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Posts posted by YuriSensen

  1. I dont understand why subscribers have to pay for anything!! We should have access to everything for free with our subsription!!!!!!


    It still makes me wonder what exactly I gained by buying the expansion, outside of a new planet (and the hutt item that lets you visit the skill shop freely). I'm already considering suspending my acc's subscription because of bills that are stacking up for me at the moment. The fact that everything is turning into Maple Story with the whole "You must buy everything even though you gave us your money" spiel, isn't helping.

  2. I really don't see the point in this either. Charging for this race just... feels like a bad call. They already have enough problems to deal with, yet it feels like they're intentionally kicking their own ***.


    Added - I asked around, and I'm being told it was already pre-determined that the race would be a cartel only item. I've also never seen any evidence or claims by staff that the race was to be part of the expansion. You're welcome to post the evidence if you can prove otherwise.

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