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Posts posted by SlashhandPlash

  1. Well, since all renowned cantina bands appear to be fully booked, my scoundrel finally gave in and hired...


    DJ GreeTeX and the Blue Convexes




    Now, where do I get some guys in silly gear that hop around mindlessly while swinging glowsticks? :rolleyes:


    Haha :p that's very creative, very nicely done :D

  2. Hello all,


    I noticed the incredible strange sound these weapons make (have the Rangehunter myself) and really make them a lot less valuable weapons to have in that regard, cause I think the looks are awesome. It's just the sound that I don't like and wish to see changed. I really think the standard DLA-13 and the Interstellar Regulator Dorn Blaster sound would be much better for these weapons imo.


    Anyone think the same about this? (or even better sounds ;) )

  3. Can you provide a link for the Dromund Kaas stuff? I was really upset to see the new pack was centralized around Jedi decorations, mostly because it looked really cool, but my guild is Empire Orientated.


    Here you go: http://torcommunity.com/database/update-previews/463-3-2-1-pts-mined. It is very minimalistic design, but it showed at least they started working on that.

    The pack is called there "wild space pack" and the link states this was mined for game update 3.2.1 :cool: but as usual: subject to change

  4. First off, thank you guys so much for responding! I really appreciate it :D


    These are good suggestions indeed and I am planning on getting the Tatooine stronghold in the summer, so I don't have it yet (because of lack of time, which explains my late response as well). But I was thinking in terms of the Sky Palace. However, since the cost to unlock that chamber is obviously a lot less worth than the tat. sh comparing what you get for the cost of the tat sh and I can see almost all of the tat sh from the balcony :cool: so I will look into this when I have the time ;)


    But have you considered using one of those large, covered circular areas instead? There's one near the landing pad, and also one on the other side of the "pits".


    Yes, I have been considering that and decided to turn my antechamber into the combat area I wanted since the hooks fit perfectly there as I had them in mind (didn't notice this before), but I think having a combat area in my future tat sh is very cool too.


    This will btw not be in the hangar, that's gonna be for my ship, too awesome hangar-like :D, don't want to lose that effect ;)

  5. So I've been decorating some time now, and now the pvp-decorations are coming up (which are awesome) I thought I'd make a PvP battle arena instead on the starship platform of my Nar Shaddaa stronghold. Problem is, I can't place the smaller decorations where I want them, due to the fact that all the layouts available here are either centerpiece only, starship or centerpieces with medium ones at the corners. This makes the place feel a lot less customizable, because you're tied to the layouts available and can't change the layouts of the hooks of the other layouts (in this case, other than starship) individually.

    My point is, I think for optimal customization with the larger hook system there should be an option to change the layout of starship hooks to individual smaller hooks. To what extend this is possible, only Bioware knows, but for visualization, I mean you could even have all small hooks only there (dancer party!!) instead of the Starship hook.


    This hook customization principle has been mentioned before, like here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=762052, here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=760839. This one too: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=759266. And this is found by typing in swtor hook layout in Google alone.


    I reckon this could be fixed when they are gonna focus on strongholds again (like while working aside the new stronghold. This could give the devs themselves more stronghold layout idea flexibility too).

  6. Hello Frog-dogs and rotworms!!


    Here is a new idea I brought up from the depths of the TOR-decorating site :D I saw the Yavin Combat area and someone mentioned this decoration is more fit for tatooine. Indeed, but I love nar shaddaa and I love hutball :cool:


    So what are your thoughts on this? Any idea's on how it might look iike?


    Let's go berseeeerk!

  7. It is unlocked as soon as you purchase the stronghold. The hook is found on the platform behind the entrance taxi (at which you can just jump down from the taxi with an speed boost (speeder, rocket boost, ...). The cost is the trick however for the ship itself. It costs 5 Dark projects (200k on GTN on ToFN server) and universal mk-3's prefabs (100k GTN).


    Hope this helped :)


    PS: if you want to do anything else than a ship with it you can also change the layout, to make it a combat area or something :)

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