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Posts posted by SithLordUther

  1. So after being off for a few due to medical issues, i finally get the chance to start playing again. Only to find that all the work that took me YEARS on a few crafting skills have been changed? Now i have spent a lot of real money on this game only to get told that i guess i have to start over on a new skill just to craft the items i need ? *** is with this BS. I guess you don't care about your players spending years maxing out skills or you would have not changed them. or would at lease compensate for the HUGH LOSS. now cyberttech is nothing that is was and a have to learn 2 new skills to get the items that i could already make?
  2. Before the 2.9a update i crafted 6 items for trade to the vendors for deco items 3 [industrial Prefab MK-2] and 3 [industrial Prefab MK-1]. Traded them to the vendor got the items but when i d clicked the items i got nothing !! I am on my 3rd ingame ticket and still no help !! where is the live support, the tab is there in the help menu but you cant click on it. Been playing for years and this is the first problem i have ever had with the game and im hoping the last, customer support for what i pay for the game should be a lot more helpful !!!
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