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Posts posted by Xeox

  1. I dont understand how a company lets gross incompetence like this keep happening


    I run a multi national construction company and work all over the USA and Canada.


    I have had a whole crew screw up, fired them all, replaced them all the next day and still have the job done.


    This is an employers market with massive amount of skilled ppl looking, begging for work and alot of them are good, alot suck.


    Fire the people who cannot manage, code, anticipate problems and replace them. nuff said


    If coding is wrong, due to careless coding, fire the coder, replace them

    If coding is wrong, due to mis-direction by management, fire the manger, replace them or promote competent ppl

    If coding is wrong due to improper development and implication, fire developers, replace them


    Some times you need to clean sweep a board and start fresh


    But ffs quit letting **** happen each week.


    Like ppl have said, PTS is ther for a reason with a vast amount of FREE labor to TEST this **** prior to live.

  2. I look forward to your disappointment post.


    I look forward to seeing you in Guild Wars 2 after you watch my sons stream all weekend at Redeye Gamer Live Stream (not mine cause I had to chose only enough bandwidth for one outgoing stream in HD)


    Rest of the time during the week when no BWE from GW2 is going on he streams most time 6pm till 2 am MST on SWTOR PvP on Saber of Exar Kun server. (formaly bate_asotv on twitchtv)


    Feel free to Subscribe for free to his channel and live stream from GW2 or SWTOR. Having game card and game code giveaway to be stated by details released tonight on his stream Bio

  3. Ahhh another eurodiot post.


    Americans don't think the USA is the center of the Universe anymore than any other nationality. The only reason euros don't like the idea of Americans thinking the US is the center of the universe is because it conflicts with your views that your own nations are the center of the universe. :rolleyes:


    Give us a break with the euro whining about America. If you weren't so socialist you'd know an American company can take it's servers down whenever it deems to be the best. You do not get to have a decision in every process, you do not get a slice from every cake and your delicate sensibilties do not get consideration in every single instance . That's how it works in the real world. ;)


    And yes I have lived in both the US and currently I'm in Europe so I know exactly where you are coming from I hear the trash every day.


    If you don't like it then take your money to a european company, assuming there is even a European choice, which I doubt, since I see American media and products scattered all over Europe. I'd say Europe considers America to be the center of the Universe.


    FYI not European btw, Canadian, and i can see as a consumer where the ppl stand and i am not egocentric enough to think that what my company does only affects the region it is in. And i own a Canadian company and a US company too.


    And as stated before other games can take down servers at different time zones, so why can this one not do it. And what if sales overseas far overshadow NA sales, then by submitting to least affected down time would not NA be least affected and how much out cry would there be if the servers are taken down on a Saturday at noon.


    Stop with "its an American company don't buy American if you don't like it bashing pp" responses, and start seeing that this game is most assuredly going to be majority sponsored by players in EU and overseas by looking at sales to date and with 39 European and Middle eastern countries added to the marketing and sales this week. So if it wasnt for all those foreigners buying up this game, sales would have stagnated at 1.2 million and no where near close to making up for all the money invested into the company. Why do you think they are branching out to other countries, because there is profit to be made, and you don't make profit by telling ppl that its an American product you can go screw yourself if you don't like it.


    And I'm taking my money to a Korean Company BTW when GW2 release, (already pre-purchased) because i believe they are making a superior product. Only trouble is its not out yet and i still have 52 days left on Sub and free time. So i find it more entertaining to post on forums than play this game.

  4. I understand where you are coming from but do not feel like I am the center of the universe. I don't care where Bioware decided to place it's home base for maintenance because this is a GLOBAL product. Therefore downtimes will get in someone's way no matter what. They looked at their numbers and decided that the fewest of their active players will be hit at the time they selected. That's pretty much that.


    But the point is there is technology that has been around for 7 years of different server down times for separate server locations, as the NA and EU server are global in different places and could be taken down at different times.


    Also, isnt one of the selling points of the hero engine is LIVE UPDATE AND WORLD PUSH Scroll down 1/3 of the page.


    So why do they have to take servers down at all to fix/update change anything.

  5. They fully anticipated the spread of the disease to continue and said as much.


    If you'll look on the vendors, they still sell the antidote.


    Antidote is irrelevant unless its a permanent vaccination due to the fact that ppl will log in weeks from now with the plague, and spread it.


