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Posts posted by wookiwwlover

  1. If you must upgrade anything upgrade the gpu first.

    A 7870 will be cheaper and faster than a 660ti.

    And if you have almost $300 for the 660ti your way better off buying a 7950.


    Always had Nvidia cards and loved em, but facts are atm ATI have cards at better price/performance points.


    A i5 3570 will do gaming very well on a budget and the Gigabyte UD3 is a solid board. Ram doesnt matter so long as its 8gb+ and 1800mhz or faster. A SSD is always a solid performance upgrade gor cash spent.


    My suggestion would be to jump on the web and read lots of reviews on parts.

  2. Any chance you are running this with 16 gigs of RAM? Been trying to find something that people have in common and so far, to get smooth gameplay it seems you need more then 8 gigs of RAM (no idea why since it wont even use that much - its still a 32bit program at its core) and above 4.0Ghz for the CPU.


    Yes I run 16gb of ram. Game is also run off a SSD. Cpu is a i7 3820 @ 5ghz


    But I have checked system usage and it barely uses 2-4gb, so I dont see having only 8gb being a issue.

  3. I wonder if these performace issues are not mostly client side hardware.

    As I get a constant 120-130fps from a quad core cpu and a single 7950. And thats with every setting on ultra high.

    Never had pop up mobs or loading times that seemed extra long.

    Only performance issues I have are internet connection based and thats more the network provider.


    What generation of gfx cards are people having issues with?

    Not current or last gen I would bet.

  4. Then unsub if you're "sick and tired" of whatever perceived slight or other thing you believe EA/BW has done to you. If the game is not fun for you anymore, stop playing. It's that simple.




    And if/when you do unsub, please make a seperate forum thread about it.

    Also make sure it has lots of bold coloured text all in caps.

    Cause we all love threads like that.

  5. What is kind of a worry is when the tank and dps dies in a boss fight and me healing a single dps are able too finish off the remaining boss fight with less trouble than me keeping the tank healed.

    I am begining to find many tanks lacking in gear lvl for the content or lacking in tanking knowledge. Most of my ignore list is made up of tanks as is my friends list made up with all the great tanks.

    It is annoying as a healer sometimes as any wipe is automatically blamed on you.


    Had a lvl55 Maruader abuse me the other night for the wipes on Hammer Station bonus boss, cause it is not like him only having 800 max "buffed" damage stat and blue/green gear had anything to do with it. Even my full healer specced merc has 1350 max damage stat. Fight went so long i ended up running into heat management issues as i tried to keep tank alive through the boss enrage. So this "dps" Maruader abuses me then drops group, we reque and within 5mins pick up a new dps. Killed the boss first try in half the time as before.


    Gonna keep on running healer merc and am currently leveling up a Sin Tank.

  6. There is more whine and cheese here than a French festival.

    I often wonder how these bitter spoilt whiners survive in the real world.

    Oh the irony... I'm whining about whiners... herpa derp


    I am glad too see these events brought back. For those that are new or missed it the first times.

  7. I am relativly new to lvl55 Merc healing but I always have the most trouble when dps gets trigger happy and pulls before the tank. Happens a lot in pug groups. Sometimes i have issues with a tank that cant hold agro and I get facerolled by a mob of mando dogs. Loving being a healer though it is a good change from dps. Happy to say only wipes caused have been from poor tanking agro management. Have not found any 55 HMs that have rediculous healing needed.
  8. Sorry but No.

    Bolster should stay and they should just fix the Aug exploit.

    Simply make it impossible to remove gear/mods in a WZ.


    Myself and I'm sure many many players are casual pvpers and Bolster allows us to have some pvp fun while we grind for the better pvp gear.

    Why would you want unbolstered 55's in your match? We are just as likely to be on your team as the enemy team. And without bolster pve geared players are a liability on whatever team they are on.

    And seeing as i only jumped into pvp at 55 I would be totally screwed without bolster in place and I wouldnt even bother grinding for the pvp gear and would forget about pvp totally. I am sure many others would be in the same boat.

    End result is less pvpers and pvp slowly dies.


    The bolster exploit needs to be fixed? Bolster in all pvp needs to stay.

  9. No... Just plain no.

    I have been doing HM 55's for less than a week, and you know what? They are already too easy for me. Biggest learning curve was the different Boss mechanics and thats not rocket science. Do em once and thats that.

    Had a horrible night of pugs in Lost Island second boss, despite telling the group exactly how too stack underneath him and stay there... We wipe 6 times from players standing away from him when he rages.

    I mean stacking under his ballz is so difficult.


    I would like them even harder and cant wait to do my first 55 OP.

  10. I was doing a HM flashpoint last night and had a most unpleasant experience.

    I recognised a player I had come across from previous flashpoints and had hoped since i had seen him last he had changed his ways. It was not the case it seems as for every random loot roll he was needing everything.

    When asked why he was needing every item his reply was "I need it, is that a problem?"

    I promptly told him I would leave the FP if he continued to "need" every item, which i did a few mins later.


    Now is it considered poor looting etiguette in a pug hm fp too need every item that you come across?

    Or am I missing some vital point about the loot roll?


    Thnx for any input.

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