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Posts posted by TebsOuri

  1. So I know that endurance and defense are basically the most important stats for a PvP tank, I am now full War Hero gear minus the implants.


    When I look at the implants, the War Hero stuff is actually -3 endurance -32 defense vs the free recruit gear I got for hitting 50.


    This is a little.. confusing. The two most important stats and after grinding up enough accomodations it's actually a step backwards??


    Can anyone recommend what would be a good alternative for my implant spots to improve on the recruit ones i currently have?

  2. Yes if a debuff was added the innocent people that disconnect would suffer over a debuff, and I don't want that, also yes some children would try to rage and act like a spoiled brat if rules was implemented.


    Pretty much this.


    Yes there are down sides to putting a debuff for queuing, but it would cut down dramaticly on the retarded rage kid quits that ruin the game for the other 7 people who still have a chance of winning. In my book the pro's more than outweigh the cons.

  3. I have to ask this because I'm pretty new to level 50 but there is one key thing i've observed in my Warzones so far.


    Players rarely even kill each other anymore - Voidstar for example ends 90% of the time in neither team managing to blow past the first door. The pvp seems to be more about interrupts and ninja captures than it is about actually winning a skrimish.


    Due to the ridiculously well geared people with insanely high expetise ratings, and a decent amount of healers being in each game, the only people I ever see die at the ones that are still trying to gear up (like myself) or the ones that get caught 6v1 (and only when all their defensive cooldowns are preventing mass damage mitigation).


    Am I going crazy or is this the case? Every single game there seems to be a couple of combos of healer+guardian meaning that neither of those guys will ever die, and between the guardian taunting non-stop and the healer being able to heal all he wants, no-one ever drops...

  4. There should be a penalty, but it should ramp up.


    For example: first leave of the day - no problem (this lets you cover that desperate call of nature, or significant other damending you help with the dishes).


    Second leave of the day: 5 minute wait until you can queue again


    Third leave of the day: 15 minute wait.


    Etc. In general if someone has a real life emergency they need to leave the game for, a 5 minute wait time generally shouldn't bother them because they'll be doing... RL things. However if some rage kiddy quits and gimps his team, then they need to wait and calm down a bit before they can jump in and do it to someone else...

  5. I'm playing tank spec PvP guardian and for the most part it's fun.


    The only downside is 99% of the time there is no healer, and without a healer it's hard to find a role other than defending nodes. You can try to defend your DPS but for the most part it feels like they dont care if you defend them or not, and don't help you out with it at all.


    I rolled a healer also due to the huge lack of healers on republic side, but whenever I play it we end up with 4-5 healers on the team. I have no idea what's up with that.

  6. Hey all,


    Due to the recent double XP weekend I'm about to hit 50 and I'm wondering if it's worth try to gear up at this point, or if it would make more sense to just hoard warzone commedations and ranked commedations to spend once I hit 55?


    Any thoughts appreciated :)

  7. I have not healed in Warzones for a while but, is it still possible to damage yourself (from abilities or jumping in the fire on hutball) then keep healing yourself, just for stat padding and unlocking medals?


    I have no plan to do this, but people were abusing that crap out of that in the early days.

  8. On my Sage: anything that has stealth.


    Seriously, 90% of the time I am the ONLY healer on the republic side, and as soon as I cast a heal I get 3-4 guys dropping out of stealth on my head.


    Needless to say my Sage doesn't get that much play time. I enjoy healing in general, but just getting instagibbed over and over by the same guys is dumb.

  9. Literally just had this happen to me last night, I read codex entires once in a blue moon but this one was of genuine interest as it's so closely tied to the story and bam, there he is.


    I mean I kind of worked out SOMETHING was up since they said earlier this guy was some kind of genius playing all the crime lords for fools and suddenly vanishes, no-one knows what happened... but still... the moment of the defrosting or whatever it is, would have been awesome if I wasn't mashing space bar going "yeah yeah I know who this is"

  10. Personal opinion time:



    I prefer Smugglers or Agents. They have heal over time abilities, can heal while running around pretty effectively, it also makes it hard to interrupt them, and they can vanish in the middle of a fight.


    Other healers require a lot of cast time to get their heals off which can make it tricky. They also lack the same amount of "oh crap" buttons to save themselves and therefore become a bit more reliant on teammates.



    Personally I prefer the consular/inquisitor style of healing for PvE. It's a bit more of the traditional healer experience with bubbles and big heals and fast heals. I also enjoy it slightly from a role playing POV (not that I role play, but getting immersed in the star wars experience it makes more sense to be using the force to heal people that it does to have a smuggler or commando healing you).


    If you're generally going to be solo'ing content more, a commando would be a good choice because they are pretty strong at PvE even when healer specc'd. Consular and Smugglers are also strong in PvE as healers but you'll take a longer time to kill anything.

  11. Ok i'm gonna take a crack at this based on my experience thus far:



    Most fun dialogue options, this guy's 1 liners are great. Story is pretty decent, not amazing but definitely worth a play through. Later game PvP and PvE they're fine, maybe one of the better healers due to high mobility.


    Imperial Agent

    Same as smuggler but not as many good 1 liners, but probably the best story in the game and the one that can be influenced the most by your decisions.



    I am currently working through the game with a Vanguard. Story: pretty good, PvP with Vanguard is a lot of fun due to being tanky and being able to jump to and pull people around. Commando I havent played much.


    Bounty Hunter

    Same as trooper but a better story (at least I enjoyed it more due to the setting of being a bounty hunter) and of course you weild blaster pistols instead of rifles (which are no way near as cool). The biggest plus side to BH is their animations are considerably cooler than the Trooper's.


    Jedi Knight

    Either tanky and a tough time levelling, or dual weild and melt everything. I heard Guardians are not so hot in PvE tanking right now, they can do it but people are generally finding them pretty 'meh'. Storyline is usual action hero star wars stuff you'd expect.


    Sith Warrior

    Same as the Knight but with a darker story line. Personally I find the Warrior one slightly more interesting because we haven't had that many opportunities to dive deep into the sith story in video games outside of SWTOR. The Warrior also has better companions early on (IMO).


    Jedi Consular

    Sage has virtually 0 lightsaber attacks. Don't play this unless you're prepared to go 100% spell caster. Shadows are very strong right now due to their overall kit but they're considered hard to play as they require a lot of button pushing and using things at the right time.


    The Consular story is good and interesting, but requires a bit more patience than the other stories. I'd argue it's actually one of the best if you're a role player or love star wars in general and pay a lot of attention to detail instead of mashing space bar.


    Sith Inquisitor

    Story was written by the intern, widely considered to be the worst story in the game. It's not BAD, it's still pretty decent as it obviously went through some QA from Bioware, but it's pretty straightforward compared to the other classes.


    Most annoying class in the game right now

    Strictly speaking from a PvP perspective: snipers/gunslingers - these guys are so annoying in PvP its ridiculous, they just setup camp and you can't do much, immune to all sorts of CC, decent defense, if they pick a good spot or have a healer on them they're going to put out some big numbers. I really dislike playing against these guys because... ugh.


    Most needed class

    Healer. Anything healing. 90% of the time I see people LFG they need a healer for the last spot. In PvP I see a bunch of tanks (although mostly just DPS) but rarely a dedicated healer.

    This is probably attributed to the fact that healers rely on their teammates/groupmates for success. I personally have an Imperial Agent healer at 50 but rarely play him because no matter what I heal if people don't do their job we're still going to die.


    Anyway, hope that helps.

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