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Posts posted by Zulfur

  1. As I have been reading this and the other posts, I am starting to agree.


    1. I don't want to have to have multiple characters or have to grind thru them.

    2. I liked the dual spec in WOW, but not in Rifts. The ability to change anywhere negated groups from thinking thru who they were taking.

    3. I agree with those that speak of PvE spec vs PvP spec. I like to PvP also, this makes sense.


    Some want to Tank and DPS. I want to stealth and heal.

    What we need is to have the ability to switch classes. Or have a class-less system completely. Then you can do whatever, where ever and as fast or strong as you want to.

    It can even be level-less so then we can just pick the skills across all the classes and mix an match them. Then we clould have an SI wearing armored pants (that look like CE vendor Armor) with Flamethrowers and stealth ability that can heal at will.


    This solves all the issues I have heard on why we need dual specs while fixing the issue of not enough Tanks and Healers. It also makes the 'solo only' people happy.

  2. are people really this bad at reading comprehension? He's talking about using your OOC heal between pulls. This isn't rocket science.


    If they could read they wouldn't be at home right now, they would have J-O-B-S (if they cannot read then I am guessing they cannot spell either) which would mean they could not play WOW all day.

  3. I have ZERO lag and I am on a capped server. I also only have 256k DSL as I live in the middle of nowhere. Everyone I play with has 2Mb or over for their connectivity.


    You need to turn down your settings (draw distance and turn down the graphics from high), look at what is running (services and apps - like virus scanning) in the OS or buy a real computer and put the gameboy down. No this game won't run good on a $300 laptop.


    Start with turning down the graphics and look at whats running on your computer. Look at the memory adn the Hard drive. Is it defrag'd? this is a huge game with pathcing it will be very fragmented.

  4. Are the CE items only for the first character you login with? I logged in they were there for my main character. I accepted them, the emails said they only lasted 1 hour.


    I logged out and into another and there are no emails for the items.

  5. im in the early state

    but ppl is rly complaning about lack of content and the game is not even out?



    not sure if trolling or just ...

    nah.. it cant be serious, for real




    If u want to compare wow to SWTOR, get wow launch day against Swtor launch day



    i bet you cant even compare that , since swtor crush wow in every aspect


    And that coming from a guy who played wow for 6 and half years (to gives you an idea how fan i am , ive traveled 22.000 km to assist to a blizzcon)



    yes im a wow fanboy, but this game is much better.


    Play less WOW, learn better grammar.

  6. what amuses me is the people complain about more of the same, but when they realize that its not more of the same, instead of enjoying the game for what it is - they DEMAND more of the same. why?


    Because they are all lambs... they follow the leader.


    They need mods to make the game easier...


    They need macros so they don't have to actually play...


    They need more content because they failed to read or listen to any of the dialog and missed all the story...



    Because they play WOW for a living.


    This is not WOW and we don't want WOW or I would be over there playing and not reading your dismal postings.

  7. I disagree about addons and macro, and prefer they are not added. We should all play with the same tools. Sure, the tools should be customizable, but we should not be able to create our own tools. People will exploit any opening they are given. So I would prefer BW keeps control over the whole UI, and just allows us to customize.


    I agree! Learn to play the game instead of macroing your way through. You can learn to actually heal instead of your WOW click heal mods. Damage logs, mods, addins, all make WOW like watching a game movie and once in a while you click something to see the next part.


    They have always said they would not allow mods. I agree that the UI needs to be able to be moved and resized.


    Bioware does not want the risk of introducing viruses or keyloggers into the game either. Bliz spends tons of money having to support people that get their accounts hacked and want their stuff baack because they downloaded something. This will aloow them to actually work on the game!

  8. Only engineers in wow could sell one mount. Most of their mounts are BoP, tailors have their carpet. Engineers have their flying machine, both (bop). Don't speak non-sense. Only the mechano-hog is boe.


    and the mchanohog cost over 15k in resources to make. It would be quite economy wrecking if at level 25 you could make things that would bankrupt players and tank the ecomony. I know this is America and all but the economy is not supposed to have to borrow to get what they need to live and survive.

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