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Posts posted by ZahirS

  1. This is a bad idea just for the fact that there are enough mouth breathers out there that even if they added in 50 "Are you extra positivly sure you want to kill this companion?" confirmation popups, they would get a bunch of




    Posts/complaints to deal with they dont want to have to deal with.


    Deny all you want, but there have already been multiple complaints from people who started KOTFE and "missed out on unfinished class/companion content" even though it has 3 separate warnings saying you would lose access to unfinished class/companion content if you start KOTFE.


    You should be able to kick out companions you don't like, but in KOTFE one of your companions is arbitrarily killed by story....that shouldn't happen, even less if there was advertisement saying you got that companion for subscribing.


    For example I would kick out Rusk and Koth if I could.

  2. Why? He is just going to be a shell like Nico. Just another companion to increase. Although I will be getting him so I can ensure I get the alert after him, I won't be using him. I won't be increasing his influence. He is dead. I was disappointed when I heard they were bringing him back. We even held what could be considered a wake for him. It was a great send off, then we find out we can get him back somehow? Seriously, why can't we let Elvis die already?


    No HK-55 was a great add-on for a companion if you enjoy it through the story.


    Consequences of your actions had nothing to do with HK-55 dying

  3. Hm, never thought of rating SWTOR yet. Let's try that by summing up my experience during my time in here:



    8/10 - Sith Warrior - Playability good; Story not entirely good, but quite on the spot. I get the idea the SW seem a little bovine

    9/10 - Sith Inquisitor - Playability good; Story quite interesting. There are some questionable decisions I don't really like, but beside that it's my favourite story plot

    9/10 - Bounty hunter - Playability good; Story almost perfect told and makes fun.

    7/10 - Agent - Playability ok; Story - well quite tricky. There are some decisions the agent is making which are quite stupid to me.

    7/10 - Jedi Knight - Playabillity almost similar to SW, even though it feels weird because of the different movement. For an elder SW player it feels a bit different; Story seems clearly to be the main story plot of the entire game. Even though the JK is so absolute revolting righteous it makes me puke. And playing it evil is even worse. Sadly this class is lacking entirely of the charme of any Jedi from the Movies.

    5/10 - Jedi Sage - Playability good. It fells quite fulfilling to play either of its specs. Those different casts from SI do the trick ; The story starts interesting, but it grows to push you in an uncomfortable direction. Beside that the JS is such an arse licker. It saddens me, while this class and the casting is such my thing.

    2/10 - Trooper - Playability: Meh. It is the mirrow class of the BH but it surely doesn't feel that way. Casting is strange and doesn't look so cool compared to the casting of the BH; Story, ...yea right, this grunt is nothing more than a lose gun for the republic. Almost anything the Trooper lives through the story is wrong. A lose gun becoming just by that a CO. A Soldier running free in his own ship, etc. Just simply wrong.

    3/10 - Smuggler - Playability: Oh, dear god! It feels extremely strange to me and this is the class I simply can't get along at all; Story is quite ok and the Smuggler is fun.


    Playability of the game overall:

    [/size]6/10 - It could've been more if the dev's haven't stripped the abilities trees, and haven't boosted the XP overall input you can mostly put 70% of the entire game play aside. It's a freaking MMO and it already had those XP Booster packs for people who want to speed up and play shortly after the endgame. With those two major changes BW ripped us of a bigger part of the game experience.

    The player can still have moments of epicness.


    Story plot:

    6/10 - Sum of the class story plots

    1/10 - Makeb: Didn't liked anything from the story there. it has absolutely nothing in it I want to play. For me it was extremely boring.

    6/10 - SoR Part 1: Mostly only Flashpoints. I kinda felt quite restricted. The enemies felt like straw men and Lana was such a pain, but the worse was Theron Shan. I've learned to hate him.

    8/10 - SoR Part 2: Kinda liked the development from Part 1. And I loved killing Revan!

    8/10 - KOTFE: It could've been 10/10, if not for "Commander of the Alliance" bull. Any of the classes has absolute no reason to take control of that organisation! Beside that the story plot is great and makes fun. I even got sometimes the possibility to kill previous companions. Though I wished, I'd have this opportunity with any of the non story needed ones.



    2/10 - H2 missions, FP's ...aww hell... this is the absurdity of balancing. While some feel right other seems almost impossible. H2 Makeb missions for example are a piece of work, which stands in absolute no relation of the output of money and crystals we earn. Tactical FP's: some of them are the living hell by doing them with low level alts. They feel at some point even harder than the previous classic trinity mode. I wish that back! Beside that the FP's have now no real place into the story plot to build up.(Doing Attack on Illum or all those SoR FP's makes until some point in the story absolutely no sense).


