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Posts posted by ColinTice

  1. I think this is exactly what the trooper needs. We are often an undermined class and underestimated ... it would be nice if we got more than one freaking stun though! I get throttled everytime in pvp because i use my cryo bomb they break it, stun me, i break that and then im CC'd...
  2. I for one totally agree with you dude! i see most of the people here are just corporate slaves that will pay anything to play this game, yes you are freaking slaves okay? A-lot of people want to play this game for FUN not to be capped off at credits or dump their life savings into it. just because you can afford to dump hundreds of dollars into this game and basically live on the damn thing doesn't mean everyone else has to "stop whining" its not whining, it's a reasonable complaint and i think he is 100% right. And no i'm not just gonna "stop playing it then" because i enjoy the game and think its fantastic but the hunger for money from Bioware is RIDICULOUS. They charge you for everything ! even if your a subscriber you still have restrictions from how many comms you can earn in a week to how much reputation points you earn. it's like they want to limit your success. so PLEASE bag on me and tell me to stop whining... because you're freaking retarded, its an OPEN forum for ANY discussion.Don't like what someone thinks? try just leaving instead of leaving a negative comment because they have EVERY right to post on here just like you do so why don't you 'Slaves' get off the damn forums saying negative things to people and go get some friends.
  3. Ok i had an idea. I and many other people miss the old Tionese, battlemaster armor and ect. can we possibly have some of those sets offered on the Cartel market ? since the models are already in the game ? they dont even have to have the mods, i would just like the armor back. PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS BIOWARE!!!
  4. i completely agree with you dude i hit level 50 about the time 2.0 came out and was looking forward to getting the things like battle master and tionese armor and the new armor just is terrible .. it looks retarded and now i am searching for some who doesn't want their old gear ... it sucks and wish they would bring it back as like classic gear or something
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