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Posts posted by lynned

  1. Thanks for that info. You would think game info would be on the official page and not exclusively on a third-party site. Have they always used Twitter for announcements like this one? Or is this because people are working from home these days and some of their people might not have access to updating the official site?
  2. I see a lot of posts of people having issues with installing, downloading, and/or launching this game. It's a little sad to be honest that they know people are having these problems, but don't do much to fix them. For this reason, there are a ton of guides online to fixing these annoying problems. The community stepped up when the developers wouldn't.


    First, I'd try repairing the install. Might get lucky there and get it to work right. Worst-case, a fresh install may be in your future. See what google has to say about your issue. There might be a quick fix for it.


    Good luck!

  3. I appreciate the reply. I can certainly learn the class, I was just wondering about squishyness (not a word, I know...), specifically for solo content.


    So, it kind of boiled down to, is it normal for sorcerer to have to self-heal in, say, a Heroic 2? Self-heals and defense CD's are a normal part of the rotation in solo content?


    I got so used to steamrolling heroics as a warrior, I wanted to make sure this was the normal for sorcerers.

  4. I've been playing a lightning sorcerer, and I've been enjoying it. I was wondering about the sorcerer's abilities when in content like solo flashpoints or Heroic 2+. In other classes I've played, I was more or less able to just set companion to healer, and I clear harder solo content without ever having to touch a defense-related ability.


    When I play Sorcerer, I'm constantly having to self-heal or use defensive cooldowns just to survive. Is this normal? I guess I thought since lightning is a DPS spec, It would have survival similar to other DPS classes. Or is Sorcerer just a healer pretending to be a damage-dealer?


    Thanks for any advice :)

  5. I made the mistake of picking a class I thought I would like, then ended up hating it and wasting the boost.


    I really recommend trying out a class from level 1 first. Play through the intro planet to get a feel for the class since a big chunk of your main abilities can be learned early. Then if you like it, you can use the boost to make a new character of that class. If you don't like, delete and try another class.

  6. Loving the idea of Legacy ignore.


    Was wondering about PvP though. Removing the vote kick feature would probably help stop some of the toxicity, but the auto-detect for AFK, etc likely doesn't work the greatest either. Maybe someone could comment on how well that bit helps. I did see a post earlier about disabling chat during solo PvP. I would support that, but the population on this game is so small, the harasser could just start getting vicious through chat after the match ended. Or even get his "friends" involved when you start going for the ignore button.

  7. Someone who knows more can correct me if I'm wrong, but I've never been able to find a way to narrow down a search like that. I always end up going through the pages to find what I want.


    If your GTN interface isn't slow, you might try to match the icon to what you want when you quickly flip through pages. Black and black is a little easier to spot because it's got a platinum mark on the icon. Or sort by price. It's unfortunately one of the most expensive, too.

  8. Welcome!


    Yep, this is definitely a game you keep coming back to. I just recently came back myself. My jaw dropped when I saw the last time I played was 2013. Seven years later, this game still drew me back!


    Glad you are enjoying it, too :)

  9. Still looking for the option to disable the UI notification whenever points are earned. It's big, it's annoying, it's in the way. People have been asking for this for as long as it's been around.


    I know some players like to see it, but many of us hate it. I saw on another thread that they were going to shorten the time it appeared on the screen. A much welcome improvement, but even better would be to let us turn it off.

  10. As the title says, I would LOVE an option to turn off the Conquest pop up window. I actually lost count of how many times I saw that thing today. I'm not talking about the one that says which guild controls what. It's the one that shows the goal finished and points earned for Personal Conquest.


    I wouldn't mind it so much if it was smaller or could at least be moved to somewhere out of the way. But it tends to open right over what I'm trying to see, and it moves down even further towards the middle of my screen if another notification pops up at the same time. Yes, it closes on it's own eventually, but when I'm in combat I can't see what's killing me. I just want to enjoy the story, and this notification is ruining my experience. I realize it might be useful to some players, but I just want the option.

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