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Posts posted by mazharthegreat

  1. The Eternal Order / The Eternal Ordér

    We are an active Social guild that does progression PVE/PVP and RP and EVERYTHING SWTOR!


    Satele Shan




    Republic & Imperial


    PST / Most active time 4PM-11PM PST


    • Operations
    • PvP
    • Ranked PvP
    • Flashpoints
    • Conquest
    • Roleplay
    • Social/hanging out
    • Leveling
    • Crafting
    • Datacron Hunting
    • World Bosses
    • Dueling / Tournaments
    • Galactic Starfighter
    • Open World PvP
    • Dailies
    • Heroics
    • Achievements

    Active Members

    1000+, 140 during prime time

    Guild Level

    535 Republic / 535 Imperial

    Operations Groups

    • Story
    • Veteran
    • Master

    Guild Calendar

    Guild Rules

    Guild Description

    Want to join a Top Social RP/PvP/PvE guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship, Yavin/Rishi HQ and we do EVERYTHING!

    Guild Requirements

    1. Would you enjoy attending or participating in guild events such as races, tournaments, social/RP events, datacron races, meetings, contests, lotteries, World boss hunts, PVP, OPS and so forth?
    2. We are looking for loyal long-term members. If you agree with our values, would you be willing to make this your primary guild for the foreseeable future, and eventually move your alts into it?
    3-We pride ourselves on our respectful environment. Are you capable of remaining polite in chat, refraining from profanity, and showing respect to those in authority? Would you help people if need be?

    How to Join

    You may contact any online member to be recruited properly or post in our Discord, to arrange recruitment and invite.


    Our main Guilds win both High and Medium Yield invasions weekly and we rotate these invasions as per the High Leadership's discretion. Our Secondary guilds invades Medium Yield Planets for title too. We also have Tertiary guilds that invade Small Yield Planets.

    Flagship: Eternal Guardian

    15/15 Rooms unlocked
    Fully unlocked and magnificently decorated. Come find out :)

    Flagship: Eternal Conqueror

    15/15 Rooms unlocked
    Fully unlocked and magnificently decorated. Come find out :)

    Contact Info

    Discord Contact


    Discord Server Link

    Ingame contact

    Republic side character name Truemazhargreat / Imperial side character name Mazharthegreat

    Find Guild Ingame

    If you are subscribed, type /who The Eternal Order Republic / /who The Eternal Ordér Imperial

    SWTOR.com messages

    Message mazharthegreat

    Twitter Contact



    Reddit Username

    Reddit Thread

  2. The Eternal Order Community of Guilds on Star Wars: The Old Republic Satele Shan Server


    Want to join a top Social PvE/PvP/RP guild community? The Eternal Order has cross-faction guilds, Flagships, Guild Banks, slots, Zeal Perk, and Yavin/Rishi/Alderaan/Tatooine/Dromund Kaas/Coruscant HQs, and daily events! We are a friendly and active Social guild that will help you do EVERYTHING: PVP, OPS. RP, Conquest, World Boss hunts, you name it!

    We have different cadres (intra-guild departments) for like-minded individuals to a group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Help cadre, Endgame PVE cadre, crafting cadre & more!





    Are you a new player or returning one? We have something for everyone! When you are with us, you're part of a family. Not just another player!


    How to apply:

    Whisper a member in-game on Republic side (/who The Eternal Order) or on Imperial Side (/who The Eternal Ordér) on the Satele Shan Server, OR arrange an invite through our Discord.

    Resources to learn more, contact us and join:

    The Eternal Order Official Website: https://eternalord.enjin.com/

    The Eternal Order SWTOR Fan Community Landing Page: https://swtorfancommunity.com/guilds/the-eternal-order-satele-shan

    The Eternal Order Discord:

    The Eternal Order Twitter:

    The Eternal Order Steam Group:

    • Like 1
  3. The Eternal Order Community of Guilds on Star Wars: The Old Republic Satele Shan Server


    Want to join a top Social PvE/PvP/RP guild community? The Eternal Order has 8 cross-faction guilds, Flagships, GuildBanks, slots, Zeal Perk, and Yavin/Rishi/Alderaan/Tatooine/Dromund Kaas/Coruscant HQs, and daily events! We are a friendly and active Social guild that will help you do EVERYTHING: PVP, OPS. RP, Conquest, World Boss hunts, you name it!

