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Posts posted by BillyPotatoes

  1. I looked over the Operative on the PTS, and I'll comment mostly on the Medicine spec here.


    Overall the changes seem fine. Loading up evasion with extra effects, like a threat drop, seems odd to me. Having too many different effects makes the ability feel more clunky to use, and also makes it a less like a distinct ability.


    I'd like to see the heal over time component on Kolto Infusion (granted by the Curative Agent utility on live) added back onto the ability for healers on the PTS. It would go a long way toward differentiating Kolto Infusion and Kolto Injection, while also keeping the theme of the heal over time healer. It would also make it different from the Infusion dps have, and more in line with the other operative abilities.


    The loss of Overload Shot for the Medicine spec does reduce the specs ability to do solo content, as well as the overall damage they can do. It leaves the spec without a real filler for when they do damage, and it does feel clunky. I'd rather have Overload Shot than Frag Grenade, but as long as there is a filler damaging agility available to healers it really doesn't matter what it is. Even a buff to Rifle Shot would be fine, just something to fill the void while Backstab and Shiv are on cooldown.


    I'd also like to know if the reduced pushback while casting that healers currently enjoy will exist in 7.0? That would be a painful passive to lose.

  2. Over the past few months I designed all the mechanics for a Nightmare/Master Mode final boss, and I think it turned out to be an interesting fight. I would love to hear what people think of my fight, and I am especially interested in any comments the Devs might have.


    I only used mechanics that already exist in the game in some form. Since I don't know what is/isn't possible to implement in game, I didn't want to create mechanics that would never be possible to actually put in the game.

    I also tried to make the fight flow from one phase to another well, and to have the mechanics interact with each other in meaningful ways. There is a twist on the "Bosses must die together" mechanic in phase 3 that I really like.


    Here it is!


  3. I have been testing the Medicine Operative healing changes on the PTS and overall I have been pretty underwhelmed.

    Keep in mind I am posting about PvE.


    I'll start with the positives.

    I like the new ability, Tactical Overdrive. It is nice to be able to reset the CD on Stim Boost, since it has so many different reasons to use it. I'll feel better about using Stim Boost aggressively, knowing I can have a backup if I need it as a defensive later. A 1 minute cooldown seems strange, a 1.5 or 2 min cooldown might me more appropriate. Not 3 minutes though.


    Now everything else.

    The only set bonus worth using is the Aggressive Treatment set, which causes Toxic Haze to heal for a minor amount. I imagine that either the wording is wrong or the heal is stronger than intended, since it makes each Toxic Haze tick heal for the same amount as each tick of Kolto Waves. That is not a minor amount.


    -The other bonuses are so unimportant I would consider using 3 different (2) piece set bonuses instead, just for the extra stats. If Aggressive Treatment gets nerfed, it will bring the number of set bonuses I want to take down from 1 to 0. They just don't really matter.

    -The Berserker set bonus has been changed and is no longer an alternative for healers.


    The tacticals feel more useful than the set bonuses.

    -The Diagnosis Probe reducing the cast time of Kolto Injection is nice, and feels good to use.

    -The additional healing on Kolto Waves will be good in heavy AoE situations, so the Regenerative Waves tactical is fine in my book. Although it doesn't work well with the Aggressive Treatment set, so that is currently a big downside.

    -Critical Surgery looks nice, but isn't quite enough. Having it only active on only such low health targets makes it a nice backup, however it goes against the general playstyle of the class. I would rather prevent major problems than try to catch up.


    Moving onto the utility changes. The way the utilities are divided now causes so many useful utilities to be in the Heroic tier. Having only 3 points to put in Heroic, while being forced to put 6 in the other tiers just feels bad. I end up putting filler points into some utilities to get to the heroic tier, just to be punished by having all the ones I used to care about shoved into the last tier.


    Lastly, it seems as though the overall healing numbers haven't increased as much as I would have thought, considering how much the player health pools have increased. Although to be fair I haven't done as much testing as I would have liked to figure it out for sure.


    Overall, I feel as though Operative healers are losing more than they are gaining in 6.0.

    I will miss the autocrit Kolto Injection, the reduced CD on Recuperative Nanotech, and the reduced energy cost of Kolto Infusion.

  4. Rather than come up with specific ideas for the new tactical items and set bonuses, I had some ideas about what abilities have the most potential.


    1. Stim Boost - This ability, with the Revitalizers utility, makes the next Kolto Injection instant AND grants 10%, AND grants 20% less damage taken AND 5% restores health every 3 seconds. Will all those different aspects, it is very unclear what this ability is really meant to be.

    I would like to see this be a prime candidate for a tactical item. It could grant two auto crit Kolto Infusions, like a Sniper's Laze Target. Or it could make Kolto Waves channel 50% faster. Or it could grant reduced Force/Tech damage received. Tactical Items would make it possible to turn Stim Boost into distinctly different abilities depending on play style.


    2. Countermeasures - I would like to see a tactical item for this ability because currently it is only made useful by a utility. The ability to place two Kolto Probes with one GCD is great, and it being placed on an ability off the GCD, and with little base value works very well. I would like to see other options to augment this ability with. Maybe reset the CD of Recuperative Nanotech, or something more defense oriented.



    The remaining abilities have less potential than the first two, but are still worth noting.


    3. Shield Probe - This is a boring ability, but has room to add some interesting mechanics. Possibly increased shield amount, health on collapse, DR on collapse, ect.


    4. Adrenaline Probe - A tactical item could change how this ability restores energy. It could reduces the CD and energy granted in half, witch would benefit a more single target burst oriented style. It could restore more energy over a longer period of time, and there are many other possibilities.



    This last one belongs on the Wall of Crazy, but could be very interesting.


    5. Infiltrate - A seldom used ability, with a very small opportunity to even be considered. A tactical item could completely change this ability, and give extremely different results based on the item chosen.




    When it comes to Set Bonuses, my main thoughts are simply that the auto crit Kolto Injection is very important to the spec. It is so important that I would argue that it should be worked into the spec itself. Other than that, there are so many possibilities that it is hard to settle on a few ideas without knowing more about the upcoming changes.

  5. I am available Sun, Mon, and Wed nights, but could make Sat work if needed.


    I have been enjoying running HM ops lately and I would like to run even more ops. I have done most HMs at this point as my Operative, but I haven't finished Ravagers, ToS, or Gods yet. I haven't done HM's on my Assassin tank since returning to the game, but I am interested in getting back into tanking. I like to push myself to improve, and don't mind pulling the same boss for hours if it means progressing.


    I would like to test myself against NiM content, but I would be happy with either a NiM or HM group to run with.

    If you have any questions, please ask.

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