie to keep both the Show & the Movie canon.
  6. What do you think about the series' finale?


    I was quite disappointed. The highpoint of the series was definitely the temple episode.


    However, the epilog was very nice. After what was told there, I expect a sequel playing after episode VI.

    The epilog to me left it open for a new show, in my opinion.

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