    We have different cadres (intra-guild departments) for like-minded individuals to a group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Help cadre, Endgame PVE cadre, crafting cadre & more!





    Are you a new player or returning one? We have something for everyone! When you are with us, you're part of a family. Not just another player!


    How to apply:

    Whisper a member on Republic side (/who The Eternal Order) or on Imperial Side (/who The Eternal Ordér) on the Satele Shan Server

    Other Resources to Contact us and join:

    The Eternal Order Official Website: https://eternalord.enjin.com/

    The Eternal Order SWTOR Fan Community Landing Page: https://swtorfancommunity.com/guilds/the-eternal-order-satele-shan

    The Eternal Order Twitter:

  4. This post is infringing upon information developed by The Eternal Order Leadership that Jason/David R. has decided to steal without the consent of the original authors.

    The following guides have been stolen without the express permission of their individual authors: The Esseles, Black Talon, Hammer Station, Athiss, Mandalorian Raiders, Cademimu, Taral V, Maelstrom Prison, Red Reaper, Directive 7, Battle of Ilum, The False Emperor, Kaon Under Siege, Lost Island, Czerka Corporate Labs, Czerka Core Meltdown, Assault on Tython, Depths of Manaan, Legacy of the Rakata, Blood Hunt, Battle of Rishi, Crisis on Umbara, Traitor Among the Chiss, Nathema Conspiracy.


    This person is redistributing most of those guides without permission, or even notification, from the people that wrote them, and then to prevent us from using them he hit ours with an illegal DMCA on our internal files. He steals our intellectual property, then prevents us from using the information we have created internally. This act of copyright violation and illegal behavior will no longer be ignored.

  5. Hello,


    Like others, I recently returned to SWTOR and of late have been running a few FP, WZs, etc. While I do have experience pre 5.0 with NM, HM ops, and other content, and have a general knowledge of the mechanics for this content.


    I’m not looking for a hardcore raiding guild unless they do fun stuff for their other members, 16 man raids, and HM flashpoints, group runs for conquest, or even WB run-throughs. Fun stuff, really.


    So if any guilds are recruiting, that doesn’t mind a casual player. Please send me a message here on the forums or in-game to Zaer on Imp side.


    Thanks :)


    Want to join a TOP Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), GB, and Yavin/Rishi HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/PVP/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server :)

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like-minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an endgame PvE cadre, RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, FaQ cadre, and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more :)

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

    Enjin recruitment post: http://eternalord.enjin.com/page/1248511/recruitment

    Or use our Discord: Discord:


    to arrange an invite

    Hope to see you soon as part of our Eternal Order :):wea_03::wea_07::sy_galaxy:

  6. Hello! I am fairly new to the game, and as fun as it is a guild with people to play with would make it much better! I have a Sith Inquisitor at level 22 so I am looking for a Darkside Guild!


    Want to join a TOP Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), GB, and Yavin/Rishi HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/PVP/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server :)

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like-minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an endgame PvE cadre, RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, FaQ cadre, and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more :)

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

    Enjin recruitment post: http://eternalord.enjin.com/page/1248511/recruitment

    Or use our Discord: Discord:


    to arrange an invite

    Hope to see you soon as part of our Eternal Order :):wea_03::wea_07::sy_galaxy:

  7. Hi..returning player here..been back now for a month and have afew diff toons that are geared now ..and im in a raiding guilde but they never get on disc and unless its raid time you want ever see anyone ...soo im looking for a guild that is into raiding but also is active and social ....i have toons on either side side just lemme know...i have been raiding in "vidya games" for over 20 years..i am a current CE raider in wow and was a NIM raider in swtor when i last played ..please let me know if you think you have a home for me


    Want to join a TOP Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), GB, and Yavin/Rishi HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/PVP/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server :)

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like-minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an endgame PvE cadre, RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, FaQ cadre, and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more :)

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

    Enjin recruitment post: http://eternalord.enjin.com/page/1248511/recruitment

    Or use our Discord: Discord:


    to arrange an invite

    Hope to see you soon as part of our Eternal Order :):wea_03::wea_07::sy_galaxy:

  8. With 6.0 here, former SWTOR players and new Star Wars fans have started coming back/playing the game, and they want to be part of the larger and active guild communities to enjoy the game to a full extent.

