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Posts posted by Sternedanke

  1. Will it take far longer to progress without experienced players? Of course. But if you're not willing to spend the time and effort, why would you expect anyone else to waste theirs taking you along, knowing their reward is an increased chance of failure?


    This line I thoroughly found idiotic. I have said "I wish to learn the raids" and you tell me I am not willing to spend the time and effort to learn them? Did you even read my beginning post or just jumping on the bandwagon? And no, I have noticed that very few if any players are willing to work with anyone who isnt a hardcore raider." A guildmate of mine recently transferred from a raiding guild and he is a pretty hardcore raider. Likes to do raids a lot, but he said he left the guild because the players were openly hostile to anyone who asked a question about a raid. He told me about one player in particular asked what he was doing wrong in ToS with the Sword Squadron and described everything he did, just to be chewed out by the entire guild chat. Apparently they ripped into him calling him a newb, telling him that he wiped because he sucks at playing the game and life etc. Stuff like that. He said the guildmate quit the guild and he followed shortly afterwards saying "they showed their true colors pretty fast" and that he decided to go into a more casual guild.


    Now for all of you who sit there and scream join a guild etc. Would you want to be in a guild like that to simply "learn the raid?" I know I sure as hell wouldn't. Ask a simple question, hoping someone might be able to help you figure out what you did wrong, so you learn and get ripped apart like that? So yes, I stand by my original statement. Imperial players are very "adverse" at letting anyone learn the raids or even attempt them anymore. Is this what SWTOR has come down to? Saddest part is I cant tell which community is worse anymore in regards to players generally being openly hostile to each other...WoW or SWTOR. Used to be WoW hands down for the amount of trolls they had especially on the Horde Side. But now it looks like they are both tied in that regard.

  2. Honestly, in general I've noticed a serious attitude problem with imps on Harb. They are pretty terrible at everything and when you offer suggestions they rage on you. PVP is a prime example of this. Utterly God awful, make the same mistakes over and over and when you say "hey guys, let's try this" they scream that you're a noob who isn't helping and to shut up. Arrogant and bad are a very rough combination. I switched to pub recently. The environment is sooooo much better and friendlier.


    Oh this is no joke. I know for this a fact. I ran a Tac today which I have run hundreds of times and as a tank, you are required to hold the mobs attention. This I did. However this particular mob not only attacks the tank but attacks the group with AOE which is not possible to interrupt or reduce. So there I am tanking this guy and not a single heal, tank and 3 DPS...but oh wait we have kolto tanks. The lvl 55 wipes (low lvl gear to begin with) from the AOE damage because guess what...the DPS isnt getting the kolto tanks. So not only am I being required to hold the mobs attention, taking the vast majority of the damage, but I am supposed to get the kolto too? And when I called them on it, they decided to call me a "*********** newb tank" and to learn my class etc. Really? I've run this same Tac hundreds of times and never had any issues til this group. When I called them on it, one particular player got very hostile very fast and I got into a very heated argument which resulted in me saying to hell with ya get a tank who will put up with your stupidity. I turned around and ran the same Tac with another group in which the DPS got the kolto and guess what? Magically no wipes. Yet the tank gets cussed out because a lvl 55 undergeared DPS wipes? Fast forward to the Pub side and you might get a few bad apples who do what I described above, but they are seldom and far in between compared to the Imperial side which literally seems to have 40% douchebags. Hence 40%, not saying all of them, because I've met several who are actually very friendly, but quite a few are royal ******es. Go to the Pub side and out of 10 players you meet maybe 2-3 might be douchebags and the 3 is pushing it. So what makes such a difference on factions?

  3. In my experience Imps are ASSES! I've raided with 20 guilds since I started playing the game and the people I always seem to have issues with are on the imps side. Just a couple days ago I decided to try a random SM on imp side. My toons is in almost full 198's and I have very good raider (9/10)! The group I caught on was a pug run on JC server, but the raid had a couple players from one of the better raiding guilds on imp side in it. When we got to Underlurker they decided we were gonna kill two sets of adds then burn the boss. This seems like an excellent idea for experienced raiders, but this was a pug. After 3 attempts and fails I suggest we just do it normally but killing 3-4 sets of adds. They shot my down! Then we wiped 3 more time. I then suggested we do it the normal way. They shot me down! We wipe 4 more times. This is a very normal experience for me with imps! Overall you have a much better chance of meeting stubborn and elitist imp players! I also have been in a couple high quality raiding guilds (10/10 guilds) and there true nature always comes out so I have left. Now remember I have been raiding for years and am a very good raider and I totally agree with you. I absolutely would suggest you try the republic side the players are much nicer in general and you will have much more fun. Now that doesn't mean you will not find bad apples, but in general the Pub side is much better then the imp side.


