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Posts posted by andyjd

  1. Just came back from a much needed break from the game and ran into a pub while on my marauder, he was a guardian and a fairly newer one by the looks of his HP. Both of us were level 55 but he jumped me and started jumping up around me moving left and right in the middle of the air, you know trying to get me to miss but it just looked so cooky. It was no problem killing him since I could root him but us jumping around all cooky just felt fake. Can we make it to when in combat, as force users, when we hit space bar we do flips and spins rather than just jumping like we are jumping over a rock. Its not really necessary but it adds the cinematic effect :p this goes along the lines of the removal of the savage kick, tumult, etc. Unnecessary but great for role play.
  2. Hey I've played for few months and maxed one toon and got a few others to chapter 3 in story. I'm just bored with the game, I haven't played in 2 months. I am leaving for various reasons but what I want to know is will my characters stay there or are they deleted after a while? cause I may decide to come back with future updates. I don't think I will renew my subscription when its due.
  3. Add a arena on tatooine. Have each player that wants to fight enter and maybe ante up. Both republic and imperial players can enter just unflagg everyone around the arena. When the Hutt sounds the bell the two players in the arena at the time begin fighting. Enable players to bet on the winner. Maybe even add challenges where the player has to solo fight a boss rancor. I think this would be extremely entertaining.


    expertise is a required stat im sorry to say, otherwise people who only do pvp will be dominated by pve'ers who top end raid and hardly pvp.


    Well they earned it then. There is no problem with having a hard working pve being equally matched with a pvper that just does warzones all day.

  5. The community blows, not just the forums but general chat. Just yesterday on tatooine there was a huge rage in Gen chat about people arguing over intelligence and some guys player name(who cares?) It all started with "what kind of player name is that" (paraphrase). People just want to pick fights to make themselves feel better because something is going wrong in their life outside of the game, that's my perspective on it anyway.


    Just because you have X many alts and the best gear doesn't give them the right to talk down to a new player. How would you feel or what would you do for example if you worked for a company and the CEO always slandered and talked down to you? If you had a spine you would quit (if financially affordable). The community needs fixing. Out of all the MMO's I have played LOTRO by far has the best community.

  6. Companion Customization, my friends.


    The way I recall it with my own Sith Warrior, I crushed Quinn in the battle and killed him. At some point shortly after that, he was replaced on the bridge by some new stuffy shirted Imperial appointed to me to serve as my medic. Some grey haired fellow; I forget what his name is.


    On the rare occasions I speak with him, my Sith Warrior occasionally calls him "Quinn" out of habit. But he doesn't dare object, as on my ship the term "Quinn" is a derogatory one that is used to describe Imperial lapdogs that don't fully respect my authority. Who cares what his real name is anyways; these pathetic Imperial lackies are all alike and those humans all pretty much look the same, after their eons of dilluting their bloodlines. The Empire can send their spies and underlings to keep tabs on me; I'll not hide my actions. I do as I choose, and nothing those grovelling fools could do would stop me.


    LMAO very clever, I like it

  7. DEFINITELY worth getting.

    Currently my Marauder is sitting on almost 31k hp I started gearing up by farming lvl 55fp's for comms, then moved on to SM Ops, now starting the HM ops.


    I'm starting to get the idea. My marauder was at 18k HP but I used my warzone comms to get some gear and it went to 22k. I also ran some HM flashpoints and picked up a black hole piece and got some elite comms but no Ark pieces. I saw a slight improvement in my planetary pvp. For my marauder I'm focusing on defense raring and expertise, is that a good idea?

  8. While I like the idea, I just find the design of SWTOR not suitable for a bounty system.


    Too many places for a player of the opposite faction to hang out and not be reachable by a player of the opposing faction. Bounties would have to be limited to same faction to minimize this stupidness.


    The bounty system would also have to be open to all professions and not just BH / Vanguard profs.


    I also think that players killed in PVP, should be allowed to place bounties on players, only in the open world. IE, you kill an imp in the open world, a window comes up where you can input an amount that places / adds to that players bounty.


    My idea covers this ^^^

  9. I finally reached level 55 for the first time but I still see other marauders with a lot more HP than mine. I looked at the elite gear vendor on the fleet and it says I need "unassembled implant" or other unassembled pieces. Where do I get these? And is that even worth trying to get? As of now I am valour rank 20. Should I focus on reaching war hero gear?
  10. I play on a pvp server and don't get me wrong I love pvp. I was on tatooine yesterday and I was at an area killing sand people in the dunes with my powertech when a sentinel came up to me, he didn't attack and we were of the same lvl. We waved at each other and continued our questing in the same area. I look over and he's getting killed by the sand people and I wanted to help him but most of my attacks are area attacks and I didn't want to accidentally kill him and my HK would have jumped in if I did(I could have put him on passive) .


    Make a way to group with the opposing faction players. If they accept then we can help each other without harming the other. If we ungroup then set a timer (30 secs) before we are able to attack each other. Even on a pvp server I come across a lot of Republic players who don't attack and we gesture towards each other as if we are saying we will not attack.

