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Posts posted by Angrise

  1. Just stopped mine minutes ago. So I'll be "here" till January 3rd, possibly. Finding myself logging in and weighing what to do based on how much GCEXP it gives results in me doing nothing. The information that the group content we'll be getting in January will be "5 new uprisings and master level difficulty for chapters" with a vague shot of "maybe some larger scale group combat" made me re-evaluate my entertainment choices.
  2. Everything is very similar, with the addition of, and subtraction of in some cases, a few skills. The largest disparity between 4.0 and 5.0 would be the consolidation, and addition of the class utilities (where you spend your 8 points). But, as you said, you know PvE, have general PvP experience, so I'm sure you can figure out what utilities might need to be swapped up for PvP for your class. If all else fails, try a utility queue a match (not ranked as it's not a place for experiments), and if it doesn't work the way the tooltip reads, swap it up.

    Good luck on your aspiring PvP career.

    May RNGeesus be with you.

  3. For class guides/utilities, Dulfy has decent guides. Class guides will all be altered shortly (if not already) due to 5.0 rework of all class utilities.

    For objectives, SWTOR PvP objectives are really easy to understand. Here's a short break down copied from http://www.constantwarfare.com/2013/04/swtorpvp.html (added the Odessen bit myself due to age of guide, it's still accurate for other warzones)


    Huttball – Similar to football where you try to be the first team to score 6 times by getting the ball into the enemy end zone.

    Novare Coast – Teams fight over 3 gun emplacement objectives in a race to knock out the enemy bunker shield first. Possess 2 of the 3 guns to cause damage "tics" to your enemy shield bunker.

    Civil War – Teams fight over three gun objectives trying to shoot down the enemy ship down first. Posses 2 of the 3 guns to damage your enemy team (same as Novare Coast).

    Voidstar – Teams try to place bombs on the door objectives to get to the end as fast as possible. Three doors, 1 bridge, and 1 force-field between your starting point, and the datacore, all of which need to be channeled without interruption to progress.

    Ancient Hypergate – Teams take control of pylons and run as many cubes to their team pylon as they can.

    Odessen Proving Ground - Take control of cap points randomly activated from the 5 icons on the map and UI. Numerous power-ups are in place to aid you with various purposes such as; Activating a Cap Point to be controlled by your team. Deactivating a Cap Point currently controlled by the enemy team, Doubling the score generated by a Cap Point, and Increasing the Point Generation speed of a Cap Point.

    Arenas - All of the arenas are a 4v4 (or anything less then 4 if someone on one side ragequits) deathmatch.


    Numerous "Power-Ups" exist in all warzones of three natures; green cross-hairs above something loosely resembling a kolto station in tactical FPs which heals you, red cross-hairs over a box/ammo crate looking object that increases your damage, and a green icon over a slightly taller (then the other 2 objects) and more slender object that boosts your run speed. Learning the static locations of these in each WZ will improve effectiveness and enjoyment as well.


    As with most PvP, CC-breakers (and learning when to use them), mobility, and your CC output abilities will vastly improve your enjoyment, and effectiveness in PvP.


    Sorry if this seems poorly constructed, I'm half-asleep at work and am, by no means, a "pro". So, anyone can add or correct any of my information if you feel it needs it. Hope this helps.

  4. Uprisings can be fun depending on the comp. They have differing difficulty levels as well. Story mode uprisings are akin to tactical FPs, but veteran is not.


    I can, however, agree that all of the mechanics of the boss fights are recycled (pretty blatantly) from previous FP/OP encounters.

    If you need kill quests for any companions though, seems like uprisings would be a great candidate.

  5. Work=9 hours a day, Monday-Friday, off on weekends (so no day off since the patch hit yet). Hit level 70 by about Chapter 4 or 5. Finished all of them in 3-4 hours of getting off work (some on Veteran). Galactic Command rank 15 when I went to bed last night, couple of set pieces.
  6. Started a thread on The Harbinger page, figured I'd add it to this topic as well, since I probably should have put the first one here. :p



    Imperial side mains with Republic alts.

    For the sweet love of RNGeesus, NOT Anarcy. If I wanted to join them, I'd have accepted one of the 1,000 ninja invites I get everytime I load into fleet.

    As the title says, I'm looking for a guild for myself and 1 friend (possibly another when he gets back from deployment). We're experienced players transplanted from Shadowlands. I mained all healer class, operative specifically in all three specs (friends main sniper and juggernaut).

    We've only got 1-2 toons on this server (plus our transplanted toon) and are waiting for another 90cc sale to finish the move on all our other alts.

    We participate in all game content across the board. I have full 125% CQ bonus and was a member of the conquest leader for the Imperial side of Shadowlands. I have HM and NiM exp as an OP healer+DPS. My friends also have SM/HM exp.

