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Posts posted by xyreL

  1. This really irked me since I had more than 9000 affection with him by that point. I would have preferred that at that affection level he'd at least say he was forced into the betrayal somehow. For him to tell me, at that affection level, that he basically thought I sucked, was just a total story/game mechanic disconnect.


    And I agree that at that point I should have been able to split him in half in the most violent fit of rage I'd displayed up to that point. ...and then, since I NEED a healer companion, they should have let me bring him back as a brainwiped cyborg or something....


    yeah bioware has never been able to do the story split off properly where something completly different happens but I do like your idea a lot

  2. Here's what I think happened you were probably able to kill him in the beta, But then people realised how much they needed quinn being a healer and all and imo your most valuable one. Because they did say people did complain in the beta after they had killed their companion and made tickets about getting them back
  3. So after finishing the revan book and I played the sith warrior story line there will be SW spoilers below

    So while playing the SW darth Baras sais that the emperor wants peace, So Baras is working behind the emperors back while pretending to be the emperors voice and he he executes order zero or w/e its called which ordered me to kill republic generals and throw me in to the war


    So I'm not really sure what to think anymore

  4. 3/10 the balance is a joke, the amount of times I have been thrown outside of the map when charging someone, the BH rope goes through *********** edges (hutball they can hook you from below to the goal line) one game I had a team with 4 healers while I did not have a single one. the 1-50 **** is a joke, healing.. you get ONE interrupt spell that just removes 1!!!!!!!! heal and they have ATLEAST 2 more. i got pretty much full t2 gear and I cant even kill a *********** level 30 healer without having to chase him atleast 1 minutes and that is when I do the interrupts properly but usually by then they have just healed up to full again because the other cc abilities are on cooldown.


    There are 2 things I like about pvp right now. 1. the map design(except for the 2 hours speeches which are really annoying) but other then that they feel refreshing even tho there is nothing super revolutionary about them. and 2. Most of the gear from pvp looks really cool. (especially compared to the pve tier sets)

  5. The service provided by that side is no scam. You should tell us which survey exactly you are talking about if we shall judge about it and you should tell us whether you want to know if the survey is scam or if it is official. Those are two different things.
    the mail looks like a swtor mail and sais something like thanks for purchasing swtor bla bla we would like to know what you think of the game so far
  6. seriously the person who was in charge of balance should be fired, in warzones they are on top of healing AND damage, they are just as tanky as my juggernaut which is *********** ********. They got AOE knockback and a *********** snare that can be used on *********** allies, They got sprint aswell, while I can't even use my pommel strike and my charge is so broken that I fall trough the ground every 6th match or so when I charge someone /end of rant .. for now
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