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Posts posted by eduardoxaud

  1. When outfits were launched, animations of armor pieces like Tactical Infantry or Dynamic Brawler were shown on active outfits. This was labeled as 'unwanted effect' and then patched, but this thing added a new look for old armor sets. I could mix and match armor types to get the look I wanted and still get a cool effect on it. There's not a lot of armor pieces with animations, and some of them don't macht or go well with any other pieces that are available.


    So, can you guys please restore this amazing feature that only the devs consider as 'unwanted'? Maybe put a box like 'hide animations on outfit' if players doesn't want to enable animations to a certain outfit.

  2. Jung Ma is dying, despite the over-optimistic distorted view of the devs, and now the only thing that was keeping people from leaving, the pvp server status, can be achieved on any server. the last remains of big guilds will go to other more populated servers to play with their friends.


    You can barely find people to play, and the situation is so bad I'm sending friend request to credit sellers just to see someone online.


    If the purpose of the change was to make the server give his last breath to be more easy to sweep the rest of us to a merged server, that will do.


    People that play since the beginning of the game claim that when the first severs were merged the devs gave the guilds an transfer. We just want that option again.


    We want to keep playing with our friends, paying subscription and having fun. You guys just need to look for a backup of the transfer coding to make us happy.

  3. I'm wondering if the devs still read this post... people are complaining about the new packs since the release of the first one and nothing has changed! I've bought the supercrate of the new pack, the visionary one, and within 5 packs I got 9 chance cubes, 1 replacement part companion gift, the same one that you can buy with 1 green scrap from the jawa. 15 green scraps, 20 blue, and 6 purple, plus 4 other companion gifts of various tiers. not even 1 decoration! The cubes gave me nothing from the current pack.


    Chance cube drop from all packs can enter the category of worst ideas the devs had.


    Why dont the crates drop the bronze, silver or gold packs from armor, weapons, crystal and decoration types? At least we'll known the type of thing we're rolling for, and can sell them accordingly...


    Why dont put all gifts from tier 5 or 6?


    Why dont show respect for the money people still spend on this game while refusing a friend's request to forget this "dead game" and download other mmo?


    People are spending money, and the feeling that I have is like the devs treat us as they're doing a big favor to us.


    So, I'll do like other people here and save the money spent on CC until they start to think.

  4. He got warning because he was naming and shaming on the forums, which is against the Terms of Service, since the majority of the time such threads usually descend into flame wars.


    Yeah.... I understand your point, but there's only 1 player with that behavior, so not naming or pretend that was said will not shame him when you state that "one player keeps entering wz naked and he taunt and curse teammates", is just hypocrisy... especially when everyone knows the player name because we all hate his behavior...


    but I really understand your point, seriously.


    In the end, Bioware will not do anything because the forum has better moderation than the game for which it was made ...

  5. This is outrageous!


    A player complains about an inadequate behavior on server and got a warning! I'll endorse every threat against that said player that keeps misbehaving on every warzone he enters.


    On other MMO that I play there's always a employee charged of solving those kind of complaining.


    The problem is not that only the server has an naked player to ruining the fun of every one, is that he does that on a low population server, where you can't get enough pops to warzones and will be matched with said player several times.


    So, if BIOWARE will not take an action, nor even take notice on that forum threat other than to send a warning by forum policy I'll join the ranks of players that prefer to loose all the patience without waste money in a game that not care about his subscribers.


    Until my subscription runs out, I'll create 10 tickets every time I see that player naked on combat training area of fleet.


    And I'm thinking in start another topic named "Naked players that ruin our fun on this server, with screenshots"

  6. He is an jerk. He enters the wz equipped only with lightsaber and starts to curse the other team members. Every time I fall in the same team as him, I ask that the other players vote to kick him in wz. His attitude is always the same, says in chat that nothing will happen with him, join the battle only to nullify the votes against him, then goes back into a corner and stands until the wz ends.


    I have also reported it his behavior, but received only an automated and completely unsatisfactory response from BW. As his behavior remains the same in the last eight months, it appears that no one in BW intends to take any action against him, and that's disappointing.


    I am one of those players that will always vote to kick him and report when wz ends, but the slowness in handling such matter by the moderators of the game gives him the certainty that can do this with impunity.

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