    We all enjoy PvP regularly as well, and know our classes (I know OP: all specs/merc: all specs/sorc: healing only).

    Two of us are East Coast based (yes I know this is a West Coast server), 1 is West Coast based. My average play time is Monday-Friday 17:30-0:00 (5:30pm-12:00am) and all day (usually) on weekends.


    Feel free to respond to this thread or PM me if you'd like to pick us up. Ingame mail is also acceptable.


    Toon names:

    Asuma Sarutobi-Operative (main)

    Shikãmaru Nara-Assassin alt code 0227

  7. Legacy transfers with your toon. If you don't transfer a toon, legacy starts fresh.

    You will have to repurchase and redecorate your stronghold, but if you have it fully upgraded on your other server, once you purchase it, it will be max upgraded.

    You still have all your decos from the previous server as long as you transfer a toon.

    You get a free transfer for 1 toon if you use a referral code.

  8. Imperial side mains with Republic alts.

    For the sweet love of RNGeesus, NOT Anarcy. If I wanted to join them, I'd have accepted one of the 1,000 ninja invites I get everytime I load into fleet.

    As the title says, I'm looking for a guild for myself and 1 friend (possibly another when he gets back from deployment). We're experienced players transplanted from Shadowlands. I mained all healer class, operative specifically in all three specs (friends main sniper and juggernaut).

    We've only got 1-2 toons on this server (plus our transplanted toon) and are waiting for another 90cc sale to finish the move on all our other alts.

    We participate in all game content across the board. I have full 125% CQ bonus and was a member of the conquest leader for the Imperial side of Shadowlands. I have HM and NiM exp as an OP healer+DPS. My friends also have SM/HM exp.

    We all enjoy PvP regularly as well, and know our classes (I know OP: all specs/merc: all specs/sorc: healing only).

    Two of us are East Coast based (yes I know this is a West Coast server), 1 is West Coast based. My average play time is Monday-Friday 17:30-0:00 (5:30pm-12:00am) and all day (usually) on weekends.


    Feel free to respond to this thread or PM me if you'd like to pick us up. Ingame mail is also acceptable.


    Toon names:

    Asuma Sarutobi-Operative (Main)

    Shikãmaru Nara-Assassin alt code 0227

  9. They've said all the gear rewards from missions/heroic boxes will still exist for pre-70 toons. The current mod vendors in the supply quadrant will also still be there, just the price for their wares will change from crystals to credits. What the new credit price will be is still unknown (at least to me).
  10. For all my DvL toons, I did all the quests (class and side) on the starter planet + heroics. Then on the planet where you get your ship steamrolled through just class + heroics to get the ship. Then ported to fleet, filled log with heroics, and started busting them out. Took about 3-4 hours (depending on class) for 1-55. Then Prelude to Shadow of Revan, which took me from 55-65 in about 1.5-2 hours. With full DvL exp armor and a constant booster running.
  11. Starparse is the general addon everyone I know has. I'm not aware of any others (but I haven't really looked for SWTOR because it's pretty good on it's own). Starparse helps any of the trinity roles though. It can measure DPS, DTPS (damage taken per second), TPS (threat per second-useful for tanks-also to see if people aren't working their threat drop into their rotation), HPS, EHPS (effective heals per second), among other things.
  12. I've done it multiple times on a concealment (and lethality, occasionally) OP, which is also a melee class like marauder. You have to be very conscious of where you place the mines. I always try to do it with the edge of the circle JUST touching Drake, which is approximately max melee range.


    That way you can still reach him just by kinda strafing around him.


    You also have to be very mindful of Nocturno's locations. You have to constantly reposition yourself so that she runs through the mines. If you don't have Nocturno triggering them, you'll wind up with mines everywhere, thus limiting the active space you can play in, and drop additional mines in.


    Also have your comp in healing stance, and be extremely quick responding to the "Abductor" droid's appearance. Having your companion incapacitated for just a few seconds by him can turn a smooth run south. Also, when you're breaking off to dispose of the abductor, you can drop the mines where ever you want (usually in a bee-line from Drake to abductor because that's the route Nocturno will use to follow you.

  13. I've never done a detailed examination of my companion's stats with/without the buffs, but I do know that their HP goes up with the buffs. I would reason that the rest of the buffs work too.


    They come off because it's "desummoned" even after just using the rocket boost.


    I have noticed companions buffing themselves (and my character), but I'm not 100% sure what triggers that. They don't do it every time they're summoned.

  14. Chance cubes, a possible reward in all the new packs are supposed to give you a chance to aquire any of the old mounts/weapons/armor from the old packs. So, it's quite a large prize pool, but supposedly, that armor would be included. Items won from chance cubes are able to be sold on the GTN, so there's the possibility it will pop up eventually, if it's not there already (I'm at work and can't check, also GTN varies per server).
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