  11. Here is a better idea. Allow bounty hunters and smugglers to enter opposing faction bases based on reputation points they earn. Minus contested pvp zones. Example for BH: a target could have multiple bounty hunters after him, it all just depends on who gets to him first. The target can flee where ever he wants and if he chooses to hide deep in his factions base the all bounty hunters after him are in unflagged for pvp and can walk right through the front door of the republic base. That's how bounty hunters should be. If the target hides on his ship then hunters can dock with his ship, when we do he cannot jump in hyper space and cannot escape. His companions will attac if they see you and if other bounty hunters show up they can also kill the other hunters.


    Smugglers : Smugglers go to a mercenary npc that has a smuggle mission for them, smuggle arms to imperial troops, reward will be credits and reputation points. The more they have the higher level clearance they have to get to imperial fleet, capital planets etc.


    BH and smuggs earn Rep points depending on which faction they help most. Lets say a hunter has fairly good reputation with the republic due to a majority of his bounties being imperial. He can enter the republic fleet and maybe even granted access to some flash points but not the general missions given by npcs since that would require too much voice acting.

    Problem: what if my smuggler has to low faction with the republic and I can't continue my quests?


    Solution: the npcs will turn neutral. They wont attack you but if you shoot first then they attack. Just the guards of the base.



    Problem : what's stopping a lvl 55 bounty hunter going to coruscant and ganking the lower levels?


    Solution : as an opposing faction they will be in flagged for pvp when on the opposing faction planets. Or on planets like hoth if they choose to dock on the republic Spaceport they can only attack a pub if they cross onto the imperial side of the map. If you are grouped with a republic player then you can mark them as friendly and you can continue your group. Hunters and smuggs are free to engage either faction in pvp only in contested zones if they have a certain amount of Rep.

  12. I say no timer on bounties. A target could have multiple bounty hunters after him, it all just depends on who gets to him first. The target can flee where ever he wants and if he chooses to hide deep in his factions base then all bounty hunters after him are in unflagged for pvp and can walk right through the front door of the republic base. That's how bounty hunters should be. If the target hides on his ship then hunters can dock with his ship, when we do he cannot jump in hyper space and cannot escape. His companions will attack if they see you and if other bounty hunters show up they can also kill the other hunters.
  13. I am beginning to wonder if Bioware devs are even star wars fans or if they just wanted to make an MMO to compete/ replace SWG. To be honest I don't even think they check the suggestion box because I see a lot of great ideas but no changes being made. Not even an acknowledgement that a dev or admin has even read our suggestions. Most suggestions I see I think to myself "why wasn't that already in the game".


    With that being said, I agree with you. A rail shooter in a 2013 game is just unacceptable, especially after the late SWG you would think this game would have done better.. Just an example, Freelancer, in my opinion is the best space exploration game out there even though it was created back in 2000. I don't expect BW to make the space travel like that game but what I'm saying is that games have come so much farther since then. I want to feel like I'm playing STAR WARS not an expansion to Firefox.

  14. Well, fights with four elites are why we have CC's. Hopefully, between four group members, you have at least one cc for every situation. If you do, CC one, let the tank take two of them (or CC two of them if you can), and have both dps burn one down as quickly as possible. With two dps, one elite should only last a few seconds. Once one is down, the dps pick one of the two remaining targets to focus down, then kill the third. That just leaves the one you CC'd at the beginning, which should now be trivial.


    The way I instruct my groups if there is 4 elites is everyone take on their own elite, regardless of class everyone should be able to kill an elite without a comp. Of course I'm assuming this since I have yet to start a healer but I know even heals have to fight bosses solo in their story. If there are 5 elites then I have the tank take two of them and dps pummel the others. I like the heroics or flash points with droids since my marauder has disable droid and it can take the Droid out of the initial fight, it really helps out.

  15. This is what's wrong with PuG's. DPS are actively TRYING to steal aggro from the tank to prove that they are hot ****, and when they do, they refuse to use their threat dumps, they die, and then they yell at the tank for not holding aggro. Hate to tell you this, but AOE Taunts have significant cool downs and a lot of tanks (including myself) use the single target one on CD to threat boost. If you steal threat more than once odds are i'm not going to be able to taunt him back on to myself for at least 5-10 seconds.


    I wasn't trying to steal the aggro I just jumped in and started swinging my most powerful attacks without thinking about it, none of us died and at the time I had no threat reducer. I am fairly new to the MMO style of games so I wasn't sure how the basics worked. Now I'm capped at 50 with my dps and know a lot more than I did. Just understand that mistakes like that are made by people like me who like to play the game but don't know the MMO style. I've recently been working on my powertech and loving it. But in groups I find myself frustrated with the dps doing the same mistakes I was making with my dps, so I understand what you mean lol.

  16. I think a combat pet would be better like in SWG. You had to go and gather enzymes and DNA and throw them into an incubator. And if you wanted a rancor you had to be super lucky and get successful mutations. The pet would start at lvl 1 and you had to lvl it by having it do the killing, you couldn't go grind it by having it out and fighting lvl 90 npcs. It would be neat if they could put this in the game. My first choice would be a wampa.
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