    A 6 hour stim will not solve it, only permanent immunity will, because there are players like me who can care less, and spread it like wildfire in WZ's to both side all day long. (and BTW stim doesn't persist thru death, so um ya good luck on keeping the "antidote" up when in a WZ)

  6. Warranties


    This Section is to be read subject to Sections 6 and 7.


    No Warranty on Software Operation or Game Play; Force Majeure.


    You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside EA’s control, EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. EA and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity. EA also does not guarantee that the version of the Game covered by this Agreement will be playable in geographic locations where it is not available for sale at retail and/or at all times of the day and/or night.

    Limited Remedy For Defects.


    In the event that there is any defect in the Software or any recording media on which it is embodied, your sole remedy is a replacement copy of the Software. You may also have additional rights under applicable local law, which varies by jurisdiction.


    Hate to say it, but it is part of the EULA.


    You agree to it when you click ok :)


    Why this doenst work:


    1. This is not there to read prior to purchase on box and or has to be signed for prior to paying for said game.

    2. Only appears after installation of said game, which means you open the box and use your ONE time code.

    3. You cannot return said game be it digital and or physical due to no return policy on Games at places like GameStop on opened games and or return thru Origin after using the game code.


    So an Ex parte (In a manner of Speaking) decision by a company after point of sale and consumption of codes specific to one account is an unfair way of enforcing there said rules after the fact.



  7. I was going to go with Bioware's quote on selecting a time when the servers seem to be the least active for the patching/maintenance. Then I remembered that would bring a logical reason to why they are doing what they do and that kind of stuff is simply frowned upon by the masses around here.


    Again its not like EU server and NA servers are hosted in THE SAME PLACE. NA ones are hosted in USA, EU ones in Ireland and other places, so they could take them down at different times.


    And the majority is barely in the USA, 1.2 mil sold in USA, 800,000 in Europe and 290,000 Asia, so that means that USA hold sales of 1,200,000 of 2,290,000 or 52.4% of sales. OHH wait i forgot Oceanic players bought from NA as well and on NA servers till this week cause BIoWare didnt foresee selling to Aussies. And wait even more, soon to be even more sale to 39 more countries in Europe and the Middle East.


    Your Aristotelian universe model is out dated and were going all Copernican on your ***.


    (for the small minded out there I'm referring the USA to thinking they are the center of the universe and the actual realization that it is not.)


    How that for logic for ya.

  8. wait, you mean an american company does it's server maintenance based on what country they are in? :eek:




    What i think i know of a company that takes timezones in to account and separates NA servers and EU servers and do maintenance at different times.


    Na i must be dreaming that is just not possible otherwise BioWare would have had 7 years to look at this as an example of what to do. So this "company" must not exist because this is the first MMO ever on the interweb and we have to let BIOWARE make mistakes because they have no one to learn from.

  9. It says specifically what its for. To deploy a patch. And 2am isn't peak play time. Thats nightowl play time.


    American who believes there is nothing in the world besides himself.


    FYI Timezones exist and they mean that something that happens at 2am your time can be happening at 10am in another zone, but at the same time, mind**** huh


    Here for your information to releave the ignorance in these threads


    Time Zone and how they affect others besides just lil ole you

  10. Why would it be nice? As in, what purpose would it serve you to know? Also, that 4 hours is about .11 cents of your subscription cost ...


    What some ppl who cannot fathom there is more then the dark basement somewhere in eastern USA that this affects ppl in Europe in the middle of the Saturday if im not mistaken, so like us, well us with families, jobs, lives beside asking for more cookies from mom. Weekends are time from work to relax and play.


    Bad timing and implementation on BioWares part for not foreseeing problems that are easy to spot a mile away, as well as server maintenance should be separate on EU and NA servers as well as OC ones too, there is no link from xserver wz's or xserver lfg to interfere, its just they cannot figure out why they only installed one server off switch for the entire REAL world and cant turn off EU and Na separately. This is why its a big deal that they go down for 4 hours in the middle of the day for some.

  11. well ya GW2 tomorrow... don't you think they are aware of it ?

    that's why i bet for ranked warzones


    have fun falling from your chair :)


    I already have to chose between GW2 BWE and going to Comicon in my city, Calgary AB, Canada.

