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Posts posted by Tolarus

  1. People have the right to complain when something isn't working. That's not the issue.


    The issue is when people complain and EXPECT or DEMAND that it gets fixed RIGHT NOW, or they quit. It is an unreasonable request. Quit if the person doesn't feel the game is worthwhile right now, but making unreasonable threats just show an ignorance to the development cycle of such a massive game.



    This right here. Too many people seem to throw common sense out the window. It's the "It's all about me" and "I want now" crowd and scream and throw temper tantrums.

  2. You know they are working on these issues yeah? It might not fit 'your' schedule but they are being looked at and will be addressed/fixed.


    Ive seen very few if any bugs, content that needs to be worked on, absolutely, but that takes time, cant just snap my fingers and have a game tailored to my hopes and dreams.


    Calm down.



    *Hundreds of posts about people quitting every day? I see maybe 3, if that now that the first month free trolls have gone.

  3. I love the fact described by the OP. It means I spend more time playing and less time pissed off that I have to wander around looking for something to do. I believe the OP would be happy in EVE... that is a 100% sandbox. I got burnt out on it eventually because I don't like the storiless grind and I don't have Vent (bandwidth issue), but you can't get more free than that! If you have a good connection and a smart brain, the PVP there is out of this world... because when you blow up someone's ship... it's GONE FOREVER, and their tears are real.



    Agree, EvE may be the direction you'll want to go. Best PvP I've ever experienced.


    I like the fact that the missions (quests) in TOR are laid out reasonably well in this game. Love that they tie in side quests with whatever main quest you're running.

  4. Great suggestion, I recommend submitting your idea to them.


    Its unlikely that it will be something that will be implemented any time soon and as far as the art side goes it would require having to rework the character models in order to make something like this work. Even going for the Bib Fortuna look with one of the, well, whatever the hell you call them draped across the characters neck.


    Good suggestion, but honestly, something that may be impossible to pull off, Too many variables that come into play plus the art teams schedule is going to be pretty full for the next 8+ months.


    *These latest images, yeah I could see them pulling that off without much difficulty.

  5. I clicked that link, I laughed.


    But seriously, yes, that ddresses the exact reasons as to what goes on in an mmorpg studio.


    I blame it on the 'ME' generation, that for some reason can't see the whole picture beyond the tip of their nose. "The game is not even 30 days into launch, but such and such an issue is making me upset and should be fixed in 3 seconds".


    **you know, these teams pour their souls into making these games, 16 hour days sometimes six days a week to make milestones, deadlines, etc. They know the issues are there, they really DO care about the players and meeting their needs. No, I'm not a fanboy, but I do know what goes into making a game like this.

  6. **Good news on two levels, offically being called out on the carpet AND they are busting heads of those who were found using this 'exploit'!


    It never fails, they use it every single time. I love it when they try to turn it around on the studio with the "But it was a bug in YOUR game, your system allowed me to do it so its not wrong" line of reasoning.

  7. Nah, the QQer's and Dear John rage quit posters seem to think that game development af an mmo on this scale is a simple push button solution. Hopefully we'll be seeing a dramatic decline in the flame posters over the next 24-48 hrs, as soon as they figure out the 'incredibly complicated' and 'deceptive' billing system they cant seem to get a grasp on.


    I'm very pleased about this announcement so soon after launch. Bug will be addressed along with continuing to provide the player base with additional content, that's good to go in my book.

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