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Posts posted by Blahdee

  1. I had an idea the other day for a better PvE end game (imo). The whole idea is to eliminate the mass-repetitive nature of end game, but keep just enough that you feel like you've 'figured out' fights. On the other hand though, I didnt sit down and figure out every detail, this is just a guideline.

    Story wise, it's like theres a ship that moves into an area of the galaxy. And there's some stuff to do in that area. It spends a week in that area and moves on.

    Week 1:

    Operations: EV

    Hard Modes: BT, Kaon

    Dailies: Belsavis

    Week 2:

    Operations: KP

    Hard Modes: BP, Foundry

    Dailies: illum


    ...yada yada.

    I realize some of these aren't 'in the area'. I was just using known examples.

    And then I would have made the dailies be more of a supporting role for the hard modes and the operations- possibly to the extent that they unlock each other. Then guild members without much gear get the sense they are contributing since there's a connection. The operations and hard modes would be able to have alot more story crafted around them through the dailies quests, and the whole thing would change after a week so it wouldnt get too repetitive.

    Yes, this model doesnt work so well when there's only 2 operations, and it would be nice to have more than 1 a week.

  2. I think it's just that once you use quinn, you never have to worry about your health or what the heck your companion is doing. But that's a crutch.

    I got to 50 using every companion, and only in a few of the last fights did I feel I had to have quinn (which I admit, sucked). There was even a few boss-ish fights that I went without a companion and had friends ask me for help on because they could not take the guy, even with their companions.


    I did run with quinn more than any other companion, but that's mostly due to the fact that im on a Pvp server. I enjoy the excitement of potentially getting attacked or attacking, but this also caused me to run with quinn "just in case" i got jumped.

    I dont feel I can win a fight vs a dps + companion without a healer.

  3. I have experienced the same thing as the above poster and faguely remember having an issue where something that should have worked showed "the desired affect is not present".


    Also, last night channel hatred started showing like it had a 15 minute cooldown. I was able to use it correctly, even when the 15 minute timer expired, but that was freaking me out a bit. This was on corellia, where i started running into several issues (retaliate issue has been ongoing).


    My point is that maybe it is part of that UI bug. If you start getting the message, but the icon is lit, just do nothing but spam it to see if maybe the UI is showing you the wrong thing. As for the twirl animation, I've found that stopping everything, so as to reset the animation and GCD, seems to let retaliate work correctly. And then it seems to be good for awhile. I know it's difficult seeing as we have to spam a ton, but just give it a second to breathe, and it'll catch up :)


    Edit: To add a bit, I have mapped my second bar to be Shift+1,2,3.... etc. Sometimes, I'll be holding shift and spamming #3, for instance, and it will trigger the abilities on #3 AND Shift+3. I would theorize that it might be polling the keyboard twice, which could explain this, the above problems, and possibly other things.

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