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Posts posted by BarbLindemann

  1. I don't mind waiting for a new content. Even if they needed way more time than other mmos. Its just really sad to know that we aren't waiting so long because they are trying to do the best job they can but rather because they moved on on some other project which had already failed hard.
  2. Is it true that the dev team went to work on that failed game Anthem ? Does that mean new DLCs and story content will never come ? Or will it take 5 -10 years ? Is this the end of SWTOR ? It pains me to read about all this, that they threw this game to thrash because of a game that nobody plays/likes ? This is the only game I could ever truly immerse, the story is so great and I actually care about my characters choices. When was the last time we got a true DLC ? 2016 ? How many people are in the SWTOR dev team right now ?
  3. I'd love that. There is no cool evil Sith character you can romance. All the flirt option I had so far were with non force users, Theron, Quinn, Andronikus etc.. (yep, i only play empire)

    I know we have Arcann but personally I dont like him that much and I always end up killing him.

    And yes, Malgus killed his twilek non force user slave wife....because he saw her as a source of weakness. But how can we be a weakness to him after we beat him back on illum, saved the galaxy from Valkorion and other op stuff we did.

    I think the story now has a potential to make it happen. I really hope they will. Malgus is just so cool.

    Otherwise I will have to choose Khem Val.... (yikes haha, rip my assassin

  4. Ok so I got to that part where you are in the Walker and I can't finish that part because attacks are bugged. I get to the part where you fight another walker, my attacks don't even activate or if somehow they do, they do no damage. Enemy walker kills me in 3 attacks. My difficulty is set to story mode. I tried logging off, exiting the game, reseting mission. Nothing works. Can anyone please tell me what do I do ? I cannot finish this chapter.
  5. Ok so I got to that part where you are in the Walker and I can't finish that part because attacks are bugged. I get to the part where you fight another walker, my attacks don't even activate or if somehow they do, they do no damage. Enemy walker kills me in 3 attacks. My difficulty is set to story mode. I tried logging off, exiting the game, reseting mission. Nothing works. Can anyone please tell me what do I do ? I cannot finish this chapter.
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