    I propose two solutions to the ever-growing problem of Guild population cap:

    1- Simpler solution: Increase the Guild Cap by LEGACY, not characters to a reasonable amount (1000/2000). Many of us play multiple toons and multiple specs of different classes, and should not be constrained by the Guild Cap in doing so.

    2- Either let us expand our Guilds and create Alliance between Guilds that will be connected through a standard chat (not Custom Chat channels) and can share the perks, rewards, Conquest, and Guildship and facilities. This alliance of sorts would allow for much greater cooperation between guilds and expand the role of Guilds. Guild cooperation will also ensure activity and long-term interest in the game for many players.

    Of course, this is just a suggestion, but I believe there is already strong support for suggestion #1. Any thoughts/comments on this matter and the Developers paying attention to this suggestion would be appreciated. :)

  9. Respectfully, NO. A server Merge is a ridiculous idea that is not the solution to any of the problems you have stated. People don't PVP in large amounts during Pacific time work hours on a workday in all games. Operation groups are being set up regularly in Fleet chat and endgame channels even in the non-peak hours.


    Players largely queue for the activities that will earn them weekly Masterwork Crystal for the 252/258 gear. If Bioware made PVP warzones a frequent weekly Masterwork Crystal objective, I am sure you would be getting regular 8v8 pops even in non-peak hours. All Group Finder activities have a somewhat healthy pop time at any hour of the day,


    Guilds like mine have regular events and activities going, and we have about 120-140 members online for events in The Eternal Order. I would suggest you join a quality guild, that does content other than Conquest, and see the difference. Satele Shan is thriving and far from being dead. A ludicrous server merge will only make more people leave the game due to severe lag issues. I agree with CaptRogue, either "deal with your "low pop" issues as most of us are quite fine here. Or server merge to SF."


    All thriving guilds and communities have no issues on Satele Shan running activities regularly, so we DO NOT need a server merge with Star Forge. :)

  10. Hi,

    The Eternal Order is the best and most active cross faction guild on the server right now :)

    <The Eternal Order> Server: Satele Shan Faction: Republic and Empire! Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like-minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game. We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, FaQ cadre, endgame cadre and crafting cadre. RP-Medium PvE-Heavy (progression) PvP-Heavy (ranked teams) Conquest-Medium The Eternal Order has Flagship and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

    Enjin recruitment post: http://eternalord.enjin.com/page/124...nt?gid=150-764. To get invited to the Eternal Order contact any of our Officers/members

    Hope to see you soon as part of our Eternal Order :)

  11. Hi,

    The Eternal Order is the best and most active cross faction guild on the server right now :)

    <The Eternal Order> Server: Satele Shan Faction: Republic and Empire! Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like-minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game. We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, FaQ cadre, endgame cadre and crafting cadre. RP-Medium PvE-Heavy (progression) PvP-Heavy (ranked teams) Conquest-Medium The Eternal Order has Flagship and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

    Enjin recruitment post: http://eternalord.enjin.com/page/124...nt?gid=150-764. To get invited to the Eternal Order contact any of our Officers/members

    Hope to see you soon as part of our Eternal Order :)

  12. Hi,

    The Eternal Order is the best and most active cross faction guild on the server right now :)

    <The Eternal Order> Server: Satele Shan Faction: Republic and Empire! Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like-minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game. We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, FaQ cadre, endgame cadre and crafting cadre. RP-Medium PvE-Heavy (progression) PvP-Heavy (ranked teams) Conquest-Medium The Eternal Order has Flagship and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

    Enjin recruitment post: http://eternalord.enjin.com/page/124...nt?gid=150-764. To get invited to the Eternal Order contact any of our Officers/members

    Hope to see you soon as part of our Eternal Order :)

  13. Greetings SWTOR Developer Team,

    A great number of players subscribe to the game and continue playing because of our communities/friends in guilds. Being one of those players, I know that my group guild of about 1000 or so accounts is also very interested in the game due to the guild.

    Seeing as the Number of Strongholds available to purchase and the player limit of Strongholds has increased, maybe it is about time to increase the amount of Strongholds Guilds can have?