    Sadly I have also noticed this is the case and with that I am simply going to leave it at that before the "join a guild and stop whining" trolls come back...even though all I have to do is point out a single fact and they start trolling posts...I think it's a pastime for them :)

  4. lmao...pls nerf? I am not saying the Ops need a nerf although I have seen that post floating around. As I said and I will say it again for the umpteenth time...I know why you guys do what you do. But as another poster posted in another thread, not everyone has had the opportunity to run these raids and some struggle getting past underlurker. 99% of you seem like hardcore raiders. Now I know you want a challenge and fun good for you, HM suits you. But to get into raiding, the only and let me emphaize this...the only Ops that most want to try are Story Mode and when those same Story Mode Ops which are significantly easier to learn are being dominated by groups demanding the acheivements, you know something is going wrong with Ops.
  5. And this is exactly why people ask for achievements rather than asking "did you dulfy the fights?".


    I'm glad this thread has finally come full circle. Thanks everyone for coming!


    Still...as it goes they should be a little more understanding that NOT everyone has run the raids yet and at least give them a chance. Your comment seems just like another elitist piece of garbage, no offense. At least I took the time to read the mechanics showing that I am willing to learn. Just as you took the time to prove what an *** you can be :)

  6. Why are the same ten to twelve guilds (who, by the way, have all the titles, acheevs and everything else associated with conquest) allowed to continually own all the planets. It's very frustrating to everyone in my guild when we try and try and try and reach several million in conquest and are still not able to own a planet because a guild who's won it ten times already is once again owning it. The system as it is does not allow for any mid-range to smaller guilds to even have a chance at owning a planet. It should be set that once a guild owns that planet they cannot own it again for a set period of time. It's rather unfair that these guilds start out with over a million points in the first two hours of conquest. Obviously they are doing something outside the norm to achieve this


    I come from a small guild and also from the military. Conquest is a military take over of a planet in a sense. if you want to win conquest, expand your guild, get your guild mates involved, do the conquest objectives, do what you can to win. You think your opponent/enemy will care if you whine about not winning Conquest? Conquest is a form of a guild war. The objective is to win not to sit back and coddle everyone. Hell i would love to win but there are times its not possible. And as one poster commented on, you plan ahead. Do you think military invasions are won by the seat of your pants? It takes a lot of planning ahead and maybe if your guild did that as well, you would find you come closer to victory, but unless you have 400+ active members who actively participate in the Conquest, you might as well give up on the achievements unless you really want them then go to their guild for awhile help them out and get the titles etc then come back to your guild.

  7. Stop leading with your stun. #1 dumb thing I see a ton of player do. CC is only useful if it allows you to either save your skin or if it allows you to apply a large amount of damage without the target escaping/negating the damage.


    However a lot of players open with their stun which means that they can't use it defensively because they burned it already, and it didn't help them kill anyone because they burned it before their main damage was ready to go.


    I dont lead with it that's just it...I dont use it for anything other than defensive but it never works against Pub players which I havent been able to figure out yet. But they will stun me, then I get unstunned and the next stuns me and etc...I dont really care I still enjoy doing PvP, I just would like to know how theirs always works but yet mine never does even when used trying to get the hell away from the attack

  8. Some of this advice may no longer apply since you've started your own guild.


    1. Raid with guilds/groups that communicate primarily through voice chat.

    People tend to be bigger ***** (myself included) when they hide behind ops chat. Hopping into a guild's Teamspeak/Mumble/Ventrilo server affords them the opportunity to get to know you better. People are more likely to bring a person along in a raid if they like said person. Also, teaching raid mechanics is significantly easier over voice chat, to the point that there is an incentive against bringing newbs along for a raid if instructions have to be typed out.