    And btw at the comicon there is the first time in 20+ years the original cast of TNG will be at a convention together. As well as personal appearance by Stan Lee and Adam West Calgary Comicon


    I already have sunday to go there.


    And with state of PvP unbalance they would be fools to put in ranked wz's, so my bets are on plague fix and no ranked wz's

  12. Download Afterburner from MSI 2.2.0 Beta (yes there is a full 2.2.0 version but it has bugs, go figure)


    No you do not need a MSI video card.

    Unsure if you have to have a NVidia video card (if someone with AMD can clarify.)


    Only function look at using is Screen shot and video capture


    Better than Fraps, and free


    Enjoy and welcome

  13. bets on the maintenance is to solve to spreading of the Rakghoul plague that for some reason they couldn't foresee it will forever spread due to one person can infect multiple players every time they blow up, and with pvp being the place where u die the most around other ppl, it cannot go away.


    And who cares anyhow, makes me go to bed and get ready for 60 hours of GW2 this weekend. Redbull, pixie stix, caffeine pills and loads of Cheetos.


    Good thing i took Monday off to cause i wont function after this


    And I would fall off my chair if they put in Rated, but not bloody likely since the false inflation of servers due to afk farming of DNA has passed and WZ's are longer ques as it is.

  14. Which would you recommend, i do like gigabyte so i would rather a gigabyte brand.


    Would recomend EVGA Z68 FTW Board as best choice (best choice for customer service)


    Maximus Extreme Z for overclocking


    For PCI-E 3.0 and future proof Rampage IV Extreme Fun fact you can install the game on the RAM for insane load times, Not so fun fact, new chipset so currently alot of bugs. And some drivers are not yet written for this board.


    I was a fan of Gigabyte til a few years ago when i had 3 board from them fail on me in a row. Wont touch them again.


    Republic of Gamer (ROG) Boards are the best on the market IMO but EVGA has better customer support.

  15. Nah you right AutoCocker, i've been out of the hardware game for a long time now. I take on all comments as information to help me improve my system.


    I was looking at upgrading my mobo cpu and ram






    My current system is 2yrs old now.


    Thanks to everyone with your suggestion.


    One thing the MB your specifying is PCI-E 3.0 Compatible, but does not support PCI-E 3.0 and your card is PCI-E 3.0. If your building a system, future proof it by looking at features like that and or the ram speed on that MB is locked at 1600 max


    Processor for the money is nice

  16. This guy is on the right track. Hell i don't run anything near that powerful of a vid card but can run max settings without a hitch in swtor. Been around gaming computers for 12 years and times have changed in both software and hardware developments. In the old days it simply came down to ram and vid cards. Now however everything is a factor in a gaming rig. A properly balanced rig = waaaay better than one with a bottleneck or top of the line vid card.


    Everything must come into consideration nowadays. Your monitor size and the best card for that resolution (more expensive doesn't equal better), the often overlooked power supply (most important part of your rig), matching ram intervals, amount of ram etc with your mobo/processor type and the list goes on. It really is no longer about who has the most ram or biggest vid card anymore. It's all about balance of all components within the system to achieve maximum performance.


    I am not saying the OP is wrong or has a crappy rig. But running that card on an i5 shows me one small bottleneck right there. When you have bottlenecks in your system nothing runs at 100% of its potential. Again to the OP plz do not think i am ripping on you or your rig at all because that is not the case. I am simply stating that when doing a review for any type of game fps issues you have to put all aspects into consideration with the rig used and go from there.


    Tend to agree here, like putting v12 in a LaCar, massive power but spins its wheels and tips over (did this btw in HS)


    Only disagreement is monitor size, the size is irrelevant, its the frame rate, resolution and refresh rate that matter. I run same efficiency on a 24" 1080p as i do on my 60" 3d 1080p

  17. This game does not use hyperthreading at all, but yes the 2600k is a massive upgrade even though the OP has his OC to 4.0, the bottle neck in the bridge is causing a problem.


    Also make sure in BIOS in the i5 the rails are set to 16x not 8x some of the versions of boards defaulted to 8x and have to manually changed, same as the i7 defaults ram from 1600 down to 1333 for efficiency and has to be manually increased. Had to do this with my 2200 RAM as well as it defaulted to 1800


    Never had to turn off hyperthreading at all. But that can be board/processor specific.

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