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Posts posted by DarkCarnage

  1. well i hoping it will be a HK-50 body with some core programing for the salavaged HK-47 core. becuase if he not the wise cracking morbid driod we all love, i will kick his silver butt out the nearest airlock lol. i already got a butt kissing droid on ship.
  2. If there is anything keeping that game from competing with upcoming MMOs it's the clunky engine. Why couldn't they simply get the Cryengine or Unreal3 engine?


    maybe at the time those did not meet the genraly ideas and requirements tehy lookign for, hence the picked the hero and disided to mode it becuase they like it's tools set. just my theory however.

  3. PCs get more viruses because they are less secure... simple as that.


    it not jsut taht windows had a securty issues, it also that anyone that going to make a virus not going to aim at the population that only 10-ish%(the Macs) vs the 80%(pcs, the other 10% or random other platforms, and no the numbers are partly made up to lazzy to find the study i used for my essay while in IT school) you want to aim fo the biggest target to to cause as much trouble,hack data, etc to the majority.


    and Mac OS not perfect other wise tehre would enver be aneed for they updates tehy do, including some if you read the notes security updates to prevernt securty issues.AKA hackers,virus,etc. hell 3 years ago asa class project me and 3 other hacked 3 diffent mac ystems in the computer lab to show poeple macs can be hacked, jsut takes allittle more skill and diffrent tools then a PC.

  4. well i do not mind some bug in a game as long as it palyable and he bugs not ever 10 feet. hell i played KOTOR II the sith lrods, and remeber that game was fairly buggy, sitll played it and ebat it with out any major issues. still love it and whats why i am here. i like teh IP, i like teh company making said IP and i i like the the prior games, so i'm iwlling to give this one a try, wait for a short while(just this month resubs for 6 montsh since i enjoyed myself so far) and after those 6 months i might resub for 6 more, if it getting boring maybe 1 or unsub for abit pending how the patching and new content goes.


    just about donw wiht my first 50 toon, just pollishing off IIum quest that i can, that one bugged one i foudn so far mocking me from doing a complet planet clear)

  5. EvE is a good example of a game with a very satisfying amount of depth to the point that it overwhelms some. I couldn't get past the leveling via real time waiting rather than it being a playtime investment which inevitably lead to the game not really being for me. I would argue that they've stayed true to their plan even knowing that fundamentaly changing things like what I mentioned my problem was with the game might have lead to some short term success.


    i tired eve but combat broed me out fo teh gate, jsut click one someone and off you go, very little control or optoins, but if i hear tehy add more to it then i might give it another try. that was my only big issues with eve. but that a really big one for me i hate jsut auto attacking thigns to death lol.

  6. well to me a exp grind seeem like i bore me to death, as i did that for ages in games like ff11, it was horriblely long and tough in that game. even ahd to grind end game skills from trail weapons and need at lest 1 other person to start if off.


    rise teh diffucalty alittle, sure, making it were it stop feeling like your a hero and more of a grinding machine no. leveling should be fun, enjoyable and not make use want to shot ourselves.


    now you sometimes have to grind some areas for gear, he bane of a RNG loot tables, but i can find it acceptible. lucks is luck, and i'm nicked name "The lucky B@stard" lol

  7. You know...


    I actually think this is the first mmo that DOESN'T have every mission/quest as "kill 10 boar" stuff.


    Actually..I haven't had a mission like that in a long time. All I have had are spying, sabotage, destroying equipment, and raiding tents. Yes, I might have to kill some enemies along the way. But NOTHING like repetitive quests like in a lot of other mmos.


    true enough i had onyla few rare ones, mostly their the bonus ones i got when i found a area, options but i do all quest before i leave a world if i can lol.

  8. maybe it me, but SWTOR does noramly give you quest in little "circles" you get 3-4 of them head out doa quest, maybe find an area ones near other quest spot, does quest, return and turn in for reward. now sometimes the guy or a new quest giver pops up and does the " hey can you got to x,y,z and recover /kill theses?" that does take some running around to do(alddranas had a quest with 3 groups of guys to kill i i remember correctly)


    now some fo you saying there the areas are too big and qaste of time runing around...and yet i see some poeple saying the areas are to small they need to be bigger . seem no matter what BW does it not going to please everyone.

  9. hmm i think ti depends on what they add per patch but also what more stroy they add with said aptches and later expantions. if in the first one they open up a pvp space area i can see alot fo poeple staying/joining/rejoining just for that.


    but i be semi real-ist and form waht i seen of odler mmos and whast out now and what we know coming down teh pipe line i can say can get at lest 5 years maybe 7 before issues start t show up, unless BW stay on he ball and keep good track of what it doing so not to f-up it own stroys and systems.

  10. ya there jsut had one i think early feb or was it later jan? not 100% sure when but if you go 3 months form then you likely find there Q1 call to the stock holder calls and get newer updated numbers.
  11. for the options in your story, there can only be so many options at this time, due to in time they be adding to waht here and adding more branches. if they have only 2-4 possibles endings for a calss sorty(keeping it simple) when they add the might add to the end of those 4 options 4-6 more things to happen down the line, and then add 2 options to each fo those...etc. it grows on it own and could get out of control fi they did not keep some things semi striaght lined. yes tehre will be some gernal speaking "end" empory dethroned or republic torned to shreads, but how we get there and how we do it be "our" stroy, who to team with, who to kill, who to betray, who to love, etc.
  12. well it hard to intervate a MMO combat options while miantaining blance and fairness to others players. BW did mkae the the choice to remove autoattack ,which the norm in MMOs. if it was click and it happends, poeple be hitting bottons like mad men if there was either no cooldown. and if it was like a FPS then range classes be highly more pwoerful due to headshots and the like. meeles be a much harder class to play.
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