    2. Know your class

    You are correct in pointing out that there is a bias against including people with no raid experience in PUGs. One partial explanation for this bias is that there is a perception that people with no raid experience are also bad at their classes. Thus, not only do these individuals have to learn mechanics, but they also have to be taught their rotations as well. Experienced raiders see people like this as being irresponsible, since you don't have to participate in operations to learn how to play your class. If you are a tank, know about threat management and the two-roll mitigation system that this game uses. If you are dps, then know what rotations are maximally effective in both single target and AoE situations. If you are a healer, then know what heals are optimal in different situation. Of course, mere knowledge is insufficient. Execution is also necessary. Practice on the combat dummy or in flashpoints.


    3. Have the appropriate third party software downloaded and installed

    As a corollary to the above two points, be sure to have the following programs downloaded and installed: TeamSpeak, Mumble, Ventrilo, Parsec, and StarParse. Know how to use voice chat software and parsers. Parsers are extremely effective tools that provide combat log data.


    4. Do old operations

    Not quite sure how much operations experience you have prior to 3.0 content, but if you don't have much, then I suggest that you go and do the old ops. There are several good reasons why. First, since you are overleveled, older operations are much more forgiving and can be done with a partial operations group. Second, raid mechanics only come in so many varieties (e.g. stacking debuff that requires tank swap, cleansable DoT/debuff, cleaves/conals, AoE reticles, add management, target switching, etc). The more of the older content you do, the more of these kinds of mechanics you'll get exposure to, and the easier it will be to recognize mechanics in newer content.


    This person actually speaks to people like a human being. I would have no problem if I knew how to run in the raids incorporating him into a raid. I am in a guild at this moment but we dont do raids, not enough high lvls. And as for Ravagers and ToS, you are correct in saying that execution is everything. You are also implying that Flashpoints even hard Mode are easier, this is also correct. My knowledge of ToS and Ravagers comes from studying Dulfy and watching youtube vids.


    For example: ToS Second Boss Sword Squadron Unit 1 and 2 can be a very challenging boss fight if not handled properly. From studying Dulfy I know that you are supposed to attack Squadron Unit 1 until it gets Emergency Shielding at which point you need to switch to Unit 2 while a DPS player grabs the bomb and brings down the Shield. Also only 5 bombs exist so it is very very important to get it under the Unit to get pulled up into it and detonate the bomb. But DPS also wants to watch out for the red circles on the ground which can still damage you if you dont let them fire before you get pulled up into the Unit. The bomb also lasts only 25s.


    Now that is DPS aside from damaging the hell out of it...the tanks need to hold the aggro and they also need to avoid Rapid Fire. The others arent as avoidable. Now with the tank swap. I know that if I am not holding the boss's attention anymore, then they may need to swap with the other tank. And the Rolling mines need to be taunted by the tanks which is why tanks need to pay very close attention.


    So overall I got the jist of what you are supposed to do, but not the experience.


    For underlurker...hide behind rocks to avoid Rage Storm. Near instant death if caught in it. Devastation 1 tank in front 1 in back, 2 DPS/Healer on left and right sides. And when the boss uses Collapse run the hell away from the circles on the ground (self explanatory).


    So again I do have the general jist I think, I could be wrong, but not the experience that comes with it. And knowing something is not the same as actually knowing what to do...."No battle plan survives contact with the enemy"

  9. OP you obviously weren't playing when this game was released. The stuns are nothing compared to what they were at launch. Resolve even works now. CC is fine in this game. This game has some of the best PVP I've played.


    I bet you are also one to use stun a lot too...what infuriates me to no end though is when I do PvP on Imp Side, their stuns always stun me but anytime I try to use a stun ability it doesnt even tickle them. Pisses me off being stunned all the time when I cant stun them

  10. The difference between you me and half the newcomers, is that I actually "want" to learn. I hate being carried for even a minute through any raids, flashpoints etc. Besides I even offered to fill in once for a guild wanting to do a raid but was down one tank and the first thing out of their mouth on ToS was to link the underlurker achievement for Story Mode even AFTER I told them I had not yet run it. For Story Mode. Now if it was Hard Mode, I could understand that. But Story Mode? Am I missing something? That is supposed to be the easiest and I would say ultimately the easiest way to learn the Operations. And you keep harping on and on and on about joining guilds to do Operations. I tried that once already. As I have said several times. I went through 3 different guilds and the 1st guild was more or less this:


    Guild 1: Guys wanted to run a raid saw I was lvl 60, asked me if I wanted to go, I said sure but that I hadnt yet run the raid. They asked my role and I said tank. "Well that could be an issue. Nevermind then." I even offered to change my Discipline to DPS but they refused saying they were covered. Then they decided to go with a tank from outside the guild to run Story Mode. This happened twice and the last time I was DPS but they still refused saying I would wipe within minutes not knowing the mechanics. I left the guild and joined another one that said they did Endgame content (Operations etc)


    Guild 2: Only a handful of lvl 60s ever on though. We would form a group and go to Fleet and advertise that we were looking for players to run the raid. Others would join and the first thing they would say would be link the underlurker achievement. In a group WE formed. The guys in my guild said that I was new and hadnt run it. Immediate whining about how we were gonna wipe and everyone of them except my guild members voted to kick me and since they outnumbered my guild I was always kicked. So I gave up on that avenue and went to another guild.


    Guild 3: Agreed to take me on Ravagers and I got to the entrance on Rishi (was already on Rishi) and right as I am about to enter the raid, I was kicked. So at this point I am thinking ***!?!? Why do I get kicked right as I am about to enter the raid when the Ops leader sends me a whisper and said "Sorry but we dont want any newb tanks wiping us." So at this point, I said this is BS and left that guild. A buddy in the guild asked why I left the guild so I replied, IDK, why did you remove from the Operation without even giving me a chance first?


    So ultimately I just formed my own guild because as the thread post says...it literally seems impossible to do ANY Operations with or without a guild or PUG. Now my point in all this is...I am not saying you need to take everyone, God knows I understand your frustration when the newb wipes you. I really do. But look at it from a newb's point of view. They are coming into an Operation in which they have never run , (the others have) the others know the raid by heart and what each person is supposed to do). There is a lot of pressure to perform well. Hell my buddy was in an Op yesterday and made one mistake. One mistake (he went to the wrong side by accident) and wiped, causing the rest to wipe) and the whole raid was up in arms over it. He had run the raid dozens of times before and they booted him over one mistake.


    So I can understand your frustrations at wiping and the cost that goes with it, but when the newb cant even get into the raid to learn these mechanics, it becomes exceedingly frustrating for them. I once asked as a joke "Now that I hit lvl 60, what do I do?" The first comment was "Do Operations. Gear up and wait for more content". Do Operations. Do Operations. Hmmmmm...kinda hard when the newly hit lvl 60 cant even get into one. And yes I have tried the GF and waited days on end with no luck. But of course...just join a guild is always the reply. And I do mean always.

  11. I dont mind people rolling need on stuff for alts, "if" there isnt another one in the group that could use it. But once you start Needing on everything, regardless of what it is, I will boot you out of the group if I am the leader faster than your head will turn. But an example of what I am speaking about: say that Player A is a Gunslinger and needs a cunning piece of gear and one comes up after killing boss A. Now I am glad that Player B maybe lvling that kickass Imperial Agent he has and wants to roll Need to give it to that Imp Agent, but by common courtesy as I call it, you should roll Greed because Player A who just helped kill the boss needs the gear and by all rights, they have more right to it at that moment than some Imperial Agent alt, no offense. I have Greeded on plenty of stuff I could have used on alts simply because someone was in the group that could use it.


    My rules for loot that I follow are this:


    1: Need on stuff you legitmately can use: Greens (only if you can use it) Blues (as long as you can use it or if specified that you need it for an alt) Adaptive Armor (as long as no one else in the group Needs it, feel free, but remember to let the others know, because they have just as much right to some loot as the rest).


    I have run Flashpoints before where I came out empty-handed because one or more players felt they deserved more loot than the rest and nearly Needed on everything. And if I find that I am in a Guild PUG, I will drop almost immediately. I dont do Flashpoints, or any other group content with other guilds by myself anymore.


    2: Greed: Greed on Green items, reputation items, etc.

    3: Pass: only when you dont want the item or cant carry it etc

    4: DO NOT wait until everyone clicks Greed to click Need to insure you get the item. I watch for this and will wait to see what you do, if you try this stunt, I will intentionally Need right after you and if I win, give the item to the respectable person. I have seen to many players trying to Ninja loot this way and it pisses me off to no end.

  12. 1 Million Credits per 10 minutes + repair costs & i'll teach you, your group or your guild how to do the new operations.


    Why should i waste my time & subscription to teach or carry you.


