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Posts posted by karatewolf

  1. I highly doubt the difference you observed was purely purple gold vs purple augs lol. Fury is top DPS spec atm, verified by multiple parses and first-hand reports. "sniper" tells us nothing, Marks, Engi, or Virulence? Regardless Virulence is top sniper spec DPS wise and Virulence is slightly above the average. That's the 200k you're observing. Its okay to not agree with something just because you don't like it.


    Something tells me they don't even run operations and just likes the marksman spec lol which hey nothing wrong with liking a spec to each their own but they shouldn't try to boast such a claim without actual research or testing first great way to make a complete fool of yourself lmao

  2. Fury and Marauder in general finally getting some respect lol love it! It's a shame about marksman it is a fun spec always has been but "fun" doesn't clear endgame content and many classes were indeed changed by this Major Update for better or worse so when Top End Players themselves tell you what's best it is accurate for a good reason or reasons :)
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