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Posts posted by Brylcreem

  1. I am in the application process for the Pax community. It is a two week long process where the folks try and get to know you a little better. It is an interesting take on the guild recruiting process and while it does not require an exorbitant amount of your time, it will definitely require a bit of thought and a few minutes every couple of days to complete the process.


    At first I looked at it as a barrier for entry, but now that I am almost done I can see it for what it is. It requires just enough effort that someone has to work a little to gain entry into the guild. This weeds out the random guild hopper and troll since it requires a few minutes of their time over an extended period. Additionally, it helps the Pax community AND yourself know that you are serious about joining the community. I know I had to stop at some point to question if this was what I really wanted to do. Not that the initiation was all that difficult or anything, but I knew if I wasn't sure about joining this community it would just be a waste of my time.


    All in all, it was ultimately an enjoyable process and though I haven't done a whole lot with this group in game yet, I can say that the application process shouldn't scare anyone off.

  2. This might take a lot of work, but as a player who likes to craft, I think some kind of interface that would allow you to use your crafting companions from all of your legacy characters would be a great addition to the game. Instead of constantly having to log in and out from each character you can do it from whichever one is online at the moment. It doesn't even need to be usable anywhere like the current interface. You could go to a legacy crafting station in a city, on your ship, or on the fleet.


    I envision it as a sleeker version of the interface we have now. It will list all of the unlocked companions from all of your characters as well as what missions they are allowed to run or what crafting professions they know. It would utilize the cargo holds and inventories from all the characters as one so if you have a scavenger on character A, character B can use the materials to craft armormech items.


    This would make a powerful crafting interface and really allow players to tap into the crafting system that you have already in place in a much more efficient manner.

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