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Posts posted by kesildas

  1. I logged onto my scoundrel and gunslinger today and found that Risha has changed out of her npc mission costume into her companion trenchcoat (armed wtih her sniper rifle). Neither of my character have progressed far enough to have her in her trenchcoat.


    The outfit changed happened after I re-entered my ship with each char. and I was given a second dose of c2n2's introduction.

  2. I want to see all of the conversation cutscenes, not black bars that take up 1/3 of the image.

    The artwork is there; let me see it. The letterboxing effect is 10-15% translucent anyway, I can sorta see the image under it. Give us the option to set the alpha lower.


    It would have no effect on what's in place. Just more shiny for us that want to use it.




    (I asked and it will never be...)

  3. I hate the kotor dialogs as well.


    but they will not change it. It saves them money. We can protest, complain, moan and it changes nothing.


    This is not what I want to pay (sub) for.


    I truely regret re-subbing with this being the direction of the game.

  4. It's about time we get an option to turn Camera Shake OFF.


    Why is it needed in the first place? to make the action feel more “real” or “documentary-like” or something.


    Can you imagine what it would be like if camera-persons, filming sporting events started using queasi-cam to portray a collision or an instense moment when a goal / basket / touchdown is scored. Or how bout a rugby or american football game. (Set hut, bull rush technique, QB sack (SHAKY CAM.......)).


    Second scenerio: Everytime, something happens that would convey excitement, an explosion, a mood, a smashmouth athletic play. Shake your head violently enough to make your vision lose focus from that event. It would be ridiculous, so why must we endure it in movies and video games.


    There are some movie theatres putting warning signs up because of the nauseated feelings people are getting while watching some of the movies that overuse the technique https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaky_camera.


    Shaky cam in this game has gotten out of control and I am getting physically sick trying the play through the new content. I'm not the only one. (plus 1 if you agree pls)


    Other gaming companies have gotten this message and given the players the option to turn it off. example:

    http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options#Camera Under Camera < Checkboxes < Enable Camera Shake — Certain skills and environmental effects (e.g. using Earthshaker, when the Shatterer lands) will cause the camera to shake. This may cause dizziness or motion sickness to some people.


    I really enjoy this game and I can tell you I would play it a lot more if I didn't get nauseated playing it.


    edit: I am mainly speaking of gameplay explosions where the screen shakes from explosions or spells.

    I would like to see cutscene camera shake gone as well because I want to SEE the cutscenes not a blurry mess. (I will just skip[spacebar] the cutscenes if they suck from being blurry.)

  5. I'd suggest: The level sync, adjusted level font size, should be the size of the actual character level font size and the actual character level font should be size of the adjusted. (Make the level sync numbers bigger)


    Reason: The level sync font size is more important information to know than the characters actual level.

  6. I'm rolling a guardian (juggernaut) and find it odd that the Hilt Strike skill that uses the back end of a lightsaber (or for the jug the back hand slap) is used to produce a high amount of threat.


    This is what I'm seeing. I'm fighting a mob and want to do some damage, add a little threat, possibly stun said mob for 4 sec. but instead of using the searing hot laser sword stabby part. I'm going to use the wrong end.


    Maybe these abilities could be renamed to: Lunge, Onslaught, Blitz, or Thrust etc. Something that looks and sounds better than using the wrong end of a lightsaber.

  7. SOOO disappointed in the forced use of Bitraider.


    I dread patch days so much, the reorganizing of data and installs take so freaking long. (and We have to go thru another one tomorrow, %($@!#.) My main concern when dealing with these patches is the fact that using bitraider slows my machine down to a crawl.


    Yesterday I was feeling very ill when I woke up so I decide to go ahead and do the patch and go back to bed. I woke again about an hour later needing to vomit but when I try to sit up my gut feels like I've been stabbed. Turns out I needed an appendectomy.

    I came back from the hospital this afternoon and my client is s...t...i...l...l... patching.


    WTH bioware/ea. I do a little research and it turns out there are numerous posts concerning how bad this Bitraider is.


    It's so insane that we have to use, user fixes to get the game running. I am ticked off right now because I know I have to spend the next few days reinstalling the game in order to bypass bit raider. What's worse is, those are days I lose every week on my subscription.

  8. Not Needed. It's bad enough we have to deal with all the speeders on Fleet because people are too lazy to walk or waste an extra 30 seconds to run somewhere.



    Absolutely needed.


    Its not a question of having to walk / run 30 seconds. It's the 3 loading screens to get to a planet.


    An escape pod to the planet allows for 2 loading screens, like every other planet without a flying space port.


    Either way. it's not going to happen.

  9. This is just another example of how cash shops break games.


    I will never pay more money than the subscription and quite honestly feel I made a mistake in my current 180 subscription.

    Ah well, I have 4 months left on my sub and just don't feel like playing anymore.


    Pay extra to get all the features in the game, no thanks. I thought that's what sub was for.


    Sub is just slightly cheaper access to cash shop.

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