    My summed notation would be a:



    Disclaimer: Those are only my personal impressions of the game. I wanted to do it in the detail to show, that the final rating is not voluntary. And seeing the final rating I believe it is even more important to break the sum up to show the game is not so bad at some points at all, while it sucks on others to me.


    You really need to try Shadow of Revan and KOTFE, the story really picks up.


    I forgot to mention 9/10 my rating included soundtrack its amazing music for a game, heck if disney does another movie needs orchestra music score like we have here.

  4. Mr. Musco acts as an ambassador between the developers & the community. He brings their news to us and he gives our feedback to them. He is the middleman mouthpiece for both sides of the spectrum, just delivering the letters he's given. Nothing more. When people have complaints about the state of the game, they should act civilized & tell Mr. Musco (respectfully) to let the developers know that they're unhappy that something didn't come to pass and they'd like a response as to why it was so. But going directly for the throat of the mailman because he just happens to be a representative of the people one is truly unhappy with is audacious. It's not his fault his bag was filled with bad letters or no letters to send.


    As for the length of time it takes to accumulate an informed decision, we'll have to agree to disagree. Sure it takes very little time to see the obvious surface problems, but the cracks in the foundation take time & research to get a grasp on I believe.


    This would be true, if Mr. Musco didnt work at Bioware, its his job to let developers know about things like OP is saying.


    So yes, OP is direct feedback

  5. I like what Lucas did with the money, but I don't like what Disney is trying to do with whole Star Wars franchise. I hope they don't screw up the movies.


    Also heard that JJ is huge fan of Star Wars and that Lucas will overseer whole project of new trilogy.


    True on all accounts


    Episode 7 will be a blast, Disney must check up on this game too.

  6. So what about Black Talon with the General? DS for a quick, clean death and LS for cruelty, painfull death in the near future, I`m 100% sure the Empire does not keep traitors alive in cells, they are executed. Just because his life gets prolonged by a bit makes it LS ignoring the pain, torture, humiliation and finally death that the General will have to go through?


    Sometimes living is better than been dead...


    Definetly the choices are thinking individuals here, clean death is only good in very few cases while sparing life should be the norm for a jedi.

  7. I have a genius idea, what if Manaan is the Makeb size expansion.

    Anyone else ever thought about the possibility




    But they really need to polish it to KOTOR standards, I mean we need series fo quests linked to the end, not just random quests and fps.

  8. Im unsure the roadmap Bioware is taking, but definetly should speak with Disney to link the game somehow and atleast have decency with players in the sense of making content not for "selected players" but for everyone.


    My reasoning on this is:


    Raids and IF was modified to include and exclude raids, why didnt Bioware think in putting everything on it? also make intro for everyraid through IF, quests should be able to lead you to intros not intros into quests...


    PVP revamps why is it aimed at Ranked, when most PVP is unranked....why so few rewards, why so few fixes to ranked PVP and bolster.


    PVE Manaan, HuttCartel, Recurring Events its not planned according to players play-time but to Biowares dev cycle, players often play more on vacations and weekends not exactly on the update patch day.


    Im seriously worried Bioware is just making rushed/unfinished/poor quality with only con-been their store which everyone buys stuff from, please fix this things before manaan and also included raid content for maanan you didnt include any for Makeb except 1 raid and the others were polished.

  9. The Sith are divided on:


    Evil Sith, Good Sith....no middle.


    For a society best thing there is neutrality oriented for the common good, so Jedi are actually "Good" standing within society, while Sith do have good qualities the only sith "worthy" of society are lightsided Sith that respect the law and practice control of their inner darkness.


    TD:LR So yes in general Sith are Evil.

  10. Well, nice to see Legends opened an alt account.... At least I hope that's a legend alt.


    If you're serious about Revan rivalling Caedus and Sidious, your either laughably biased or just flat out brain dead.



    You also contradict yourself, saying he compared Revan to Sidious or Caedus (unless you assume I meant the Wizards "sourcebook"), then saying he never compares Revan to other EU material.


    Also, Derpashyn knows revans character, but nothing else, which is why he's a pathetic failure of an author.


    The whole POINT of Abeloth and the ones is that you CANNOT use both sides of the force at once, no amount of godly power will let you do it, they're polar opposites that will rip you apart, yet Derpashyn just slapped it in his novel.


    And his butchering of the exile... Don't get me started.


    Look Selenial, Revan IS COMPARABLE to Sidious or Caedus, because that is how Star Wars Legends work.


    Example to prove my point: Yoda facing Bane Spirit is Morraband (Koriban)


    Struggle is intense, Same with Exar Kun and Luke and countless examples which state that SW characters are comparable to other SW characters and timeframe doesnt matter really.


    Your trying to use benchmarks, the benchmark that counts is FORCE POWER.


    Revan is definetly on-lvl with Caedus if not more, same with Sideous.

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