    Read dulfy, watch youtube vids & these story mode operations are easy if you are at the required level, which is higher then pre 3.0 but is still low, imho.



    Yet...according to your same logic...you are wasting my subscription by demanding everyone know the fights upfront. And I HAVE read dulfy extensively and pretty much know from those what you are supposed to do and as I run a tank I studied that part more than the rest and still, I was even grilled on the subject when I brought it up when I showed interest, and at the end of it..."link underlurker achievement" so again...why is it Imperial players seem to be so adverse to letting anyone do the operations? I have never run the fights yet have watched the youtube videos and read dulfy etc and still same thing...and again...WHY should I pay you for in-game content? You are everything that is wrong with this game to begin with :). Maybe 1mil creds for one run excluding the repairs which you can get on your own from 1mil. But 1 mil per 10 minutes...lmao most Flashpoints can last anywhere from 30min-2hrs depending, and a friend of mine said an Operation can sometimes last twice as long, so good luck with that. And also nobody said anything about carrying. And I have done Flashpoints where the Group leader describes the fight and what each person is supposed to do...no big deal there, but this seems to be a way for all elitists to prove what asses they are. :)

  13. But the truth of the matter is that a player should NOT have to be forced to join a guild just to do a simple Operation. And I run my own guild now, except getting high lvls to do raids with is extremely hard because of course like usual they all demand that you have players who have run them before. Nobody and I say this literally Nobody seems to be wanting newer players to do the Operations and it's ridiculous. For example last conversation I had with one guy: General Chat: LF guild to raids with. So I decided to try and talk to him. Me: I see you are LF a guild to run raids with. I am trying to form a team in my own guild to do this. Would you be interested in joining? Without skipping a beat: <Character name> whispers: Can you link the Underlurker achievement? Me: None of us have done the raids yet. We've been trying and trying and nobody is willing to do them. Even PUGS seem to be non-existant. I waited 12 hours before just for someone to always decline as soon as it came up. No reply came back. Me: Would you still be interested in joining our guild and running raids so the rest of us can learn them too. <Character's Name> is ignoring you. Now you tell me how "that" is not elitist. People can try and put lipstick on a pig and pretty it up, but the truth of the matter is, that 90% of Imperial players refuse to allow newer players any chance at the Operations. And coming from a subscriber point of view, is this what I pay my money for?
  14. As compared to the Pub side I have noticed that the Imperial side is extremely conceited when it comes to letting anyone learn the Operations. I have waited for days before trying to get into an operation to learn them. I finally got invited to run an 8m The Ravagers on Story Mode and when I told them that I hadnt run it yet but wanted to learn it better even though I had watched some vids about it, BAM automatic kick. I'm sorry but for all you "elitists" out there, there was a time these "Operations" were new and you were new to them yourselves. How about actually letting others run them in SM and showing them the proper way to run them instead of being stuck up *****s? I am so tired of seeing others tell people on Fleet they need to run the Operation first before they can run the Operation...seriously??? Y'all complain that people dont run the Ops right, well how about actually showing them the "proper" way to run them instead of getting pissy because they just hit lvl 60 on that character and may not have run them before. Just saying. And sorry about the vent but I have been trying for 2 weeks now to run even a single Op...and yes my former guildmates were the same way even towards their own members. Hence why I left them.
  15. I am not saying 24/7, what I am saying is that a small group of people picked based on their time zones and whenever they will be on etc. And as the second poster cant seem to read, I know the tools are there but people are finding ways to circumvent those tools every single time I log on. Even the profanity filter.
  16. I am suggesting this based on the fact that on April 11, 2015 between 9-11PM the chat on Dromund Kaas became what I would say was insane. Players telling others to "overdose and die", threatening to "kick your f**king ***". Now I know chat can get unruly at times but this was beyond anything I'd ever seen before and my suggestion is for BW to pick people who already play the game to monitor the chat. Instead of paying them cash or anything, they could give incentive like a month of sub time or other things from time to time. All punishments ie muting a player must be approved by a GM etc. I am only suggesting this because our General Chat really needs to have some form of monitoring. There are teenagers who play this I understand but they need to learn and understand there are acceptable forms of joking and whatnot and their are some that are simply not tolerated even by today's standards. What is everyone else's opinions on the matter? And before you say there is the ignore button, I shouldnt have to ignore players based on who feels like trolling on a particular day. And my ignore list is about full anyways.
  17. I'm not opposed to Adding subtitles in more languages, or having local pricing for different regions. That said, BioWare Austin and EA are both based in America, and they have no offices in South America at all. That means they have to deal with the exchange rates, and possibly foreign transaction fees from their Credit Card processed. These factors might make it not worth while for them to offer local pricing.


