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Posts posted by Dimdeo

  1. ...er, that was supposed to be cynicism, not endorsement.


    OPvP had its day in the early days of MMO gaming, but its ultimately a failed concept. The only thing game developers have found out with numerous OPvP experiments is that it is detrimental to the gameplay on a large scale, due to the fact that it is inherently impossible to balance it in any meaning of the word.


    Hence, people are forced to fend for themselves in any way they can.


    Personally, I don't mind because I've been 'baptized with fire' since my initial MMO experience was with Ultima Online back in '96 or '98, before they did that Felucca/Trammel split. Friggin' "murderors" everywhere in that game. But back then, I was in my 20's, and fiery and temperamental with PvP fights. I was ready to defend myself on demand, and as much kill people on demand whenever I saw them.


    But in those days, I've never given thought about how others might feel. Many people would not mind maybe a fight or two, or a death every now and then, but PvPers know no limits. You can't enforce any kind of morality in OPvP, and there is no way to restrict people from just plain wrecking the everyday experience of other people who are timid and not so battle-hardened.


    Why do so many people populate PvE servers, and why are the numbers in PvP servers dwindling? Isn't it obvious that people don't enjoy being targeted and 'hunted down' so frequently? The age of OPvP is over. Things have moved on to consensual PvP where people fight under equal circumstances, or not at all.



    If there's one thing PvPers suck at, its seeing things beyond their own egos and cocky demeanor. Many people don't realize just how much abuse there exists in those "clever tactics to always win". That's why they don't realize why OPvP doesn't work, and that's why they do foolish and stupid shi* like premades in casual queues, that does nothing but drive more and more newbies and casuals away from the game.


    ^As a former UO player whose guild village was located in Felucca (the open PvP area) i fully agree with this post :-)

  2. (I'm just a mediocre PvP'er / altoholic, queueing alone in mid/end brackets on tanks, healers and DPS chars. I don't like playing my sorcerer anymore though)


    First i thought, why can't groups just have their own queue (ranked)?

    Then i realized there's not enough players for this and also, some groups are just friends having a chat and a laugh.


    Then i thought, why not give EVERYONE a rating and get rid of ranked?

    Then i realized my rating would rely mostly on the performance of 3 to 7 random people.


    So i guess the queue situation is okay as it is.

    Sometimes we're lucky and get carried by a premade. Sometimes we're not so lucky and have to work hard but still lose. If it gets too frustrating just step outside and get some fresh air :-)


    On a sidenote: Why aren't arenas cross faction already?

    Story-wise it's just a couple people thrown into a pit to fight.

  3. hi all!i started to play SWOTR...and i'm looking for a active guild...who wanna help a newbie.i'm very active.ty for understanding:)

    p.s-i play republic toon


    You're welcome to join us guys 'n gals at DOTU :cool:

    We're a social guild on both REP and IMP side, dabbling in all that the game has to offer.

  4. If you haven't already been guilded, there's a spot for you at DOTU as well :)


    We're a purely social guild on both IMP and REP side, no requirements needed except be sociable :D

    If you want to join for Ops, HM's, dailies or PvP you are welcome to. If not, that's fine too :cool:


    I personally have about 15 characters i switch between so being an altoholic is no issue whatsoever.


    See you around :)

  5. Hi,


    Decided to start my journey into the world of SWTOR and was hoping to find a friendly guild to help me along the way.


    Hope to hear from you soon,




    Hello and welcome to SWTOR :-)


    You're welcome to join us at DOTU (http://dotu.enjin.com/) :cool:

    We're a friendly bunch that'll gladly help you get your bearings here.


    What's your character's name and on which side are you playing?

  6. As the title suggests, I'm wanting to know a bit about the Red Eclipse. I'm from the Progenitor, and I do like it there, but there is a severe lack of pops in GF and WZ's. Especially afternoons. Unless I Q as my tank, I get nothing.

    PvP, sometimes 30min waits between pops. Basically just suffers from a low population for group aspects of the game. :(


    So how does the RE do on that front? I'm interested in some of the elder game PVE, more so than I used to be, and would like to progress a little more and start working my way upto some HM ops.


    Also the pvp balance? Here it favours the imps by a huge margin.


    Hiya :-)


    I don't PvE that much, only the 4 man stuff really. The wait time for that is usually 0-5 minutes.

    For PvP the waiting time is about the same.


    Never have i had to wait so long as 30 minutes. That's just silly :p


    I solo queue with multiple toons on both sides and Balance in PvP is about 50-50.

    The matches can be randoms vs randoms, or with a Premade on one or even both sides.


    There's also an unofficial but very active TRE forum: http://www.redeclipse.eu/ :cool:

  7. Hey all!


    I posted this over on the New Player Forum and got pointed in this direction :)


    I am quite sure you probably get this all the time but I started playing SWTOR about a week ago, absolutely loving it so far, but reckon something that's missing is being in a Guild.


    Can anyone throw out some suggestions for Guilds please? I'm looking to get involved mostly with PvE, and obviously I'm quite low level due to not playing very long! So a Guild that has players to level up along with, while doing social stuff and introducing me to aspects or content of the game I might not be aware of, would be great!


    Just for reference, I'm playing on The Red Eclipse, currently a level 18 Bounty Hunter!




    Hello and welcome on our lovely server :-)


    I'm not sure how active/casual/social you are as a player, so can only point you to the various recruitment posts here : http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=409


    Alternatively, this is the social guild i am in with plenty people levelling on both IMP and REP side:


  8. I solo queue regs on TRE too and really now... there's Premades on both IMP and REP side.

    Lousy premades can still be beaten if there's good players on your side :cool:

    (i'm not a good player but i do like to be carried by them)


    If i didn't hate arenas i would team up with friends as well because playing together with other people is what make MMO's fun :-)

  9. I solo PUG with various characters on both IMP and REP sides (mostly 60 brackets, 1 in mid bracket currently).

    On average it's about 50/50 but it can vary drastically depending on the people that queue with/against me


    - PvP teams can carry me to glory or destroy my hopes and dreams

    - Good PvP'ers i keep an eye on. Sometimes two eyes.

    - Windowlickers thinking a huttball does AoE damage so they run away from it

    - Chatwindow PvP'ers that only enter a warzone to complain about.... whatever.... hemmroids.

    - new players still figuring out the map layout

    - drunkards (can be any of the above)

  10. I'm not a fan of deathmatches so i leave arena's immediately. This is also why i don't queue ranked.

    (that and the fact that i'm a keyboard turner with terribly slow reflexes)


    Regular WZ's i don't leave unless RL forces me to go afk.

    Worst that can happen is that my side doesn't win. I get more upset if one of my cats poos next to the litterbox.


    But if someone wants to leave then that is fine too.

    Who knows, you might be replaced by someone that wants to give it a try?

    Every now and then a losing match turns into a win due to motivated backfillers. And that is awesome :)

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