    Please consider this my formal request on behalf of the large population of the game that will thank you and continue playing this game happily without new content if you just give Guilds the option to get the new Rishi SH as a 2nd one.

    I hope my request is heard and implemented. I am a long time subscriber and I really want this game to survive. This is what your players want, please allow us to have it.

    Thanks in advance.

  14. Hello everyone!


    It's been a few months since I've played and decided to come back and roll a light side character for the first time. I'm looking for an active guild with Discord and that also does voice chat if possible. Just looking for a good group of folks to make friends with and raid, pvp, etc. RP is cool too I'm not picky.


    My character's name is Sothasile and if you're IMP you can also reach me on Xydonia (Immortal Jugg) or Xidonia (LSorc)


    I look forward to see who's recruiting!




    The Eternal Order is recruiting!

    Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, Endgame OPS cadre and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

  15. Hi all,


    I am a fresh returning player. After the server merge, I am wondering which server would be the most active one from a GMT+8 perspective during evening time. A touch of RP would be a plus but it is not "mandatory".


    Any guild name which is active and within this timezone would be also most welcome!


    Thanks guys



    The Eternal Order is recruiting!

    Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, Endgame OPS cadre and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

  16. Seeking A Guild. Looking for a guild that does both light and dark with a family atmosphere willing to help players. I have played on and off from the beta of swotor but was mostly solo now with more introduction of group events and operations i think it is time to join a guild. Looking for a a guild that is willing to help and teach and is there. For there members and not just about the numbers game.



    The Eternal Order is recruiting!

    Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, Endgame OPS cadre and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

  17. I’d like to play with some pretty rad people who wouldn’t mind helping me out every now and then. People who can also give me some advice in game would be cool too.



    The Eternal Order is recruiting!

    Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, Endgame OPS cadre and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

  18. I am looking for a casual friendly guild to join. By casual I mean a guild that does not require a time commitment, an example would be having to be on at this day and at this time, or being on for x number of hours a day. I just can't always do that. One willing to help out new players and old players alike and one that doesn't assume that a level 50 character has been on for years straight. My Knight just achieved level 52, but I haven't played in the last few years and have just recently returned.


    I have several characters, but have been concentrating on leveling my Jedi Knight and Imperial Agent. I am in the CST, Illinois, and am on most evenings and weekends.Like others, I have a job, family, and other responsibilities but make time for fun. I can be as serious as needed and as goofy as needed too. Pretty much I just like to have fun.


    The Eternal Order is recruiting!

    Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, Endgame OPS cadre and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

  19. Hi guys,

    The Eternal Order is recruiting! And we do a LOT of Story mode OPS everyday :) CQ lockouts are run too but don't think it's a viable CQ strategy anymore with the new changes ...

    Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, Endgame OPS cadre and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

    If you want to join through Discord: https://discord.gg/BryUYCn

  20. Hey, I am looking to join a guild that will accommodate a few Jedi and a trooper. Preferably a smaller, active, friendly guild where quality is more important then quantity. You can reach me on this post or in game mail my character Arkaz. Thank you for your time!


    Hi Scotty,


    Hi there :)

    The Eternal Order is recruiting! We are the most active guild on the server :)

    Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, Endgame OPS cadre and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

    Enjin recruitment post: http://eternalord.enjin.com/page/1248511/recruitment

    To get invited to the Eternal Order contact any of our members in game :)

  21. Hi there!


    Im Grimian, a 39 year old returning player looking for a smallish active guild preferably with a few fellow "seasoned" players.


    Can i join you? send me a Pm!


    Edit: Republic


    Hi there :)

    The Eternal Order is recruiting!

    Want to join a fun and Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? The Eternal Order has Flagship(with slots), Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Contact one of us in-game or here at the Satele Shan server

    We have different cadres (inter-guild departments) for like minded individuals to group and enjoy the different aspects of the game.

    We have an RP cadre, PvP cadre, Mission help cadre, Endgame OPS cadre and crafting cadre.


    PvE-Heavy (progression)

    PvP-Heavy (ranked teams)


    The Eternal Order has Flagship, and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly Social cooperative guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/Conquest/races and much more

    For more information, please visit our Guild website: http://eternalord.enjin.com/

    Enjin recruitment post: http://eternalord.enjin.com/page/1248511/recruitment

    To get invited to the Eternal Order contact any of our members in game :)

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