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Posts posted by MrAeronstone

  1. I was thinking on how to make Annihilation tacticals viable for endgame, this is what I came up with:

    1) Using Annihilate on a bleeding target increases all damage dealt by 1%, stacks indefinitely. Bonus is lost on target swap or after 45 seconds (unaffected by alacrity)

    2) When Rupture’s bleed effect falls off, it grants a 3 second buff. Reapplying it before the buff falls off increases direct damage dealt by 50% and bleed damage dealt by 15%. Stacks up to 2 times.

    3) Using Annihilate on a target suffering from a 3 stack Deadly Saber refunds the rage cost and cooldown of Annihilate and makes the next Vicious Throw usable on a target with any health%. Effect can only be procced once every 18 seconds (affected by alacrity)


    I know this is a complete overhaul, but the current tacticals don’t tie too much into how the spec is played. Just compared to the other 2 specs, Annihilation doesn’t benefit from any of them in endgame.

  2. Annihilation

    • Exterminator - Annihilate automatically kills standard and weak enemies with less than 30% health. Killing an enemy this way resets the cooldown of Annihilate.
    • Rapid Rupture - Refreshing Rupture deals double damage on initial hit.
    • Vicious Saber - Vicious Slash applies all of your Deadly Saber stacks to its target at once and resets the cooldown of Deadly Saber.


    Exterminator in its current state has no practical use in a raid whatsoever, as most NPCs have a minimum of strong difficoulty. However, if you add an instakill for strong / elite npc-s as well with a lower health requirement (Strong: 20% Elite: 13% or something) it might actually be viable. Or if you change it entirely, Annihilate enables the next Vicious Throw to be used on any health %

    Rapid Rupture seems okay as it is, adapting the rotation to refresh it 1 GCD earlier shouldn't be a problem as long as it doesn't interfere with higher priority abilities.

    Vicious Saber seems a little less useful to me, as it is - in essence - shortening the DoT uptime on the boss. The way it works now is you apply each stack with a weapon hit, so you can space them out a little, squeezing a little more damage out, so it's on the target for not 6 but a minimum of 10,5 seconds - which is potentially more damage than having it go out all at once. For burst, this is clearly better, but overall it will do less damage. Instead, it could be changed to this: Hitting an enemy with 3 Deadly Saber stacks on it, while you have stacks left refreshes the DoT duration on the target. This would bring Anni to be a very strong DoT spec, it'd be up to the player to achieve enough uptime and space out DoT applications so that they can keep it on the target. Adapting playstyles is the main reason for Tactical Items in the first place, isn't it?

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