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Posts posted by mickyluvsw

  1. Dear Bioware


    My companion has developed a most disagreeable habit. People are hiring him to "kill" other people. He then proceeds to kill or "cap" the person as promised in return for "money". Apparently, this is called bounty hunting (like, whatever) and the worst part is I'm one too!


    Please transfer me to Hello Kitty online.



  2. The Digital Upgrade pack is for people who didn't get the Collector's Edition at launch, but still want the digital items that it came with (Portable Holodancer, CE Flare Gun, Macrobinoculars that take a picture of whatever your character is looking at, the Longspur STAP speeder, and a VIP Lounge Wristband). You can get it for any account that doesn't already have the Collector's Edition attached to it.



    Excellent, thanks!

  3. A question related to this pack to save making a new thread:


    I'm a new player to SWTOR. I DLed the f2p client, played it for a while, and liked it enough to opt for a few months of subscription.


    My question is can I buy the Digital Upgrade Pack for my account, or is it only for physical copies or something else I'm not seeing?



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