    Agreed. Most regions pay based on our exchange rates at the time. And also in regards to the original posters the Cantina Tour is based in US only. Yet thousands of people from all over the world find the time and money to come see it. And it would probably cost too much to convert it to Portuguese, based on the fact that then other Nationalities would go "why isnt my language in there?" And would cost them more money than they bring in to convert them to the languages demanded.

  18. Guild-supportive features is and has always been non-existant in swtor. The guild feature is basically just a shared chat and the guild name under your character name. From the first day i played this i have longed for more guild support. And for over more than 2 years i have not seen any improvements.


    I have noticed this too. The way our guild system works now is that a GM can set a MoTD, a Guild Description, set ranks, modify Guild Banks etc, but those are just the basic features. Why not add guild features over time, make the guild more than just a "shared chat and the guild name under your character name," help the other players find the guilds they want. Add a Guild Finder feature and that would be a huge step up in the right direction of assisting guildmasters and recruiters find more prospective members who may not even know we exist. I know I cant be on 24/7 spamming my guild recruitment message, and this would help a lot.

  19. I wholeheartedly agree with this. It's not fair to the low lvls since they have to pay for the injector and some may not have the creds necessary. Simply because one player decides to bring the plague to Fleet doesnt mean that everyone wants to participate. I participated for a few days and grew tired of it. Keep the plague contained to the planet the event is on. That way players do not have to avoid Fleet like some newbies I personally know are until the event is over. Just an idea
  20. Hellfire Reapers is a fairly young guild looking to expand into the following areas:

    • PVE
    • PVP
    • Raids(Operations)
    • Socializing


    Eligibility to Join:



    • All lvls regardless of ingame experience
    • High level players for raids
    • Players wanting to help new people learn the game



    • Players who enjoy trolling others for amusement
    • Players who like to belittle others for their lack of experience
    • General douchebags, ******es whatever you want to call them
    • Gold Spammers
    • Immature players ARE NOT WELCOME (Act your age, or if that fails act as a civilized human being/adult)


    Requirements for Raiding/Officers:

    • Officers/Raid Members MUST HAVE TEAMSPEAK to qualify for either.
    • Officers will be chosen based on their lvl of participation and contributions to the guild
    • Higher lvl Officers will be promoted by myself and must have shown a willingness to help other guildmates and the guild itself
    • Any officer who does not use TeamSpeak will be demoted to the highest non officer rank.
    • If we run a guild raid and you do NOT use TeamSpeak, you will be removed from the raid and someone else will be brought in.


    Removal of Players

    • All Removals are FINAL
    • Players who belittle others will be REMOVED
    • Players who are Racist towards guildmates/outside Players will be REMOVED
    • Players who are disrespectul and use profanity towards other members in a deragatory way will be REMOVED (exceptions will be made based on extenuating circumstances)
    • Players who tell an Officer to FO or FU will be REMOVED
    • Players who attempt to rob the Guild Bank will be REMOVED and if possible a report will be sent to the devs if you attempt to hack the game to gain access
    • Players who give us a bad reputation by trolling, insulting other players or any combination not written herein will be REMOVED


    All languages are allowed to join, BUT I do NOT know who can translate your language or not. I can speak German and English, but that is it.


    Our Assets:

    • Guild Bank
    • 28 Members
    • 8,6% Bonus XP
    • 3.5% Bonus Rep XP
    • Our members are extremely friendly
    • Family friendly
    • Variety of players with different crafting skills who may help you if you ask them nicely


    We are working on getting a Guild Stronghold but this will cost 15mil creds...of which we have 750k saved towards that at this point. The Flagship will come later.


    For an invite into our guild...send a /w to Arriasall. I can be found be on there often, but if I am not, either send me a mail or reply here and I will try and schedule a time to be on to invite you to the guild.

  21. Something I have noticed is that when it comes to guilds a guild recruiter has to be online to recruit a player into a guild. I know players complain about SWTOR being too much like WoW, but something I noticed from WoW I think would be a great addition to how SWTOR is played when it pertains to guilds is the Guild Finder.


