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Posts posted by Obiraysbrother

  1. Hey everyone,


    I wanted to give an update on paid character transfers as I know it is something that everyone has been chomping at the bit for. The reason for our silence on the issue is that we are still working through some issues with the transfer tool and so we didn’t want to set an expectation on timing and not meet it. Also, it was very important to us that we informed our APAC players of our plans first, since transfers related to their current issues as well.


    With that said I wanted to let you know what our current plans are. As it stands today, our goal is to launch character transfers with Game Update 2.2. Now, as I noted above, we are still working through some things so please note that this is just our goal and that it is entirely subject to change.


    I will update you with more information as I get it, thanks!




    Here it is

  2. I agree with you 100% in terms of the frustration of trying to play with those guys killing you/me BUT that quest you are trying to do is specifically a PvP quest in a PvP area, it was created for pvpers and its an optional mission with the reward being warzone comms and not daily comms. So you've just gotta leave the area and do something else if its a problem
  3. Also Obiray, Learn to Troll post like me bro... ill break it down for you..


    Step 1. Think of something that will annoy anyone who takes this game way to seriously (example swashbuckler are you now or have you ever been an above average healer? nope i dont think so.. you should go ask tinkle for tips.. oh wait you force sprinted behind that pole.. you must be the best healer that ever walked the planet using a combination of force sprint and LOS omg you blow my mind with your awesome skills)

    Step 2. think of a comical way to post it on forums (example go to OP of this thread)

    Step 3. Sit back and eat some popcorn

    Step 4. #WinTroll


    Also "Xavier as best player on server" bout time I got some respect around here.. Prooxi did some special things to me.. so he gets second place List still coming


    I actually feel honored that I got mentioned in a post on a thread that I had nothing to do with... I must be doing good

  4. So we allow a lvl 55 who has been doing PVP only to walk into an op in lvl 1 greens and bioware bolsters them does that mean they will know tactics or perform better? Unlikely. You gear through flashpoints/crafting then through raids, if you havent geared through the correct progression why do you expect the rest of the raid to carry you?


    If you geared through the correct progression at least you will have some understanding of PVE fight mechanics etc which you would not get from PVP.


    So you automatically understand how the pvp matches work and have good map awareness ect? No, you won't have any understanding but us pvpers still carry you. Bioware seemed to cut out the gear progression and learnings from pvp. This is why I'm saying its a 2way street.


    Also I did SV 3 times and tfb on the PTS with the free pve gear because I don't get a chance to do it on the live server

  5. Ok so I'm thinking that bolster is a 2way street. The pve players with incompetent gear got a bolster to be able to play evenly in war zones. When I que for SV everyone tells me I'm too undergeared to do it and they don't want me in the group.


    What is fair about this? Also instead of bashing the OP I'd like to hear why it is ok to make high end pvp available for PvErs but not make high end PvE available for pvpers? Keep in mind that your valor could be lvl 1 and you can easily compete with a full partisan geared pvper with 80valor without complaining that its too hard ect...


    Seems a bit unfair to me


    Please show me where they are saying this, I'm yet to see it anywhere obiray.


    Well here's a paragraph out of all his posts...



    I think Bastion does have a few more teams that queue, right now Harbinger has 5 total teams that queue up for competitive matches, and of those 4 of them tend to be the dominant forces with the last eeking out wins through DC's and the like. If you're looking for truly competitive PvP, I would say that Bastion is likely a better place to be.


    He just posted above giving details as well

  7. Tairisa summed it up nicely but ill help give some input. I can think of only one top player that rolled to the Bastion but he still plays on this server too. Yes we still do ranked, in fact we've had competitive games and kickball styled games within the past week. It is certainly slowing down a bit as people await 2.0 but i expect our PvP scene to be much more active after the update.

    However i have to add that when/if paid server transfers become available many serious teams on our server will likely consider moving to a server with the largest competitive scene.


    ok could we get more info on how many 'top' guilds there are and others doing ranked. angel_dust said there was the 2 best teams and then 4 others... also what is the state of the pvp - is it just the top 2 teams versing each other? do other teams have a chance? when paid transfers come out will they likely go to the bastion because they assume the ranked is more competitive there?


    just need to get full details from the actual players in those ranked teams.

  8. The members I spoke to said they were merely making alts on Bastion to try some different competition.


    As you can see from the list of guilds heading Harbinger, they'll have plenty of competition come 2.0


    Come on chief. You know cores A team is in a different league to all the guilds going to the harbs so no matter how many go it still won't matter

  9. Because pure numbers mean nothing compared to ONE persons opinion that it is 'declining'. My bad.


    Edit: if you speak to anyone on the actual server games do happen, therefore it's not dead.


    dude the best guild on harbinger is saying it. no one cares about ranked 'happening' they care about how good the teams are... and hes saying theres no competition there.

