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Posts posted by Pazuzuh

  1. Does it happen every time you use the ability twice in a row? If you can figure out a way to reproduce the bug consistently it may help them fix it faster.



    Almost 1/10 times. I believe it happens when I get rooted at the exactly same time I rocket out twice in a row. Cuz when I'm in danger I smash this ability button several times. And oh, sometimes I get stuck in the wall. I'm scared to play mercenary and get a lockout.

  2. I already used the Customer Service a few times ago, and does not seem to do anything. So, I've decide to check how many having the same bug or at least saw that happening with someone. (btw, sorry about the grammer, << not american)


    - After using the mercenary ability "Rocket Out" x2 in a row, it stucks me on the ground. If I die, I'll stuck in the spawn room. And after a few seconds, will kick me from the match for not moving. And logically, I will get a 14min lockout.


    THE ONLY way I found to get out is to ask some sorcerer/sage to pull me. /stuck didnt work on 6.0.

    pls, FIX this damm bug!! happened to me at least 10 times.

  3. At level 71-75 you are brutally bolstered down and urgently need gear. I read one post that said a 75 with 290 gear is as powerful as a 70 with 220 gear. So in any Op 75s with gear in the 260s, 270s or 280s will be a disaster.


    That's my concern. I was 252 aug and now I am forever 220 cuz the damm bolster? What the hack?? I undertand the bolster for stats you up, but down? I wish they done something like pvp (bolster up until 246), after that you have your own stats.


    Before 4.0, I don't remember what the terms were. (4.0 was released nearly four years ago, ffs!)


    Before 3.0 It was called: Flashpoints (story); Hard mode tier 1 and Hard mode tier 2 (which I suggest Very Hard). Because there is a huge difference between Hammer Station MM and Umbara MM, for example, so I suggest changing some names and levels to better clarify. it


    And "veteran" term should be replaced, cuz Veteran Uprisings are hard, while Veteran Flashpoints are easy (chiss and umbara veteran are hard); but their versions of MM are very hard. See?

  5. I can't never get the daily if these 3 pops-up, cuz people always quit when they find out its one of those 3.

    Understandable. It is very difficult to complete it without a healer, or healer/tank group. And its very very hard to be completed by lowbies.

    By the way, bring back terms like Story, Hard and Very hard, and separate them.


    PS: Bring back Colicoid War Game to Master mode.

  6. AN EASY AWAY to avoid that is dropping the materials more often in the C Crates. I would say 60% rate.


    That way, it will drop the price of each material on the GTN. And it will be more easy for you to make your own gear, dropping the price of the final piece as well.

  7. In flashpoints the lockout only happens when you leave yourself, not when you get kicked, so it looks to me like an obvious bug that should be fixed.


    Indeed its a BUG, cuz the message says "you left the group", and I did not. At least maintain the lockout only for OP, not entire queue.

  8. This have been happening to me a few times:


    I'm in the queue for OP a few minutes. It pops up, but someone keeps declining over and over. Ok, then they decide to click "ready" and seconds after that, they kick me. My guess is that they were waiting for someone else, to switch or something like that.


    The point is that cuz of that, I get a 14 MINUTES locked out and the message "you have left a group in progress". I DID NOT. Someone kicked me 5 secs after the "Travel Now" message!! I do not complain about players switches. But the 14min lockout for everything else (but wz).


    (This happened 2 times this week, and another last one.)

  9. Honestly bud, you're high if you think that only operatives have to LoS and contribute to team control.


    You're also REALLY high if you think merc/mando heals are in a better spot than op/scound in arenas. Sorc is definitely the strongest healer but operatives are in a solid second place with amazing energy management, aoe heals, aoe insta mex and insta casts. They have the highest hps potential but lack in burst healing. Merc can keep itself alive better, maybe, but definitely not the team. I think you just need to work on your awareness and positioning.


    You think? ok. Now, how many op heal queue with you, and how many mercs/sorc?

    How many operatives heal more then 2,5Mi?

    How many DPS insta lock operatives cuz they are easy to be killed, and ignore sorcs?


    They are very good for ranked using voice chat. But for regs, they can't carry anyone, like my sorc/merc can.

    I dont think you play the same wz as I do. Good op exists, indeed, but they are rare, Now every s*** can heal 4mil with their sorcs and mercs.


    And you said it again "positioning". I dont do that with my merc. I only kite and stay immortal.


    The point of my post is that if you want to win games, just healing is never enough. Always look for opportunity to cc/interrupt/hardstun an enemy.


    Thats not even a half of healers job in arena, i just tried to say that if you go full heal-bot you lose 90% of games.

    Thats the point. You MUST do that with your operative, otherwise you lose. Sorcs and mercs do not need it. BUT if they do, they are immortal.

    Some ppl say. operatives must LOS and be 20-30meters full time if they want to win. The other 2 do not need to LOS, but if they do = immortal again.

  11. this.


    1. Quickbars for each spec. (or at least the ability to save placement and reload them a la UI/Keybind settings)

    2. Dismount keybind.


    /claps Thats I've been saying all these years!!



    1- Add a legacy perk "discover all maps". I play this game for 4 years (30k achiev) and still need to discover maps with lowbies. Belsavis and Voss are the worst.

    2- Add a LFG chat for everyone. It sucks have to go to the fleet everyday and wait for ppl spam chat. A nice addition to GF

    3- Let us search for cross factions on /who. And add them to friend list. It annoying you have to logging to other side to see friends online.

    4- Sronghold Dummy. And a dummy for healers. (and itens to increase their dmg if you want to). Ppl said companions dummy. Nice one

    5- Fix mimimap colors if ppl are stacking. (you cannot see how many are there if stacked on pvp nodes)

    6- Bring back old AOE marker on the ground. This new one looks so Playstation 1.

  12. But you ignored the real problem which was the source and reason of the skanking problem, that due to the fact that the defensiveness of skanks is mostly not based on their tank stats, it is preferable to use skanks rather than tanks in PVP. If you equalize skanks and and DPS in PVP with thoughtless brute-force damage-nerfing, you are making real tanks who are playing the class as intended worse and underperforming and breaking trinity.


    BW Killed pure Tank in pvp.

    They are even worthless now. But they dont care, cuz they love how ppl spend time over time to get 6 set bonus pieces, then full dps gear, then full aug. GRIND GRIND GRIND...................................


    A real company would realize that players are leaving the game cuz these stupid ideas. A real company.

  13. My suggestions:

    - Its not possible to remove mods from Set Bonus Tank gear. "Blue gear" is not removable anymore; or...

    - You can remove mods from gears, but DPS mods does not fit a gear with a set bonus armor already set; (a gear with previous tank armor, blocks any mod different from def/shield/abs; or...

    - Add a passive ability that a selected spec can only use its gear. (tank can only use def/abs; DPS cant)

    - I like this one: make pure tanks effective. Give tank stats (shield/abs/def) a must have, like Pve does;

    - Make taunts from pure tanks more effective .


    But some of this ideas reflects on other classes and specs. Lets the war begin.....

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