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Posts posted by jeffreydekogel

  1. The new UI is so unbearable to look at that it gives me headaches while looking at it. I cannot play a game that makes my eyes and head hurt. Who in their right mind thought this UI was a good choice? I pray folks on the PTS didn't think so. Please give us the ability to revert back to old UI or tbh ill just go back to Wow. The UI is such garbage.


    Yep. It's pretty horrible indeed. I prefer the previous UI.

  2. Cover bar being removed was intentional. Not sure why it's not in the patch notes but it was noticed during the PTS cycle and said to be intended.


    Oh no... I was sincerely hoping that this was a bug. Taking choice and quality of life away like this, making two entire classes play a lot less smoothly and a lot more awkward can't possibly be intended by the devs, right? There can't be a reasonable explanation as to how this benefits anyone at all. This is just a huge step back in regards to playability.


    I hope that the feedback on stuff like this will incite change, but if this isn't reverted before my current subscription runs out, I'm done with SWTOR until we have our cover bar back.

  3. Yeah... I have been playing for a couple of months now and really enjoyed Sniper most out of all classes - until they took away the cover bar with absolutely no warning or given reason. If I can't play my favorite class to any reasonable extent, I'll have to show my dissatisfaction by unsubscribing until this absolutely bonkers decision/bug is reverted/fixed.

    I'm not mad, but I am very, very disappointed.

  4. I was looking forward to taking my Sniper through the new content, but without the Cover Bar - or even the option to turn it on or off - I find this class pretty much unplayable at the moment. This must be a bug. No dev would be stupid enough to just take a perfectly fine option away from players for absolutely no good reason... right? Right?
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