  10. Also are you taking note on if it's ranked games or not, even tho that'd be mildly harder to find out.


    i think weve sorted that bastion is better for ranked anyway... the harbinger guilds are saying its dead/declining. someone from the squirtle squad said it but cant remember who. was just trying to help with normal wz pops cause thats what most will be doing

  11. we have been watching the warzones all day on both servers and just did a search on how many lvl 50s warzones running on the servers...


    harbinger - 1 warzone

    bastion - 3 warzones


    bastion has had more lvl 50 warzones running all day. even though the harbinger has a higher pop on the fleet atm.


    id definitely recommend everyone who wants to pvp go to bastion and everyone who wants to PvE or hang out on the fleet with more people to talk to try the harbinger... theres not 1 right server for everyone so youll have to choose depending on what play style you prefer.

  12. Just wanted to say that there's more than one guild doing Ranked on dalborra seems to be some misconceptions

    My current guild TA has participated in rated matches for months the ranked scene is pretty much dead ATM with people waiting for 2.0 but the past 5 months we have Participated in ranked wz every night of the week avergeing around 5-6 hrs per night

    We have enough players for 2 teams and frequently organised in house whien no other teams were queuing

    With That said spc (MVP) is the only guild we have not been able to beat but I'm confident that as our skill and team cohesion improves we will be able to offer them better competition

    Also Snx imp guild supposedly are disbanding and moving on these guy were our main competition and we versed each other frequently we lost a lot of matches but as we improved managed to even the score and get some good wins

    Just a short list of some of the guilds (not all) that have joined ranked matches on a regular basis






    Mind walkers

    A little bit gimp


    dude dont kid yourself. everyone stopped queuing when SPC started facerolling everyone and no one wanted to verse them.

    ranked pvp in dalborra is dead and only ques up if its organized and you will only play guilds that are even competitors. even if these guys are queuing its not high end competitive

  13. I'm still rerolling Harbinger.


    - Playing with the majority of APAC community

    - Largest population

    - Most likely home of Resk, Icesis and the next RAW tournaments!


    Why wouldn't I choose THAT over a handful of exaggerating pvpers on Bastion?

    The reason they are spamming our forums is because they NEED us to keep things interesting.


    Before butthurt Americans reply, note that I only give a f**k about APAC players and opinions. STRAYA!


    PS: it appears I may be looking for a new guild soon, Aussies harbinger guilds come at me bro !


    Ok chief, lets say you were a US pvper and had to transfer to an APAC server...


    You've got master D - lower population but get to verse guilds like core and Midian which you know will have awesome pvp.


    Or you've got dalborra - higher population but people on the server are telling you that the pvp isn't that good and Theres only 1 ranked team to verse and they aren't as good as the players on master dar'nala.


    ^i think this is why jeck changed his decision. Keep in mind that they also don't have a population problem as well

  14. so we can put you in your place like we do everyone else. its pretty fun actually, and funny how the EU teams on the pts did fine with lat and the pts is far more unstable then any live server. lag is an excuse bads use when they get f'ed up and dont want to admit it


    I actually agree with this. I think that's why all the bastions want us to go there but it feels good not to give them the satisfaction.

  15. I really hope people see the light and roll bastion. It's the only competetive ranked pvp scene left, the top guilds on harbinger are already in the 'bored and doing balance ranked' stage - just refer to this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=616604


    For anyone valuing the PTS results (which i played on - class balance was quite poor when these guilds vs'd each other) you need to read the forums closer - bastion guilds like mvp only lost when they had by FAR the worse gear. Not only that Harbinger only has a couple of competitive guilds left in the ranked scene - both of which are bored and wishing they were playing on bastion.


    Sorry presh my attention got stuck on this...


    The teams left from MDN are but a crappy shell of the talent that used to be on the APAC servers. Most of the good players have long since left the game. Some good people left still but not enough to dominate or take over a server.


    So why does this guy want us on bastion???

  16. i find it funny that people are putting the blame for this happening on people that left your server. because its a bad thing to want to play on a more populated more active server right? HOW DARE THEY WANT TO PLAY THE GAME THE WAY THEY WANT TO PLAY IT.


    I wouldn't say we completely blame them, but they did ditch us and made it worse. I'm just follow what the majority of the APAC community are doing( just like i was trying to do when talking about rerolling on the US servers a couple months ago, mylord) without listening to the bastion APACs who just want it their way. So if dalborra, gav daragon and master d all decide to go to the bastion then ill be there with them

  17. Come to harbringer i hear you guys are the best on mdn well the best of dalborra are going harbringer and would like the chance to take you down :p but seriously with the established apac players already there and if we influx it with more the population will be very strong and pvp will blossom


    Hope to see you there


    Alittle Bit Gimp.. Dalborra


    Hmmmm I'm starting to think this guy has no idea what he's in for...

  18. Mylord I agree with jeck and that all the APAC players on the bastion abandoned master dar'nala before the ship started to sink, actually everyone that left helped the ship to sink. Then when it's time to sort out OUR problems (meaning the people who stuck with master d, dalborra and gav daragon this whole time) you start to come In and have input like you've been apart of it the whole time.


    you were happy to leave us and play on a different server without us, talk about how dead it is and how much better the bastion is. The only reason I can think of for you to be here promoting the bastion is that you want people to see how 'cool' you are over there or something... This goes for all the APACs on the bastion as well.


    You're happy to play without us now so I'm sure you won't have a problem with us going to harbinger with the rest of the APAC community.


    EDIT: and looks like jump is on the ball with this as well... Show us how cool you are almighty bastions! Show us!

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