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Posts posted by Christmess

  1. Actually, the best part are the forum trolls telling people not to care about their rating. It's not like ranked isn't based around ratings or anything. Theres absolutely nothing differentiating regular warzones and ranked.


    its kinda sad they actually care about the rating, i play ranked because its arenas and they are better. ofc i don't go in ungeared, but still

  2. Please, enable these for the game. I'd be willing to pay more just to get my EU chars to the US servers. I was in europe when i started playing, so i rolled an EU server, but now all my stuff is over there and i cant transfer. I have alot of stuff acquired there and i'd rather just be able to pay and transfer then reroll


    For the love of god. can you guys decide which night is the "Scheduled" maintenance night. "Tuesday" or "Wednesday"? (Australian locale) - Many guilds schedule their raids on a Wednesday (Day after weekly server reset)


    Many of us have lives outside of swtor and plan raids around our lifestyle for a healthy game\life balance. Many guilds lose out on a full week of raiding every time you guys chop and change the scheduled patch day. I don't really care if it is Tue or Wed, just stick to 1 day please so that we can plan our raids accordingly.


    I truly understand the complexity of patching and that sometimes delays can happen, but think about the community of paying customers when you decide to deploy a patch, is this a patch that could of waited until next Tuesday for example.


    I LOVE YOU! :jawa_tongue:

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