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Posts posted by somejerk

  1. The whole point of the Scoundrel healer is to be a mob/back alley doctor with questionable credentials using non-approved meds made in the same way as meth or crack could be.


    Think about it, Underworld Medicine, Homegrown Pharmacology in the skill tree, the Sawbones title.

  2. Gotta love how the Bioware apologists come rushing in at the mere mention of that-game-which-shall-not-be-mentioned.


    Arena's are terrible


    World PvP is deader than WoW


    No Cross server queues


    Large scale PvP can't happen, ever. Ilum was axed with no replacement and player made large scale PvP is threatened with bans because the servers might crash


    And GSF will *totally* not remove large amounts of focus on ground PvP, no.

  3. It's funny really that anyone bothers to PvP in this game with the complete lack of even scraps thrown to you dogs. GSF is a kick in the teeth for those begging and pleading for something, anything to further the content in PvP. May as well run of to World of Warcraft (hey free level 90 coming up) or EVE or whatever, at least they give you *something* to do and look forward to.


    Though I'm guessing most stay due to that whole Star Wars thing.

  4. i just reached level 51 and i am a jedi sentinel but i went dark side and after killing the emeror i still did not receive Master title...


    You should have received the title because players *****ed about not getting it in lieu of the "General" title.

  5. way way wayyyyy too linear when it comes to leveling. Sure the story is different for each class but god.damn do I really have to do the same planets four times in row without any real variation? Sure I could roll an Imperial character but that's just applying a placebo thinking it will cure the symptoms and leveling via PvP is not worth it without the 30% legacy bonus.


    Flashpoints and Ops have no relation to your class story at all. Why aren't Ops dealing with Imperials vs. Republic when after chapter 2 they've openly declared war on each other? Why do your class quests not lead in to going to those flashpoints and ops as a kind of side thing that you should do but you don't really have to do?


    Dialogue on quests not related to your class or the FPs/Ops was a waste of money. It still boils down to go to X, kill/collect X, go back to X and it's never mentioned again save the occasional mail or two.


    Removal of Ilum is unacceptable. It should have just been made into a huge WZ consisting of like 20 v 20 or more IE. Wintergrasp.


    Space combat uses recycled missions and is on rails. I can forgive the recycled missions but honestly I don't see why you couldn't include free movement in them. Also, no group space content.


    In short it's almost been a full year since release and we've had no post-50 story extensions, 2 ops, 2 FPs, 1 WZ, 2 events and that's it. Don't expect much change when free to play hits.

  6. It's been almost a year. We got 2 new ops, 1 warzone, 2 flashpoints, 2 world events, no story extensions and it's going free to play before the end of the year (and before it reaches the ripe old age of a one year old).


    Glad I got the CE as a gift.

  7. Reading through these posts............


    Why are there so many A-Holes in this game?


    Because they're clinging on to quotes some devs, who now no longer have employment at Electronic Arts, made and acting like they are set in stone when EA runs the show around here.

  8. I mean the advanced CLASS that you do not have to choose, although not choosing one of the two AC's as your CLASS would limit the number of abilities you have, therefore limiting your effectiveness in either PVP or PVE. Do a /who. How many Bounty Hunter-mercenaries or Bounty Hunter-powertechs do you see? ZERO. You will see Bounty Hunter, Mercenary or Powertech. This is because they are all three DIFFERENT classes, although the latter two develop from the first one.


    If I was a brain surgeon but suddenly wanted to be a heart surgeon, why shouldn't I have the right to just change the sign on my door? Both surgeons have to go to medical school, both surgeons are doctors, both surgeons use a lot of the same skills-using a scalpel, suturing, cleaning etc. Oh, and I can just be a generic doctor, or a general practitioner. I never even have to choose to specialize in surgery, let alone a specific type of surgery.


    If brain surgery and heart surgery were as simple as having one or two pistols at the same time I would be either one of those.

  9. Four words.


    Champions Online Retcon Token.


    AC switching I guarantee you is going to happen and will probably require a large, but reasonable, amount of Cartel Coins. EA would but fools to not squeeze the dollars out of this.


    That is all.

  10. they need to implement loading screens for closing the game too then.


    (just incase you forgot what game you're quitting)


    Why stop there? Let it spill into the school and churches, let the loading screens pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.

  11. Working as intended. Go back to WoW. It's only release. It will get patched. WoW didn't have X in 2004. Bioware created a flawless game with no issues at all and you're just a hater. You rushed to level cap so it's your fault despite it being already 7 (8?) weeks into launch.


    Anymore I can bring up? Anyways yeah this problem is quite annoying what the hell is up with it?

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