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Posts posted by Synrix

  1. if by EU you mean extended universe then it has been officially announced by locus films that it is non-canon universe which i said it in my first post (( google the source yourself since it is old news))


    In this

    Ahsoka from the clone wars(which is canon) is clearly using force choke on the Trandoshan and she isn't a sith / dark sider.
  2. He won't.


    George will make sure of that, in order to further spite the same fanbase he's always come to revile, namely the one from the Expanded Universe, which is from where the original idea came from.


    As Lucas says, he doesn't read that [pesky] stuff.




    He's alive according to George, but doesn't confirm if he'll make an appearance in the future. I certainly hope so.

  3. Yea the number is merely when you created the forum account. It may or may not have any bearing on when you actually started playing. My account was created 11/2/08 but I got into one of the early on pre-beta tests I think it was April of 2011. I had been playing this game a rather long time before it was actually launched and saw quite a few systems change before then (and a lot of which has changed since, too).


    Not to mention some people used different live accounts from beta or had multiple beta accounts. A good friend of mine that was registered as early as possible (before me) has the user id on her actual game account of a million something.


    I created my account on 10/21/08 but I never got into any pre-beta tests. I did get into the closed beta and was playing for several different builds. I remember getting the invite to closed beta and being so excited. A lot of changes since then but I do remember Khem'Val saying something that sounded oddly like "I'm on Follow" every time my assassin entered stealth in beta. That got annoying quick.

  4. Why would they be in the game from the start? Show me a Trando that speaks basic and you may have an argument. Listening to Qyzen Fess as a Consular is maddening after about an hour; couldn't imagine an entire game listening to this.


    Bossk speaks basic in the Clone Wars cartoon

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