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Posts posted by snuff_daddy

  1. <Revolution> is a progression guild on the Imperial side of The Red Eclipse.


    We started doing progression raiding with the launch of DF/DP and have cleared everything since then including RAV/TOS (10/10). As we have seen some long time members leaving SWTOR, we are looking to bolster our ranks for doing everything once more while we wait for new operation content.


    We are currently recruiting a tank, a dps and a healer for Nightmare Operations. We are focusing on 8-man operations, but also do 16-man content for achievements. We expect you to be skilled at playing your class/role and be able to adjust to raid mechanics and tactics.


    We do progression/Nightmare raiding on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays 8-11 PM (CET). Most other nights we farm gear/achievments. You are expected to be able to participate on the scheduled nights for Nightmare Operations.


    As some of our raids are being streamed we will eventually make you famous... :)


    We have guild Flagship, Reputation and Experience bonus, Teamspeak server and website.


    Apply at http://revolution-sw.enjin.com/

  2. <Revolution> is a progression guild on the Imperial side of The Red Eclipse.


    We started doing progression raiding with the launch of DF/DP and have cleared everything since then including RAV/TOS (10/10). As we have seen some long time members taking a break from SWTOR, we are looking to bolster our ranks for doing everything once more while we wait for new operation content.


    We are currently recruiting a tank, a dps and a healer for Nightmare Operations. We are focusing on 8-man operations, but also do 16-man content for achievements. We expect you to be skilled at playing your class/role and be able to adjust to raid mechanics and tactics.


    We do progression/Nightmare raiding on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 8-11 PM (CET). Most other nights we farm gear/achievments. You are expected to be able to participate on the scheduled nights for Nightmare Operations.


    As some of our raids are being streamed we will eventually make you famous... :)


    We have guild Flagship, Reputation and Experience bonus, Teamspeak server and website.


    Apply at http://revolution-sw.enjin.com/

  3. TL;DR: Thanks for finally fixing this. Include 224 MK-2 random drops for Nightmare content in 4.2 and fix stats on tanking gear.


    Obviously the decision to implement a priority hardmode operation with 224 gear drops has anyone that is semi-capable of at least being carried through undermannable content fully geared in 224.


    The omission of 224 gear drops from Nightmare Operations has just led to raiding teams being devided between gearing characters through endless spamming of the priority operations (or falling behind in the gearing race) versus doing some challenging Nightmare content for no other reason than the "challenge". "Challenge" as most raiding guilds have already cleared the current Nightmare content - a lot even on the appropriate level. It's not really progression if you have already done it. You left us with no common goals.


    Most raiding guilds are as a result of this either disbanded entirely or seeing long-time members fleeing to avoid being bored to death. A lot of efforts on behalf of guildmasters and raid leaders gone wasted due to poor design decisions.


    Looking ahead, I appreciate that you finally came to your senses regarding this. I do however encourage that you take the following into consideration for 4.2:


    - Include 224 MK-2 drops as random drops from Nightmare content (including earpieces and implants).

    - Redesign tanking gear to include the Shield/Absorb combination as current tanking gear is useless.

    - Have 224 token gear for tanks include B-mods instead of non-lettered mods as B-Mods are clearly BiS for tanks.

    - Mastery is a useless stat for tanks. Either make it do something usefull - like contribute to your Armor Reduction or mitigation stats - or make it less dominant in tanking gear. We want Shield, Absorb, Endurance and Defense.


    A "BiS" 224 geared Assassin/Shadow tank will get one-shot regularly on several fights with no means to mitigate this. Increase the Endurance stat pool from BiS gear at the expense of Mastery. Please! Even some dps classes have better survivability.

  4. Time spent for the minor stat increase is not worth it unless you have unlimited time, only have a single or a few toons or if you rank very high on OCD.


    A suggestion to make it worthwhile and rewamp interest would be to make the stat boosts legacy wide and make them stack on all toons for each datacron. That would also motivate people to roll more toons and hence keep the game alive by boosting lower level in-game economy by adding a levelling credit sink.

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