    What this means is that when a player activates the Guild Finder, a pop up shows that lists every guild in that server. With this Guild Finder, a guild recruiter could use the Guild Description to describe the guild for a potential player. So say for example: say player A wanted to join Jawa Extermination Squad. They would use the search bar on the pop up, type in Jawa Extermination Squad, and any guilds with those names in it would pop up but the rest would disappear. Player A would then find the guild and click on the "Request to join". Now even though a recruiter from the Jawa Extermination Squad may not be on at the time, the guild would still get the join request and the GuildMaster or recruiter could either approve or disapprove of it.


    This would save time for players who really want to join one particular guild and would also save time for the recruiters as they would not have to be online for the average player to say they want to join. They could get the join request when they log back on and accept it or disapprove it.


    just something I figured I'd suggest...now what is everyone else's ideas on this matter?

  22. Something I have noticed is that when it comes to guilds a guild recruiter has to be online to recruit a player into a guild. I know players complain about SWTOR being too much like WoW, but something I noticed from WoW I think would be a great addition to how SWTOR is played when it pertains to guilds is the Guild Finder.


    What this means is that when a player activates the Guild Finder, a pop up shows that lists every guild in that server. With this Guild Finder, a guild recruiter could use the Guild Description to describe the guild for a potential player. So say for example: say player A wanted to join Jawa Extermination Squad. They would use the search bar on the pop up, type in Jawa Extermination Squad, and any guilds with those names in it would pop up but the rest would disappear. Player A would then find the guild and click on the "Request to join". Now even though a recruiter from the Jawa Extermination Squad may not be on at the time, the guild would still get the join request and the GuildMaster or recruiter could either approve or disapprove of it.


    This would save time for players who really want to join one particular guild and would also save time for the recruiters as they would not have to be online for the average player to say they want to join. They could get the join request when they log back on and accept it or disapprove it.


    just something I figured I'd suggest...now what is everyone else's ideas on this matter?

  23. Hellfire Reapers is a fairly young guild looking to expand into the following areas:

    • PVE
    • PVP
    • Raids(Operations)
    • Socializing


    Eligibility to Join:



    • All lvls regardless of ingame experience
    • High level players for raids
    • Players wanting to help new people learn the game



    • Players who enjoy trolling others for amusement
    • Players who like to belittle others for their lack of experience
    • General douchebags, ******es whatever you want to call them
    • Gold Spammers
    • Immature players ARE NOT WELCOME (Act your age, or if that fails act as a civilized human being/adult)


    Requirements for Raiding/Officers:

    • Officers/Raid Members MUST HAVE TEAMSPEAK to qualify for either.
    • Officers will be chosen based on their lvl of participation and contributions to the guild
    • Higher lvl Officers will be promoted by myself and must have shown a willingness to help other guildmates and the guild itself
    • Any officer who does not use TeamSpeak will be demoted to the highest non officer rank.
    • If we run a guild raid and you do NOT use TeamSpeak, you will be removed from the raid and someone else will be brought in.


    Removal of Players

    • All Removals are FINAL
    • Players who belittle others will be REMOVED
    • Players who are Racist towards guildmates/outside Players will be REMOVED
    • Players who are disrespectul and use profanity towards other members in a deragatory way will be REMOVED (exceptions will be made based on extenuating circumstances)
    • Players who tell an Officer to FO or FU will be REMOVED
    • Players who attempt to rob the Guild Bank will be REMOVED and if possible a report will be sent to the devs if you attempt to hack the game to gain access
    • Players who give us a bad reputation by trolling, insulting other players or any combination not written herein will be REMOVED


    All languages are allowed to join, BUT I do NOT know who can translate your language or not. I can speak German and English, but that is it.


    Our Assets:

    • Guild Bank
    • 27 Members
    • 8,4% Bonus XP
    • 3.4% Bonus Rep XP
    • Our members are extremely friendly
    • Family friendly
    • Variety of players with different crafting skills who may help you if you ask them nicely


    We are working on getting a Guild Stronghold but this will cost 15mil creds...of which we have 750k saved towards that at this point. The Flagship will come later.


    For an invite into our guild...send a /w to Arriasall. I can be found be on there often, but if I am not, either send me a mail or reply here and I will try and schedule a time to be on to invite you to the guild.

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