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Posts posted by Nkya

  1. The Secret World players must pass a challenge to unlock the hard mode access. For instance, the DPS challenge is about to keep doing damage while moving and avoiding the AOE, also interrupt a cast. Tanks and Healers also have theirs. Check http://www.ign.com/wikis/the-secret-world/The_Gatekeeper


    242 gear requirement is too much a grind, it'll reduce even more players able to join this FP. Practically players have to be over command level 300 to earn pieces high enough to balance the tier 3 and below they may still have.

  2. I like the idea of content avaiable for those caring of their characters enough to gear them, but 242 is too hight as a limit:

    - It's a grind, based on RNG, we can get 242 from commander level 180, but it's rare to have all slots covered at level 300. Since it's average, we have to get higher gear for each gear not covered which isn't possible before level 300.

    - Some servers are dying, adding elists restriction to content will make things even worst for their players.


    What about you change the limit to 236? the armoring is avaiable from story more operations and 240 gear can be crafted more easily than 246 one?

  3. As long as there is no class balance, better rewards for wining is one more insertitive to play the most unbalanced classes.


    Bioware should focus at making the PVP balanced before thinking to rewards. The current state is awful already to not leave the OP classes to gear faster.

  4. But I agree. The match should limit the amount of people with a specific role and switching roles once in the queue should kick people from the queue to prevent exploiting.


    You can't switch role once in queue.


    I agree however roles should be balanced bewteen to sides.


    Also there is no point to have more than 3 healers in a team. Or 3 tanks. Or 3 commandos.


    But basic matchmaking was requested since years without any answer or progress.

  5. They had 3 servers in Australia a few years ago, they were closed because they were dying. At the point some Aussies spontaneoulsy created toons in more populated Pacific servers.


    BW fixed the character transfer to allow this players to migrate to another server (since they don't have touched it since, the transfer doesn't support the new features, such as outfit and fortress). Some players would however prefered they merged the three servers.

  6. And how many command crates would you have opened by that time?


    Something like 150 (assuming you start at level 180). Unless you were extremely lucky you'll have not your gear that way (maybe the half of it). The perversity of the system is we have no advantage to spend any component until we have enough to spend to complete the missing part because we don't know which ones they'll be. We'll be beyond level 300 at this moment, certainly.

  7. If the reward is based on damage, as dps

    * I'm not going to waste time anymore to stop Dot and stealth revive others: it's dps waste for me, and more they're dead, more damage I'll do

    * I'm not going to off heal others if the healer have trouble.

    * I'll go kill adds with AOE even if it's not required by the mechanism

    * I'm not going to kite the boss

    * I'll keep dps in AOE, hoping the healers will follow. If i move away from the boss, i'll lose rewards


    If the reward is based on thread, as tank

    * I'll taunt all time over the other tank, i don't care if the dps do'nt know how the boss is turned.

    * I move the boss all the time or hide it, so the dps will slowed. Longer the fight last, more taunt and thread I'll have

    * I'll give up on the boss to taunt a brunch of adds nearby


    If the rewars is based on healing, as healer

    * I stand on AOE, more healing on myself, better reward

    * I don't off dps, the fight will be shorter and I'll have less healing to do

    * I don't cleanse or the target would avoid damage i could heal instead

    * I'll manage to kill one tank in operation or the tank near the end of FP. if a dps off tank, he'll take more damage and i'll get rewarded

  8. I've already played though tunnels but not in China, it works well (some are dedicated to gaming and you shouldn't have issues with them)

    The problem is mainland China. The Great Firewall of China slows down everything and you get at least 200ms latency just to cross the border. Then you have to add the latency to reach the server in US or Europe. If some official decided to filter your tunnel, you may have some extra latency or other bug just because they're rewritting the packets.


    Also consider all what was transfered can be logged by some chinese and change your password after leaving the country.


    You don't have such an issue in Hong Kong if you're lucky enough to be here.

  9. Mercs are pretty hard to kill, but not impossible. It's when you have 4 of them in an arena that it's a problem.

    Or when you are, say the operative, with 3 mercs on your team. you know you wont be able to do anything but escape the focus from the other team with weaker dcd. how fun.

  10. Playing Huttball on my mercenary, I noticed my health suddently rose back to full during a fight. I checked the parse and I noticed a "Renaissance" (in French) heal for 112k coming from me to me in the middle of the fight. "Renaissance" means "rebirth" or "resurgence" in English. Anyone know what it could be?


    Edit: found it here https://swtor.jedipedia.net/fr/abl/renaissance (french) or https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/abl/rebirth (english). That doesn't explain me why people suddently can be healed to full.

  11. If ever they post anything it'll be the positive numbers, without any metric to compare or get an opinion other than "that's a lot".

    my highest character is command level 113 and had half of the slots upgraded (including relics, implants, etc). At this rate, because of the randomness, she'll need 113 more level to upgrade the next 1/4, then 113 more for the next 1/8, etc. It's already boring and sadly it's needing more and more point to grind the next level.


    Bioware can't publish a metric on how tedious their system is.


    People liking to grind without end may be happy, but that's about everything.

  12. Medicine/sawbones is second to sorc and sages due to poor bursthealing, but can shine in group ranked or AoE heavy fights.


    So commando/mercenary are the weakest? Come on...


    sawbone shine provided nobody is attacking them, then they have to use their channeled heal to try to survive between the chain stuns. As DPS, the off heal is slighly better than the mara's or snipers, that's about everything.

  13. Back to your idea of time frame. With 3 tiers of gear no one who does anything but play will have a team fully geared in basic gear in 2 weeks. I raid 2 nights a week (until my sub runs out). That means my team would normally have 10 pieces of gear total in 2 weeks. 15 if we did KP and EV one night and then something else the other (we'll go with that for calculations, but it isn't a likely scenario for my group since we only run for 2 hours a night.)


    At this rate, it's 2 weeks per character. If your raid has 8 players, count 16 weeks (4 months) for your whole team.

    However, Bioware announced changes are heavily promoting last boss run lock abuses, this may quicken the gearing.

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