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Posts posted by shadowsjudgement

  1. After "subscribing" with recruit a friend's 7-day subscription, I received an email saying that I would be billed automatically after reaching the end of the 7-day subscription, if I do not cancel it. However, when I look at my account page, I do not have the option to cancel my subscription. Is it correct to say that I will NOT be billed after the 7 days are up? Or do I have to find some way to "cancel" this 7-day sub, that I did not initially find?
  2. I just resubbed, and after doing one mission I can now no longer gain experience (I am 1 experience point below level 66 and remain there). I have tried reclogging, switching characters, shutting the game down, etc. Is there anything else to do?
  3. I'm still a bit unsure about whether or not to spend the time to gear and climb the ranked ladder. Looking at twitch streams, some games just don't look too fun(based on what class comps you're facing). Maybe I should just pass.
  4. If you have never PvPed in SWTOR before then there will be plenty to hold your interest if its a gamemode you enjoy. Learning how to play and counter every discipline and composition in the game in every map is a lot of information assimilate and become adept at.


    Long time PvPers might complain about lack of good content or a stale meta, but if you are totally new it is a truly daunting to learn and apply the amount of abilities and tacticals you will encounter in SWTOR PvP.


    I pvp'ed back in the day, when the level cap was 50(or 55? 60? I forget :S). At the time didn't think it was overly fun. I think right now the whole "gear grind" thing is making me feel slightly reserved about it, as well as the whole "long queue time" and "not so great rewards" thing.

  5. Hi everyone. Just getting back into the game after a very long hiatus, and I was thinking about PvP'ing. All my gear is 224, and PvE has just become a bore. Would you guys say that PvP in SWTOR is interesting and fun? Or perhaps not quite as good as ___ game? Or just not worth doing at all?


    Just curious to hear your opinions on it. Thanks :)

  6. Could well have been a fluke. However I did test it multiple times in both builds, so perhaps I'm just better with the higher alacrity/lower mastery. In both builds I was at ~700 accuracy(couldn't get to the perfect 685). I suppose I'll stick with the acc build so I don't have to spend the credits switching back.
  7. Hi everyone, quick question today.


    So recently I've been playing around with builds, and I can't decide which to use-mastery or acc stim. Their dps seems roughly the same, with the accuracy stim being maybe 50-100 higher on a dummy parse. However, I know people who do up to 6600 with the mastery stim, so I'm really not sure which I should use. Any opinions??


    Thanks :)

  8. Hi everyone, quick question for you all today. Disclaimer: This is meant as an opinion thread, but please do not be hateful or troll-y. Furthermore my opinions are mine and mine only, you don't have to agree with them. Thank you.


    So I've been a sub on and off since 2012-2013, and right now I just can't seem to find the heart to continue subscribing. I love the Star Wars universe more than anything, but I don't know if I can continue this game, regardless of affiliation to the universe. The cost is unnecessarily high, the gameplay is repetitive, and I feel like I'm on a gear treadmill rather than an enjoyment treadmill. My one real problem is that I can't seem to find any better games. I have quite a few of the newer releases such as SW:BF, CS:GO, BO3, etc. however none are very enjoyable at the moment. So my question for you all is this: Should I continue subbing and playing despite my worries, or just stop and attempt play something else?


    Thank you all for your time

  9. Hi everyone! One more small sorc question today. I was looking at the top madness parses in the world on Parsely, and after looking at all the top parses, I noticed something odd. Their burst was all above 20k, some as high as 43k in the initial couple seconds. I've followed their rotations ability by ability, but cannot produce a burst above 9k. Is there some trick to produce this insane amount of burst on a dummy?


    Just for reference, my crit is 1339, alacrity is 780, power is 2855, and mastery is 5164(that is with stim).

  10. I'm doing 1.5m w/ armor debuff. My highest madness (balance) parse is 6.1k, and highest lightning is 6k. Low, I know. I'm using UP but no adrenal. I'm leaning more towards lightning, just cause it helps so much on dps checks as well as many adds that spawn in quick succession.
  11. I've been playing madness(balance) for the past few days. In my HM/NiM ops, I've been doing top damage on most fights, though on some of the single target ones that don't move a ton(tyrans), I was a little lower(second or third). I don't mind it, but honestly I find lightning a lot more fun. However, when I use lightning in HM/NiM ops, my numbers just aren't quite as high. They're higher on single target fights like Tyrans, but not as high on Bestia. I'm really not sure which one I should play. Any more opinions?
  12. Hi everyone! Quick question for you all. Which should I choose-Lightning or Madness? I've played both and seem to be decent with both(****** parses, 5.5k w/ madness and 5.4k w/ lightning), however in fights I'm constantly in the 90th+ percentile for Sorcs for some reason. I guess I'm just a terrible parser. Regardless, which do you think is better to play for overall PvE?


    Thanks :)

  13. I suppose I'll try it in a couple of HM's and see how it parses, then maybe go to NiM if it can keep up with others. If not, I'll just stay carnage.


    P.S. I Couldn't see the dps meter in the HM Revan, the screen was slightly too pixelated. Did fadoodle get top dps with fury? I might have to have a talk with him..

  14. Hi everyone, quick question for you all. So I've been playing around with all the specs in the past few days. I can't remember the anni rotation to save my life, I can play carnage ok(i parse 6.5/6.6 in 220 gear), but in the end I really love fury. I don't parse too high with it(5.5 or more), but I was wondering if anyone has tried it extensively in ops? Is its dps at all competitive in an actual operation(not a parse)? Is it usable in NiM(does it carry its weight)? Or is it just totally unviable all around?


    Thanks :)

  15. Hi everyone!! One more quick question, if that's alright. So I found an amazing looking chestpiece known as the Primeval Paragon's Body Armor... However, it's from like 2013 and was bought using correlia comms. I looked everywhere for a lookalike, and found reinforced matrix chestpiece. However that too, had been removed. Does anyone know of an easily accessible chestpiece that looks like those two? (hooded)


    Thanks :))

  16. Hi everyone! Quick question for you all today, and I apologize if it's been asked in the past. Why don't we have server wide wallets? Why do each of our characters have separate amounts of credits on one given server? It seems terribly inefficient, and only hurts players; adding a server wide wallet would be an amazing QoL upgrade, and I'm sure many players would appreciate it. What do you all think?
  17. Hi everyone. I'm sorry, I've posted like 3 threads today with different questions. This last one is a very interesting one, for which I find the answer to be odd. I'm wondering whether or not fury is viable in PvE. According to the charts, it's the 2nd lowest sustained dps in game. However when I play it, it feels smooth, it can deal with aoe well, the numbers are GIANT, it's not rushed and it's very forgiving. Is fury really that bad to use in ops?


    Thanks :)

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