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Posts posted by LyneaSapphire

  1. Awesome, I'm glad that there is some story behind it. I was afraid that there wasn't, and if that were the case, I'd have been sad. As far as ludacris things are concerned, I certainly don't mind them. Things like this just make me sit back and think "WOW...", it has an epic feeling to it.


    Unfortunately, I didn't get to learn much about the Elysium through my Jedi Knight class quests, and I didn't explore much of the planet in the way of side quests. Although, I do think that the Jedi Sage gets involved with the Elysium at some point?

  2. Going back to the OP.

    When you pick your AC, the trainer explains that "sentinels are the lightsaber masters of our order". Why sentinels and not guardians included? What makes the sentinel the lightsaber master? Cuz they dual wield? Did dual welding suddenly become superior over the single blade? I don't understand this.


    First of all, the quote does not say anything about dual wielding being inherently superior to single wielding. Secondly, it obviously requires more skill to master wielding two weapons perfectly than it does one. Dual wielding may or may not be as effective, but one cannot deny the skill required to dual wield. When you think of a "master", which comes to mind first: "skill" or "strength"? The term "master" often tends to be synonymous with "teacher", especially within the Jedi Order. That said, does that mean that one can conclude that these "masters" simply possess more skill, not necessarily strength (youth has a factor in strength too) with which they use to teach other less experienced and youthful Jedi? I would say that it does.

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